
If the world had a Sequence Game

In the bustling metropolis, bathed in the neon glow of the blue and purple night, the system bestows upon players the abilities they've always dreamed of. Immortal arts, martial prowess, Yin-Yang sorcery, extraordinary technologies, spirit-binding enchantments... Players from different systems engage in the battle of the sequences. ——My name is Shadow, and by the time you read this message... I am already the first in the sequence.

Bdd_rr · Games
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113 Chs

Chapter 11: The Sequence Game is No Joke

"The countdown for the E-rank Area-level Sequence Game: 1987 seconds..."

When the system announcement appeared over A City's night sky, it seemed as if the real A City had finally awakened. Approximately 9,565 players immediately summoned the system interface.

Just like neon lights turning on, A City began to see a large number of sequence titles, all quickly converging towards the Linggu Valley District.

In the world of conflicting players from different systems, every opening of a sequence game scene presented a rare opportunity to quickly improve rankings.

Not only would completing the game yield dropped items, but a player's performance within the scene would also be evaluated with greater weight and recorded in the sequence rankings.

In the world of the sequence game, sequence ranking always took top priority.

It was not only a concrete manifestation of a player's status and reputation, but when a player's sequence ranking reached a certain level, the system would grant them a percentage increase in strength.

This was a ruthless struggle for resources, a platform for power struggles among different factions.

"So, do you understand now, young man?"

Underneath a high bridge in the Linggu Valley District, a middle-aged player of D-rank intercepted several E-rank players, calmly saying:

"The sequence game is no joke."

The intercepted players looked at each other, seemingly not understanding the intentions of the D-rank player. One of them questioned:

"But, the E-rank sequence game doesn't seem to concern you. Why are you stopping us?"

"Why?" The middle-aged player swung his left hand, slicing through the air with a sharp blade.

He explained slowly, "Someone hired me, that's all."

"After all, the more players participate, the smaller the chance of victory for the benefactor." He added.

After speaking, the middle-aged player emanated an aura, and with lightning speed, swung his blade!


A fierce blade mark, ten meters long, cut through the asphalt road, scattering debris!

The onlookers swallowed nervously and hesitantly took a step back.

The middle-aged player scanned the crowd mercilessly and continued:

"Although this area is under the jurisdiction of the Seventeenth Bureau, I will still abide by the established player order..."


He raised his blade again, staring at the players in front of him, and warned:

"Because when a player dies, they vanish as data. Dealing with the aftermath is just a bit troublesome. I don't mind breaking the order once."

In other words, if you guys don't leave, I will attack.

The intercepted E-rank players finally experienced the true world of the sequence game. They complained for a moment, then wisely left.

Similar scenes were unfolding throughout A City, as players from different systems began their sequence conflicts.

"Members of the Ninth Group of the Seventeenth Bureau, begin deployment."


Due to the short preparation time for the game, which could trigger numerous conflicts, the Seventeenth Bureau quickly deployed personnel to patrol various areas of the Linggu Valley District.



As Alister stealthily arrived at the Linggu Valley District, where the sequence game was about to unfold, he encountered scattered E-rank players and official patrol personnel on the streets and alleys.

Some players still concealed their sequence titles, blending in with the crowds, either lingering on the streets or staying in shops, indistinguishable from ordinary people.

Due to the crowded nature of the Linggu Valley District, Alister could only make his way to the rooftop of a building, overlooking the vast cityscape of A City and the deep night sky.

He gazed into the distance, observing the number of same-rank players. With his left hand against his chin, he said:

"It seems that most of the lower-ranked E-rank players were expelled midway..."

If he hadn't been able to use shadow travel, he would probably have been intercepted by those D-rank players and expelled midway...

At this moment, there was a trend among the Linggu Valley District players to form teams, grouping together in pairs or trios with familiar faces.

After all, in large-scale player conflicts, teaming up was the most effective way to prolong survival time and improve the chances of winning.

With crimson aura swirling around her, the white-collar woman – "E-rank 78,473rd."

The young man in a sports outfit, wielding a baseball bat and releasing martial arts aura – "E-rank 49,886th."

The girl in pajamas lying in the arms of a stuffed bear – "E-rank 13,672nd."

The composite block, neon signs, and the vast sea of people... Their figures were faintly visible.

These were orderly players who were not afraid to reveal their identities, accompanied by D-rank or even C-rank players, openly displaying their sequence titles to the authorities.

They all had influential backgrounds.

After retracting his gaze, Alister summoned the system interface again to check his sequence ranking.

"Player's current sequence: E-rank 10,020,012th."

"Suddenly, I feel a sense of inferiority... Is it just an illusion?"

Although his sequence ranking had been improving since last night due to various actions, he was still outside the top ten million.

Now that he encountered players from the front ranks of E-rank, the gap seemed significant...

Alister sighed, swiped his index finger, closing the ranking interface as if drawing a curtain.

I wonder how much my ranking will improve after completing this sequence game...

For now, let's aim to directly reach the top of the E-rank sequence.

Then, Alister's gaze pierced through the neon lights of the Linggu Valley District and landed on the system announcement, appearing like a projection in the night sky.

"Countdown for the E-rank Area-level Sequence Game: 131 seconds..."

The system's countdown numbers continued to change, with E-rank players from other areas occasionally evading hired players' expulsions and blending into the streets and alleys of the Linggu Valley District.

"Countdown for the E-rank Area-level Sequence Game: 60 seconds..."

There was only one minute left until the sequence game began. Experienced players had already formed their respective teams, and at one intersection, a standoff between two teams even occurred.

"Countdown for the E-rank Area-level Sequence Game: 9..."

On the rooftop of the building, "Shadow" closed his black eyes against the night wind, hands in his pockets, silently waiting for the moment the sequence game would begin.

The evening moon whispered, the clamor faded away, and tonight would belong to the players.


The system's countdown numbers turned crimson.


There seemed to be the sound of a gun being loaded.



The sound of his own breathing.


Bang! Along with a distinct gunshot, the sequence game began deconstructing reality, and flowing pale blue data enveloped the world.



"The latest report for this city: an accident has occurred in the Linggu Valley District, and related personnel are currently working on repairs."

In the instant that E-rank players in the Linggu Valley District vanished from reality, a clear gunshot rang through the night, and an E-rank player became system data.

There was no time for them to react and realize who had attacked. That player disappeared from the world forever.

The sequence game of death.

If any A City residents who hadn't returned home at night passed by, they would notice the swift implementation of traffic control in the Linggu Valley District.

Tall buildings, unexplained appearances of official personnel, the night illuminated by blue and purple neon lights and traffic signs...

Everything seemed to point to the dark side of the world. Those who were dissatisfied with an ordinary life tried to enter the Linggu Valley District, hoping to glimpse the truth of reality...

"Traffic control ahead, please take an alternate route."

... Only to be stopped by official personnel along the way.

At this moment, not only in the Linggu Valley District but also on the internet, activities began to intensify.

"Do you know what? I think I saw someone split the asphalt road open for ten meters about fifteen minutes ago (image)."

"Are you mistaken? Are you referring to the area near the Linggu Valley District's outer elevated bridge?"

"Yes, I saw someone standing there, and then the road broke."

"It's probably due to poor construction quality (video)."

"But isn't it too coincidental? With one wave of their hand, the road just cracks open? Isn't that 'Thought Severance'?"

"Seeing is believing with the video; don't argue..."

Although a player's abilities couldn't be seen by the world, the consequences they caused quickly spread on the internet...

The birth of urban legends...