
It all started when you came back

It all started when you came back to my life...

Its was when me an my brother Tuppy are waiting for our parent to come home so we can eat dinner together .Few minutes later our parent came home exhausted. My mom took a shower an my dad was at his phone talking to someone I think one of his business partner before we eat. After my mom finish her shower someone was outside. That was unexpected were not expecting guest that's what I thought. Then I realize something is off. OH MY GOD! I totally forgot that were meeting the Knight today. My mom open the door and saw a beautiful face like an angel even if she's aging with a man look's like her husband. My parents welcome them hello Mr. and Mrs. Knight. Im confuse why are they here maybe something happen. Mr. and Mrs. Knight visit us when they have something important to discuss or something worth celebrating. . Then I saw a handsome face looking at my direction with a cold expression. So this is the only Heir of Kingston Empire. So this beautiful lady is Elizabeth Knight and the handsome man here is Frankie Knight. H...hi I'm Summer Smith I said without looking at his face and I had the feeling that he just keep on looking at my face as if he's studying my face. Aaron Knight that's my name remember that name. I froze at that moment I forgot that Aaron was back . After so many years ever since he left we didn't hear anything about him. His face became more handsome even when we were young he already had a cold face. Knight and Smith are friends over 5 decades already. The two family is the most powerful and influential empire around the globe. Even though Summer's family is powerful she never thought of using her power to hurt people. Actually people doesn't know how powerful Summer is. Summer doesn't like people to know her identity because she knew some people want to be close to her because her family is rich an beside she wants true friends . There are only few people who knew her identity her best friends Lily, Daisy, and MAX. Her friends are powerful and influential too but not as powerful and influential as Knight and Smith. Aaron, Summer, Lily, Daisy, and Max are friends since they were young. When they were in high school Aaron choose to study abroad while Summer and her friends choose to stay to study in their hometown because they doesn't want to go far away to their parents. Ever since young Summer like Aaron and her best friends knew it except Aaron. As time goes by Aaron came back at there hometown but summer forgot that they are meeting at there house because of all her projects. And Max her best friend like her and no one know about that. Max is scared that Summer might feel uncomfortable if she found out that he likes her because he knows that Summer likes Aaron ever since they were young.

(Present day)

While they were at the dining table Aaron took the initiative to talk to Summer. Summer its been so long since we last talk its been six years .HAHAHAHAHA yeah its been six long years by the way are you staying here for good.? Were going to be college student soon where are you going to study? Actually I Don't either maybe here or there in country B. My girlfriend want me to stay there but mom told me to come home. Gi....girlfriend? I.... I didn't know you have a girlfriend. your still the same your still cold. BTW how did she capture you're heart? Or should I say how did she melt your icy heart. Well she's a super model and we met at Country B and things just happened. OH dear! It's already ten I need to finish my project I'm sorry we should talk sometimes I'm busy today excuse me first. Dad, Mom, Uncle, Aunt, can I excuse myself first? I need to finish my project sorry. It's okay honey go finish your project. BTW Aaron, you should call our friends they miss you. Oh, yeah I should call them. They finish their dinner without Summer while upstairs Summer's tears kept flowing because she never thought Aaron would have girlfriend. It's alright Summer she's just a man.... the only man that... you love. She finish her project at 3:00 AM in the morning. Great I still have time to sleep Summer sleep and didn't hear her alarm and she over sleep luck was not on her side today. She woke up at 6:57AM and her class is 8:00 AM in the morning. She immediately go to the bathroom and took a fast shower and dress up before she went down to eat but she doesn't have time now so she took some bread before she went to the car.


Thanks Mr. Ben If your not the best driver I would be probably late thanks again Mr. Ben no problem Ms. Smith. [ Mr. Ben our driver for over a decade already mom and dad's most trusty worker. ]Summer! hey, good morning Max. Do you have a problem? I think you cry who is this asshole that made you cry. (A faint smile from Summer) It's okay Max I mean I'm okay lets go were going to be late. And your wrong I didn't cry okay?! Hurry Max if you don't want to be late and and be punished by Ms. Bell. Oh right I forgot that math is our first subject early in the morning. Hi! What are the two of you talking about that you're laughing from the hallway all the way to our classroom? Are you?! What? Are we what Daisy? Are you talking be hide our back? You're so creepy Lily when did you come? Just now you didn't see me because you're busy laughing I'm mad right now you should buy me my Favorite. Okay okay BTW did Aaron call you guys? Yeah I forgot Aaron call me last night Max said. Yes ( both Daisy and Lily said) Well we had dinner yesterday at the house and he.... he what Summer???? Ummmm he....he already had a girlfriend she's a super model in country B he told me that yesterday. It's okay Sum were here for you don't be sad. You know what Sum[summer's nickname] you should find someone that who truly love's you. And beside Aaron already had a girlfriend you should let your feeling go move on. How can I move on when ever since young his the only one I like Max.! Who is this boy Sum, that you like?[They are all started when they saw Aaron.] A.....Aaron what are you doing at our school. Well I miss this school so I pay a visit and I heard you guys talking about something. I didn't hear you guys talking about this boy so who is this asshole that didn't like you back? A....ah it's in the movie I was watching the girl like the boy ever since young but the boy doesn't know or should I say he doesn't care if the girl had feelings for him because he likes girls with a hot body. Aaron feel strange at what Summer said but feel a bit relief that it was just a movie. For Summer it's just an ordinary day at school and went to study because she had an upcoming exam and interview at a famous university even thought she want to go to an ordinary college her parent's want her to go there because for them it's a tradition to go that school for 5 decades already. That school is an famous university that only the smart people and was an social elite can enter. But there are people that can enter that school if you can pass the interview and have a full scholarship provided by the school everything is for free apartment, allowance, and things that needed in school. Summer told her parent's she can get in to that school by her own and doesn't want to use their power and influence because she want's to be ordinary and doesn't like special treatment because for her it would be unfair for others who doesn't have enough power like the scholar student she want to try being an scholar student and how wound the upper classmen would treat them. The next day Aaron decided to study here with his childhood friend even though his girlfriend is studying at country B. Summer finish late in her exam and quickly look at the time. Opps, I'm already late she quickly dialed someone. Hello Mr. Ben? Where are you? I can't see you. Sorry Ms. Smith the car broke down I can't go there in time. It's okay Mr. Ben I can take the cab bye. The interview start at 1:30 AM and end at 5:00 PM and Summer finish the examination at 4:00 in the afternoon she took the cab without realizing it's not a taxi but a sports car because she was in a hurry she didn't realize it until someone call her. Her school and the university is an hour away. Hello Sum where are you? I'm going to the university for the Interview. It only take 30min. for here to arrive. Thank you mister, she gave the money and left in a hurry without realizing it was Aaron.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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