
Chapter dieci

Jimin's Point of view

"Hey chimchim wake up." yoongi says with a sweet tone in his voice. I could tell that he was sitting on the bed.

"What do you want and stop with the nickname." I say as I get up from bed as I see yoongi is quite close to me

" well Jimin It's time for your payment." yoongi say with a bit of dominance as he then pins me down to the bed with my hands over my head.

"Y-yoongi what are you doing." Yoongi then start to unbutton my shirt with one hand while he uses the other to pin me.

"Don't act so innocent now, we both know you want this." he then starts to touch my chest slowly as he then reaches for my nipples and starts pinching them

"Yoon- yoongi s-stop." Yoongi then leans close to my ear while using one of his hand to tilt my head.

"Should I really jimin." he whispers aggressively into my ear which sent me shivers down my spine. He then slowly licks my neck as he uses one hand to keep my head in place.

"Wa-wait- Yo- yoongi - uh~mm-" I then start to feel him touching me downwards as he then reaches for my-

"Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing, Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing, Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing." I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing as I realized that all of that was just a dream. I forgot that he took me to his house and also,Did I really just dream about Min Yoongi and doing that. I think I'm losing my mind. "Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing" I grab my phone to see that it's my dad that's calling me.

"Shit, what the fuck does he want." I say as I answer the call. "H-hello" I say a bit nervous on the phone.

"WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU, WHY AREN'T YOU HOME" He screams into the phone as usual.

" I'm at a friends house and mom gave me permission." I try to stay as calm as I can, I didn't want to make him more mad.


"ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS WHY ARE YOU BEING UNREASONABLE." I lost my cool and exploded into the phone.


I just gave up and hung up on him, I don't care anymore at this point what happens to me. I already know that I a, useless, that I can't do shit right. *KNOCK, KNOCK* I was then stopped from my thoughts when I look to see yoongi at the door looking at me concerned.

"Did you happen to hea-"

" I made something for us to eat, and you can't refuse." Gosh did he just interrupted me. Also is he trying to be nice or and ass gosh I don't get him once so ever.

"Alright then Mr.kidnapper lead the way. I say as I get out of bed and start following him down the stair. Gosh he has a really nice house. He then leads me to where the food is and then takes me to the living room. He sits in the middle of the couch of all places he could sit and he just waits for me to sit next to him.

"Hey Yoongi where's your mom?" I was feeling a bit nervous knowing that I might be at his home alone with him. For I have no idea what he plans on doing.

"She's still working"

" And your dad" Yoongi stood quiet for a second and looked down.

" He's …. Gone…." Yoongi then started eating his sandwich and handed me mine, without looking at me. I struggled for a bit to say something, the awkward silence was bothering me.

"I'm sorry I asked I didn't mean to bring it up, he seemed like a amazing person I remember when he talked in front of everyone."


"Gosh when can we go home" i'm in this program at my school that my mom made me signed up for. I am just glad that today is the last day of this stupid thing. Is almost time to go but right they are letting the parents speak if they want to say something. I never even got what the whole point of this program was, heck I don't even know what it's called.

"Well um i would like to say something….. Umm anyways ah I am Min Yoongi's father." woah his dad I wonder if he is as annoying as he is as well. "Yoongi I just hope you know that I care about you very much and love you with all my heart. And I am sorry if I am working most of the time, I hope you know that I am working so that you can have a good future and a good life." He then starts to tear up for a bit and walks to yoongi and embraces him in a hug.

" I wish my dad was like that."

*end of flashback*

" I guess" yoongi doesn't look at me and just turns the tv on.

" I wish I had a dad like yours I was always jealous of that." I mumble under my breath.

" You want a dad that's fucking dead." I didn't know he heard me, he answered back a bit aggressive, which annoyed me a bit.

"I honestly rather my dad to be fucking dead." I turned around to avoid him, It just slipped out of my mouth. It's probably cause he just called me just to yell at me earlier. I think I just made things worse though.

"You're only saying that cause you don't know the feeling of when you lose someone important to you, IF YOU DID YOU WOULDN'T BE SAYING THAT." I could tell that i made him angry but what he said only upset me even more as well.

"YES I FUCKING DO, IN FACT I HAD TO WATCH SOMEONE IMPORTANT TO ME SLOWLY DIE EVERY DAY RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME AND I COULDN'T DO FUCKING SHIT ABOUT IT, PLUS AT LEAST YOUR DAD DIDN'T FUCKING BEAT YOUR MOM AS A KID DO YOU KNOW WHAT THAT'S LIKE TO JUST WATCH HELPLESS AND NOT BE ABLE TO DO SHIT." I stood up and I could feel myself burning up from the screaming that I just did. At the moment I couldn't bare to look at him, for I could feel myself crying at any moment and I didn't want him to see. I look around to find the door to go outside. AS soon as I found the door I excuse myself. "I'll be leaving now"

As soon as I closed the door I just sat down and try to calm myself down. "Breath in and breath." I said to try to calm myself down. I felt like was on the edge of having a panic attack. *Creak*

"You know I am your ride Jimin so can you come back inside please."

"I-I'll just call a taxi." I continue trying to breath but I felt myself starting to breath a little faster when Yoongi got here.

"Look first don't waste your money on a taxi and second.... Jimin I'm sorry I didn't know but besides that Jimin are you ok, are you crying?"

"NO" I quickly reply but, as soon as I hear those words i could feel the tears in my eyes streaming down my face, as i look down and see them drip to the floor. "Shit" I hated when I cried and I hated when people see me cry. Shit even Taehyung hasn't even seen me cry .

"Jimin." I heard Yoongi call my name as he then hugs be and he puts his hand on my head and starts missing with my hair to calm me down as ai cry into his shoulder. I then found myself grabbing his shirt with one of my hands as holds my hand with the other. I just ball my eyes out. The way he was messing with my hair, him hugging, and holding me for some reason helped me to be able to calm down. "Anyways let's go back inside anyways." Yoongi turns around and opens the door as he then drags me back inside the house as I keep looking down. I notice that we were going upstairs though.

"Are we going back to your room."

"No I'm taking you to the bathroom so that you can wash up." I just stood quiet and continue to follow him until we reached the restroom.

"Thanks" I say as I then close the door and wash my face so that I can make sure I don't look like a mess like I do now. I then grabbed a small tower and started drying my face when I then hear the sound of a piano playing from another place in the house.