
Chapter 74

Kumagawa's eye twitched ever so slightly at that, and proceeded to grab a pie off the table. (why a karaoke bar would serve a whole pie, nobody knew)

The wind up was heavily telegraphed, so when the pie did fly towards her, the diminutive girl ducked underneath. This resulted in the pie not hitting her, but instead impacting in the face of Shiranui just as he finished his bowl of noodles and the steam began to clear up.

A moment of silence passed as everyone's gaze was fixed on the silent individual. The pie slowly slid off his face and fell towards the ground, only to be caught at the last second by the small girl who started the altercation.

"No wasting food!"

Heedless of everything going on around him, Shiranui remained still, his face still covered in whipped cream.

Kaminari leaned in towards Kirishima and whispered to him. "I wonder if we'll ever see his face."

The red-head let out a small snicker of amusement.

[Well, since everyone is here now, why don't we do introductions again? You all, of course, know me.]

"Yeah, so why don't we just skip to the newcomers?" snarked Sukinasaki.

"That sounds like a reasonable idea." spoke the pink-haired girl. "My name is Emukae Mukae, a former kouhai of Kumagawa-san. It's nice to meet you all." she said as she waved at the UA students.

"And I'm Akune Kouki." the blonde said as he jabbed a thumb at his chest. "And might I add that you were all impressive at the Sports Festival."

Lastly, all eyes turned to the shortest of the group, the blue-haired girl who was too busy eating to pay attention.

"Oi, Shiranui!" Akune spoke up, shaking her from her food induced trance.

"Ah! Oh, yes." she responded as she raised a hand in greeting. "I'm Shiranui Hansode... Now if you'll excuse me, there's some takoyaki over there with my name on it~."

"Quite the friend you got there." remarked Ashido. "Kind of reminds me of Sato-san with his sweets."

After another round of the prospective Hero's introducing themselves to the newcomers, it was finally time for the festivities to begin.

"Yeah! Let's get this party started!" shouted Kirishima.

"Whoo! Let's get some more food in here!"

"Oi! Don't swing the mic like that!"

[I'm gonna sing that song by Dragonforce!]

"Too long!"

"Go for it Misogi-kun~!"

"Hey! Whose hand just grabbed my ass?!"

"M-my apologies Sukinasaki-sama!"



"Wahh! Ashido-san, you're suffocating Deku-kun with your chest!"

"Mmphm fmmf rmmbf!"

"Ah! Sorry Midori!"


"Why the hell did I agree to come along?"

"Because someone needs to be the adult of the group?"

"Oh yeah..."

[Fine, I'll sing Gangnam Style!]

"I don't know why, but that seems like a crazy idea!"

Ajimu chuckled as things devolved into chaos. "Never a dull moment around here. By the way, no cliffhanger this chapter. You'll have to wait 'till the next one for things to get serious again. Oh, and Mr. Author is almost go to Hospital to write this massive release. So i decide to burn his life as an energy to write."

"... Okay, as it turns out, the idiot author of this story screwed up somewhat. I found that the scene he had originally write in the next chapter, would make a lot more sense if I delete it. So I decided to take matters into my own hands. You're welcome."