"WHOAH! Is the match over already?! Has Kumagawa's reign finally ended?!"
Todoroki let out a frosty as he looked over his work. His calm demeanor belying his initial worry. 'I guess it's over. No matter what his Quirk is, there's no way he withstood that.'
The ice Quirk user blinked.
[Man, that was quite the fearsome attack Todoroki-san!]
And he immediately froze on the spot.
That was the thought going through everyones minds.
"What's this?! Suddenly all the ice that Todoroki had created with his attack has disappeared! How is this possible?! Kumagawa is completely unharmed!"
[Though you might have to try harder next time.] the smiling teen said with a wink.
"How did he do that?!" shouted Kirishima in the stands. "Every time we think we have an idea of what his Quirk is, he just flips everything around!"
"It's like Todoroki's attack never happened!"
"The ice didn't even melt, it's just gone!"
"Nothing's left!"
'Wait a minute...' thought Midoriya as his mind went into overdrive. He was quickly putting together all the pieces he had concerning Kumagawa's Quirk and tried to fit them in place. 'Instantaneous movement, healing wounds and reviving the dead, making it as if Todoroki never attacked... The only thing that doesn't fit is his creation of screws.'
"Ta-da! It's All-Fiction! My destruction is now undone!"
'All-Fiction... Fiction; a false reality. 'My destruction is now undone...'.' Suddenly Midoriya's eyes widened in realization. 'That's it! Take away the screws, and everything else fits!'
"That's what his Quirk is!" exclaimed Midoriya.
"What are you talking about Midoriya-san?" asked Iida.
"Kumagawa's Quirk, All-Fiction, I know what it does!"
"You figured it out?!"
"What is it?!"
"Tell me NOW Deku!" Bakugou screamed as he grabbed Midoriya by the collar.
A loud explosion of ice erupting from beneath the arena cut-off Midoriya.