
Chapter 54


"In essence, this is a competition for the ten million!" shouted the rider of a Class 1B team.

"We're coming for you Kumagawa!" yelled another.

However, it quickly became clear that the majority of Class 1A was actively avoiding the smiling teen. Save for only two teams, Bakugou's and Todoroki's.

"Give me that headband shitty-smile!"


"Gonna kill you!"

[Think it's time to start the show Hatsume-san?]

"Right!" the girl replied as she pressed a button on her controller, activating the boosters on her jetpack and Kumagawa's boots, sending them skyward. "How do you like that?! These babies are the fruits of my labor! With them, even a Quirkless can fly!"

"Get back here!" demanded Bakugou as he began pounding on Kirishima's head to run after his target. "Faster hair-for-brains!"


Flying towards the other side of the game boundary, Hatsume laughed in excitement. "That was an excellent display of my babies potential! Did you see that everyone?! My babies are the best!"

[You seem really pumped up for this Hatsume-san!] spoke Kumagawa.

"Give me that headband shitty-smile!" roared Bakugou as he flew through the air using his explosions to propel him.


"What?!" exclaimed Hatsume in surprise.

The violent teen grabbed the headband around her neck before he was reeled back by a line of tape courtesy of Sero.

"Gotcha' fuck head! Not so high and mighty now, huh?!" he bragged as he landed back with his team.


"Is that even allowed?!"

"As long as the rider doesn't touch the ground, anything goes!" answered Midnight.

"Score! Great going Bakugou!" cheered Kirishima.

"That was damn easy!"


In too much of a good mood to give Kumagawa the satisfaction of a reply, Bakugou brought the headband up to wrap it around his own neck.


"What the fuck happened to it?!" he shouted as he looked at his now empty hand.


Snapping his head back towards Kumagawa, a vein bulged on his forehead when he saw the headband was still around Hatsume's neck.

"Whoah! What's this?! Somehow the headband Bakugou had just stolen has been returned! Just what is Kumagawa's Quirk?!"

"That's something we're all trying to figure out." responded Aizawa.

Feeling the furious trembling being transferred to his body, Kirishima took a risk. "You okay man?"


Many thought it wasn't possible, but somehow Bakugou managed to look even angrier than usual.

"KILL THAT FUCKER!" he roared.



[Looks like I angered him.] observed Kumagawa.

Meanwhile on the other side of the playing field, a different standoff was taking place.

"As soon as you passed me during the obstacle course, I was sure I would have the pleasure of dragging you down from first place." Todoroki spoke in a cold tone. "But it seems that fate had other plans. I have no need to go after a big target like Kumagawa. Instead, I'm here for you, Midoriya."

Midoriya audibly gulped at the pressure Todoroki seemed to be exerting. "I still don't know what your deal is with me, but don't expect me to go down without a fight!"

"Heh, I wouldn't have it any other way." he replied with a smirk.

And so the clash began. Todoroki's team was built for fast moving offense, being comprised of himself, Iida, Kaminari, and Yaoyorozu. While Midoriya's team was built for defense and evasion, being comprised of himself, Uraraka, Tokoyami, and Jirou.

"Really wish this guy didn't have some crazy obsession with you Midoriya!" shouted Jirou as she used a sound pulse to shatter a piece of approaching ice. "Because this is damn crazy!"