
Chapter 16

All Might breathed a sigh of relief the moment he declared the fight to be over. He was thankful that Shouji had managed to make it to the weapon undetected and end the match before Kumagawa had a chance to do something more drastic. He would berate the boy later, for now he needed to get him medical attention. Rushing to the scene, he noticed that Todoroki had already used the fire-half of his Quirk to melt the ice and free Hagakure who, along with him and Shouji, had taken a few steps away from Kumagawa. All Might couldn't really blame them for not going over to provide aid to the injured boy. The teen had just displayed a rather unnerving scene.

"Young Kumagawa! While I commend your tenacity to win, you must realize that this is only training! Causing such grievous injuries to yourself in a closed setting is not a wise decision!" the Pro scolded as he approached. "I will have the medical-bots here in a moment to bring you to the nurses office."

[Injuries?] queried Kumagawa with a tilt of the head. [What are you talking about?]

"Why, your feet of cour-" All Might stopped mid-sentence when he looked down at Kumagawa's previously injured feet, only to observe that they were perfectly fine. Even his shoes were back on. Shooting his gaze across the room, the Hero noticed that the shoes Kumagawa had seemingly discarded were gone, along with all the blood from his wounds. Slowly turning his eyes back towards the average looking boy, All Might gave him a scrutinizing look. 'Can't be a healing Quirk. Otherwise his shoes would've remained where they were.'

Kumagawa's fellow students seemed to have noticed the strange phenomenon as well, if their gaping mouths were anything to go by. Well, Todoroki's mouth was hanging open. As for Hagakure and Shouji, the former was invisible and the latter had a mask on, but his eyes had widened considerably.

After a few moments, All Might found the words to proceed with. "You have an illusion-type Quirk." he stated.

Kumagawa raised his hands and shrugged. [Who knows? I suppose that one might mistake my ability for an illusion upon first impression, so we'll go with that for now. Then again, we might both be wrong about what we think it is. Nothing is certain in this world.]

'He has a knack for answering questions without really answering them.' "Very well. I was worried for your well being back there. If you had just informed me of what your Quirk was beforehand, then that would've set my mind at ease. Though I can understand your choice to keep it a secret. Illusions are hard to pull off if the opponent already knows that you use them!" All Might said as he gestured for the students to follow him back to the rest of the class. "Now come along! We still have more fights to go through today!"