
If my oc was in the demon slayer story

GhostofChristmas · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

The beginning

It was winter as a charcoal man and his son we're chopping down trees in the morning as the sun beamed down on them as the boy enjoyed the sunlight as he stopped working to bathe in the sun light that was coming from the sky and through the leaves as his blue and green eyes would glow in the light as his long blonde hair flew backwards from the cold winter wind as he would shiver a bit before hearing his father call out too him

"Neo come on were leaving i got what we needed"

as the father would pick up the logs and his axe and walk towards Neo who was still bathing in the sun light as he would stand behind for a few minutes absorbing and enjoying the warmth of the sun as his blue eyes would glow in the light and his long hair flowing through the wind as he would then look down and repeat his words but reverbed

"Come Neo we have to leave it's gonna get dark soon don't wanna make your mother worried now do we"

the father said while ruffling Neo's hair as Neo would smile and giggle and hug his leg

"Of course dad mom would get mad at us if we don't hurry"

The boy said as he grabbed his father's hand as his father started walking with him back to there little cabin they made out of scratch with wooden floors pillars and brick walls everything was done by them and no outside help the only reason they go out of the house is to either harvest there crops or hunt for food or go fishing or selling charcoals to the town that was downhill since they lived uphill but on the middle part of the mountain since rumors has it there are a whole town of demon's living up the mountain as they would knock on the door the door opened and we're greeted by a warm smile from a beautiful lady with blonde hair and green eyes as she would pick up the boy and give him a little kiss on the cheek

"Awww my baby's all grown up he's starting to go with his father!"

the lady would giggle joyfully and put him down before hugging the father "Welcome back honey! I missed you and so did the kids"

as the husband would hug her back and smile "It's good too see you again as well Mary"

the husband would boop Mary's nose as Mary would giggle

"Oh come on i told you to stop using my real name and just call me Sweetie Griffith"

She would pout as the husband's name was revealed to be Griffith as the small child roughly about 10 years old would look up to his parents confused and say

"Mama who's Griffith? Papa who's Mary?"

the child would say in confusion as both the parents smiled and said

"It's our name sweetie like how your name's Neo!"

as they would exclaim as Neo's expression changes into one of understanding as he would then run straight into a older boys arms and hug him tightly


Neo would exclaim with joy but was pushed away and to the ground by the older sibling

"Don't call me that you freak"

The older brother had blue eyes like his father's and blonde hair like his mother as the parents would be worried as Griffith would approach the boys

"Jason that is not how you treat your younger brother apologize to him now"

Griffiths said in a serious tone as Jason chuckled and just said

"Sorry Neo"

he had an annoyed look on his face he hated Neo cuz he was stealing his father's and mother's attention from him even though he was 3 years older than him he still had feelings as well and wanted affection from his parents as well as Griffith would sigh and walk away and too the furnace and throw in a couple small logs into the fire to make it grow further as a girl about the age of 12 with green eyes and black hair would come out from the backyard covered in mud while having a sack of potatoes and carrots and other vegetables as she would smile and open her arms as Neo would notice her and would blitz past his brother in terrifying Speed and would tackle hug the girl as he would smile and close his eyes

"Big sis Emilia!"

as the girl would hold the boys head and say

"Welcome back Neo and dad"

the girl would close her eyes and gently pat the little boys head as Jason would just chuckle and look away and go to his own room since when the Garcia children hit the age of 12 they get there own room she would then stop patting the boy and would pick him up and put him aside and walk to her mother handing her the sack of vegetables as she would then go to the bathing room where they have hot water coming from a hot spring as she would go and take a bath as the scene cuts

back too Neo just on the side as he would yawn and go to his parents room and would sleep in the middle of the bed as both the parents would smile as Mary would go to him and tuck him in before going back to the kitchen as time passed by it struck midnight as Neo would wake up and rub his eyes and get up and would walk to the kitchen for some food as he would then hear someone knocking as the mysterious person would knock again and say

"Open the door please my friend is extremely injured!"

it sounded like a cry for help as Neo would then panic and open the door only to get his left eye plucked clean off along with a huge gash on his forehead as he would stand there confused before the pain struck him as he would scream out in pain as his father would wake up immediately and would rush to the crying boy as the creature was in the house and laying Infront of Neo and his father was a dead body of a unfortunate slayer as his father would quickly throw Neo into the bedroom and would shout


as Jason and Emilia would hear the noise as well as Jason stepped out of his room and would run out of the front door while the demon was staring at the eye of Neo it was fascinating as the demons blood lust grew further and would eat the eyeball as Emilia would then lock her door so the demon couldn't enter her room as Griffith would charge towards the demon only to get his

lower jaw sliced off with a tiger paw like swipe as he would then get punched back into a tree as he would notice his axe on the tree and would grab it and throwing it at the demon as the demon would just grab it and throw it back at him as Griffith didn't have enough time to dodge and got his head severed off as Mary would cover Neo's mouth while hiding behind her room door crying with him as she would fear for her and her children's life as she would be then smile while patting Neo's head and looked at Neo with fear in her eyes

"It'll be ok sweetie mama will keep you safe mama won't let the demon's hurt you"

the child would be confused and scared of what's happening his simple mind can't handle this pressure as he would as he would breathe heavily from the pain he was in but slowly his adrenalines would be kicking in as he would feel a tension build inside his body as his door would get a fist sized hole in with one punch as the demon would then grab the mother by the hair and would pull her head through the door as tiny wooden spikes would pierce through her neck as the demon would laugh and say

"This is a whole family of rare bloods! I shall consume every little drop of there blood and join the kizuki!"

as little Neo would look up in horror as he would scream out before passing out as in real time his body would start to burn hotter as he would then quiet down and open the locked door as his eyes couldn't be seen as Neo would then take a breath and would disappear from his place and would grab a metal rod that he ripped out from the roof and would stab it through the demon's throat and would pin it down as he would then use his immense growth in power and speed to rip out the demon's head as he would grab the rod and stab the demon through the chest as the demon

would slowly grow it's head back as Neo would then rag doll the demon and throw it outside as he would take a breath before disappearing and would reappear Infront of the demon as the demon was still regenerating it's head as Neo would then keep stabbing the demon's head over and over and over again before pinning it down to the ground by stabbing him through the chest as he would then proceed to grab another large metal rod and would stab it through the demon's brain as the scene would shift to a bright light as he would wake up and look around as it was morning and the demon was screaming out in agony as Neo would scream in fear as he wasn't aware that

the demon was next to him as he was still alive and only seeing through one eye as he would look around as the demon disintegrated Infront of his eye as he would then look around before going in his house again and wrapping a bandage on his head as the gash was now covered from not getting infected as he would walk out again only to see a man with white hair and a white and dark green uniform with battle boots and a katana with a star shaped hilt as he would get scared and would look around for a weapon but couldn't find any as he would back up a bit as the man would

look at Neo the sole Survivor as he would walk up towards him as Neo would close his eyes and would try and run but would bump into the stranger's leg and fall down as he would look up at the man as the man would look disturbed and angry as Neo would be terrified and tried to run away but would get his arm grabbed and pulled back as the man would say

"How the hell are you still alive kid? You some demon that's acting like a human?"

the man would then throw Neo into the sunlight as he wasn't burning Neo would be confused as hell as the man approached him as Neo would back up slowly as the man sighed in annoyance

"Listen kid don't be scared i won't harm you but you'll have to come with me to get those wounds treated and your just a kid as well so you'll have to come with me no matter the choice oh and I'm Sanemi Shinazugawa"

Sanemi would then pick up him up and would carry him piggy back back to the demon slayer headquarters as they both made conversation while heading to the headquarters as they both had the same interests in food and mindset as Sanemi would then go to the butterfly mansion and hand him to a lady as Neo would look up at her as the lady would feel pity for the boy as she would treat his injuries but couldn't do anything for his eye other than cover it up with a eye patch as the lady would introduce herself

"My name is Shinobu Kocho but you may call me Kocho San what's your name sweetie?"

Neo would then introduce himself

"I'm Neo Garcia! Nice to meet you Kocho San !"

he would give her a bright smile as Shinobu would stare at him and smile and would pat his head gently as she would then get up and walk out of the mansion as Neo would follow her and hold her hand as Shinobu would look at him a bit surprised as Neo would just smile as Shinobu smiled back as they both went to the Ubayashiki mansion as he would stay with the Ubayashiki as a Hashira meeting was held as Neo would introduce himself to all the Hashiras as Mitsuri was put in charge

for his fun and Shinobu would be put in charge for his education and his training was in charged to Sanemi and Gyomei was put in charge for his mannerism as 3 years pass by as Neo was now 13 as he would be going out in his own missions without a breathing style since Sanemi still had to teach him the breath styles but even without breath styles he would kill the demon's he meets without much difficulty as he would return to headquarters for his daily training and education with the Hashiras that we're assigned to him as Sanemi would try and teach him wind breathing but he would fail as Kyojuro would step in and smile and said that he's a chosen one so he will teach Neo flame breathing which he also failed as he would think to himself he would then combine both the breath styles together to create breath of dragon he was much more comfortable with this breath style than flame and wind as he would go on more dangerous missions as he would complete them with low difficulty as he would go back to headquarters to train by himself whenever the Hashiras are gone for there patrol as he would keep working hard to increase his breathing technique

[The investigation]

3 more years of the same thing pass by as he was then was asked by Sanemi if he wanted to be a Hashira since by the time Neo was 16 he was in the Kinoe rank in the slayers as he proved too be much more talented than they expected as he improved fast and learnt fast as he would then be given a mission to kill a lower moon demon as Sanemi was forbidden to go with him since Neo wanted to do this alone too see if he was truly worthy of the hashira position as he would set out on the mission as he would come to the location of the lower moon as he would see the villagers in

there houses as he would be confused if he was in the wrong Village as he would then feel a painful sensation on the nape of his neck as he would turn around and unsheathe his katana and would immediately block the attack by a sword wielding demon as he stared at her in the eye as the kanji said lower moon 1 as Neo would be shocked as he would chuckle and think if he was strong enough to kill the demon all by himself but this was no time to think about those stuff as the demon would strike again but this time the demon would slice upwards creating a huge ice berg

that would destroy half of the village as snow flakes fell from the sky as Neo would be on high guard now as the demon would smile and giggle as it would say

"Not bad slayer~ you're quite strong and your reaction time is also good~"

as the demon would giggle more as Neo would be shaking in terror as he barely dodged the attack as there was a scratch on his cheek from her sword as the demon would then introduce itself

"The names Nala and what's yours~?"

the demon would say as Neo would look at the demon with disgust before he would take in a breath as he turned his terror into power as he would use

"breath of dragon second form dragon rush"

as he would pull out both his katanas and charge at the demon in blinding speed leaving a small crater where he stood as Nala would smile and would slash Infront of her as she used

"Blood demon art Icey wind!"

as a cold gust of air would blow on Neo as 200 small snowflakes accompanied the wind as one scratched him on the cheek making it bleed as he would then use his own technique breath of dragon first form dragon pulse as he would slice away at every single snowflake that was Infront of him as they disappeared into thin air as Neo would be then breathing heavily as he would stare at the demon Infront of him as she would smile and swing her sword down at him as he would immediately shift to the left to avoid the strike as she immediately changed course to follow him as Neo would then clash both his katanas against her as they both then began to attack each other in ferocious speed as Neo would be fighting defensively trying to find a place to strike whereas Nala wouldn't give him the chance to use his breathing techniques while she attacked him and creating

200 snowflakes with every swing as he would then chuckle as the snowflakes luckily didn't go for his eyes as he would parry each attack that she threw at him as Nala would then jump up and would be landing behind him as he took advantage of the situation and would move to his right while slicing at the snowflakes destroying them as he would take a deep breath as he was holding his breath from the barrage of attacks as he would stare at the demon as she disappeared as he would look around everywhere as he would fear for his life for the second time in his life as the demon would drop down from the sky and would try and stab him through the head with her

momentum and strength but sadly for her Neo already noticed her in the Air as he would jump forward as Nala would stab the ground missing Neo as she would try and pull out her sword as Neo took advantage of the time and would charge at her with

"Breath of dragon third form raging slash!"

He would slash in a circular motion with one blade as the blade would almost land on the neck before a huge ice spike erupted from the ground as Neo would react immediately letting go of the katana as a ice spike at the size of a large house would erupt and throw his katana somewhere in the air as he would chuckle and back up a little as Nala would then stop smiling and would say

"This is it slayer I'm done playing games with you I'm gonna end you right here and now just so you won't be a problem for That man"

Nala would then freeze the entire ground they we're standing on as Neo feet we're also stuck into the ground as he panicked and stared at Nala who would then grip onto the hilt of the blade tightly as the ice floor started to turn black as Neo would then immediately began smashing the ice floor to free himself but would be to weak to do so as his life flashed before his eyes as the poison would almost reach his legs before a huge scythe would break the ice surrounding Neo as the poison that was being injected stopped in its tracks as a silver haired girl with bright red eyes would fall down on the ground before taking a breath as she would chuckle and swing around her scythe as she stared at the demon before looking back at Neo

"Good thing Master was worried about your stupid ass so he sent us to accompany you"

As Neo would look confused and grateful by the word us as the moon would be covered by dark clouds as they could hear someone running as a blonde hair male with blue eyes with a Haori with 2 dragon's swirling around each other on his sleeves and the drawing of Raijin the thunder god of the Japanese myth on the back of his Haori as the male would be extremely fast as the male would unsheathe his blade and would strike Nala aiming for her neck as he would decapitate her in a instant as the ice would then begin to melt away as Nalas head would fall down from her shoulders and onto the cold Icey floor as she would be confused as she didn't have enough time to react too the strike it was too sudden as she started to tear up and would scream out


the girl would curse out too the slayer who just beheaded her as she cried and would sob

"Forgive me Oiran sama.... forgive me Onee Chan..."

the girls life flashed before her eyes as the scene shifted into her back story as she was just a normal girl in the red light district she was working under Daki as she lived a happy life and saved up money to buy clothes and donate some to the poor part of the red light district as one day she was cleaning Dakis room a slayer came into the room thinking she was the demon as he attacked her viciously as the Slayer would slice of her arms and legs and would slice her throat and would stomp on her head as she was in a lot of pain and would almost die to blood loss as then she saw

Daki entering the room and slicing the slayers into bits and would rush over too a dying Nala who would stare at her as her vision was going blurry as the Last words she uttered was

"Forgive me Oiran sama...."

Daki was attached to Nala she thought of her as her little sister as she yelled out before realizing she could turn her into a demon as she did just that as Nala became a demon she would serve Daki forever even when she became a lower moon and trained with Gyutaro to get stronger as the scene shifts to her head disintegrating as she would close her eyes and accept her death as Neo and the 2 other slayers stared at the fading corpse as well as the other male slayer would kick the corpse to Neo as he would stab the corpse without mercy in anger as he would look up and see the other male he was in shock as he would stutter and say

"J j Jason is that you brother?"

as Jason would nod and spit at his face as Jason began to say

"I did not know you were this pathetic Neo you couldn't even kill that demon"

As Neo stared at him in anger as the grey hair girl would speak out

"It's great to see you 2 alive Jason and Neo I'm Emilia"

they would sigh as Neo was now free to move as he walked back to the headquarters with his siblings

[The return to the head quarters]

He then returned to the head quarters where he got no more missions as he kept training his breathing with Kanao and his swordsman ship with Sanemi and Iguro respectively as then he attended a Hashira meeting as he would then get promoted to the Hashira position as Jason had lied about killing the demon and gave the credits to Neo after the meeting he approached Mitsuri and stared at her as she stared back at him before she felt him hug her tightly as she was confused but she comforted the boy by gently patting his head as some words slipped out of his words

"Thanks mom"

he then realized after a few minutes of hugging her that he called her mom as he bowed to her as Mitsuri just laughed it off as Iguro was now staring daggers at him

[Training again]

He came to train with Iguro was not holding back on him he was going way tougher than usual when asked he refused to answer as Neo then took a stance and dodged Iguros attack by sliding to the right and managed to hit off his Haori as Iguro was pissed and sent him off back to Sanemi as

Sanemi was confused about why he was back so early when told Sanemi started laughing as then continued his training with Sanemi and after some time he was doing his reflex training as Shinobu tried to stab him quickly as he had to dodge all her attacks or he risks getting injured badly he was wearing a blind fold and dodged her attacks as shinobu patted his shoulder and said

"My my Shinazugawa San Your Tsugokou is really a prodigy"

[The fight with the strongest Hashira]

Gyomei then came in the picture and said

"Sanemi san may i test your tsugokou?"

Sanemi agreed but Neo was hesitant since he didn't wanna fight a blind man and at the same time the strongest hashira of the time he agreed eventually as he then began fighting with Gyomei with there actual weapons as Gyomei swings his flail around as he took a breath in as Neo stared at him and said

"What the hell why am I shaking so much"

he wasn't sure if it was excitement or fear as he sighed and ignored it as he charged at Gyomei and started fighting him as every time he tried to go for his neck Gyomei would block with his chains and would land heavy blows with his axe cutting off a lock of his long black hair as he got pissed and was on the aggression and started attacking him continuously not giving him Time to even take a breath to use a technique as Gyomei then kicked him away as Neo almost lost balance as he then looked Infront of him as Gyomeis flail was right Infront of him as he stared in fear

[The fall]

they then hear a bang it hit but it wasn't flesh it was a wall? Gyomei was confused as he then felt the tip of a blade on the nape of his neck as Neo was behind him and said

"It's over i refuse to cut a man who's blind and has this much talent and injure him in combat"

he said as he wasn't hit once by Gyomei as Gyomei smiled as every single Hashira applauded him except Muichiro he was lost in his own world as Sanemi patted his back and said 

"Congrats dude you even managed to beat himejima San I'm impressed your worthy of hashira status"

he stared at sanemi and smiled as he then bowed his head to all of the hashiras

"Thank you for the training you've done with me without you all I wouldn't even be here"

he said with a bright smile as he was now promoted as the dragon hashira

He was then sent on many missions and slayed many demons after some time he heard of the news of Kyojuro rengokus death he was traumatized and heart broken as he shared many meals with Rengoku and Mitsuri as they had a eating competition and arm wrestling competition he was ranked 3rd and could not be switched in pure strength in swordsman ship he was placed first. in travel speed he was at third but in attack speed he and Sanemi we're on equal terms Tengen was still a hashira since he never found the upper moon 6 in the entertainment district in this time line and his 3 wives we're not harmed at all as they couldn't figure out if there was a demon or not

[The end?]

after some time Neo was sent to a mission in a forest he was patrolling around before he felt a chill run down his spine as he stared into the forest as he unsheathed his blades and growled as he then said


he said in a anger and fear as the demon stepped out and said

"Impressive you sensed my presence before I even got the chance to strike"

the demon said as Neo stared at it in the eyes as the kanji said

"Upper moon 1"