
If Life Was a Book

Twenty-eight year old Gracie Pierce wants to be a writer. With her father dead, her mother as a drunk, and her little brother addicted to video games and girls, she has persistent urges to write if only to escape her home life. One day, Gracie is so captivated by her own story that she gets entranced and trapped by it and becomes a literal character inside her book. In order to return home to her family back in the real world, Gracie must become the hero of her own creativity. However, Gracie begins to wonder if she truly wants to leave the fantasy world at all; especially considering all that she has to go through in the real world. Warning: Not much romance here. Told from Gracie’s point of view. Support for this book is greatly appreciated. The more support is equal to the amount of motivation I have to continue writing! Thanks! :) (Light Fantasy)

Kirsten_Lee · Fantasy
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Chapter 2: The Tanned and Well Muscled Prick

I didn't see Yuno until later in the week. She had to leave the city for a while because her father had an important party dealing with his company. He's been trying to get Yuno to take it over as his only heir for a very long time. So far, Yuno has diligently refused and I actually admire her for that.

I'm actually surprised she's stuck around me for so long what with my super horrible self control. I can't ever seem to keep my mouth shut. What the heck is even wrong with me?

Life is wrong with you, that's what, a voice in my mind scorns.

On my way to If Life Was a Book, I picked up a bagel and coffee from a coffee shop. The line in there is always so long so I was surprised to find that it was empty today. Maybe because it's a Tuesday? Nah, probably not. It has to be something else though I'm not complaining. This just means I'll be early to work today.

I walk down the streets with a happy skip on my walk. Look at me, getting all happy over a coffee and a bagel. This is the life! Immediately my joy is interrupted when I skip into something hard and bulky and fall flat on my face. The coffee drops and I watch in sad fascination as my bagel falls to the ground on hallucinatory slow motion. Yep. Definitely hallucinating.

"Watch where your going." A voice says rudely from above. I'm about to get up and give this jerk a piece of my mind when he scoops me up himself. I want to growl at him for touching me without my permission, but he stalks off before I can get a word out, let alone his name. Yeah, Gracie, because you definitely want the name of an asshole. A hot asshole... my brain mutters. No! I shake my head, hoping it will shake the thought away with it. At least now I knew what the next character of my book would look like. Hmmm... maybe I'll name him Tanner. He's definitely tan. No, maybe something else. His eyes were a bit squinted so maybe an Asian name instead. No, he just doesn't give off that vibe. However he was very sculpted, a fact that wasn't hard to notice even when I just bumped into him. There's no way my type is a mean guy. I've been dealing with mean people all my life. God, just because I'm a blonde doesn't make me stupid. No way am I going to go fraternize with some prick. Right?