
If It's for My Daughter, I'd Even Tame Mythical Women

This story is about being a baby daddy. Jonathan Burke's boring life ended after a 2-year-old girl, Nerissa, came. All the dark creatures from the Immortal World competed to kidnap the girl, but the reason was still unknown. One special thing about the girl was her scream. It awakened something hibernated inside Jon's body. Something hideous. With a beautiful dark feminine lady beside him, Jonathan decided to protect the girl he believed to be his daughter. Dark fairies, evil mythical creatures, and forgotten ancient monsters were not the only enemy. As the hideous power kept growing stronger, it was just about time for Jon to face The Absolute Evil. And be the strongest BABY DADDY for his adorable Nerissa. But - Who's her mother? ... [The Blood Symbiote has been awakened] [Symbiosis started] ... *What to expect from this novel* -Harem (Unique Creature Ladies can't wait to see you) -Babysitting (More into protect the baby at all cost!) -Adorable baby girl you ever dream about -Actions, Magic, Hand-to-hand combat, SYSTEM -Weak-to-Strong MC trope -Family-orientated story -Romance (Yes, there must be a legal wife, right?) -Bloody battle with more detail that made you shiver -Sensual scenes (WHY NOT?) P.s this is my entry for Webnovel Spirity Awards 2023. Please, support my work. Thank you xoxo.

cursedravenx · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Not Just An Ordinary Morting

The vortex of empty air continuously rotated between Black Rose's hands.

After a minute, the empty air formed a red color, followed by an odd-looking speck of liquid appearing at the center of the vortex.

The liquid object grew bigger and bigger, so Jonathan, who had been watching it, started to realize what liquid it was.

Blood, it was not only its size that seemed to increase from a dot size into a football, but also its viscosity.

The blood thickened, and although no distinctive metallic smell was produced, the sight of it made Jonathan shudder.

"Don't worry, you'll not get hurt," Black Rose said before suddenly releasing the blood ball, pushing it away without touching it.

The bloodshot forward very fast and sunk into Jonathan's chest.


Jonathan immediately fell off the couch and knelt on the floor.

His chest muscles suddenly felt like they had an excruciating cramp. Making it difficult for his heart to beat like usual.

And before he said anything, fresh blood suddenly dripped out of his chest.

His white jumper suddenly turned red, and the metallic smell of blood wafted up his nose this time.

"Are you trying to kill me?" Jonathan moaned, trying to stop himself from falling unconscious from losing a lot of blood from his body.

"Hold on, the spell knows what it is doing."

"Arghhh!" Jonathan was still trying to survive, but the blood came out more and more.

This time, it was as if all the blood in his body was strangely scrambling to escape through the pores of his skin.

"Am I going to die?" asked Jonathan, getting desperate. In his mind flashed a regret.

He should have pretended to admit Nerissa as his daughter instead of having to experience such a painful thing.


The drops of blood had made the room floor turn into a pool of blood. However, suddenly something that Black Rose didn't expect happened.

The faint smile full of confidence that cracked on her face instantly disappeared.

And at the same time, Jonathan again saw a strange notification in front of his eyes.

[The host is in danger]

[Body Regeneration Skill has been unlocked]

[Body Regeneration Skill (Level 1): Maintaining the host body in good shape is one of the top priorities. Blood Symbiote shares the ability to regenerate the host's cell, organ, and organ system by re-creation or recollection. Emergency triggered the automatic skill usage. (Skill Cost: 500 blood essence)]


[Unable to use Body Regeneration Skill]

[There is no blood essence in the bank]

"Do you see that, too? What was that?" Jonathan asked, his expression turned between admiration and disbelief, seeing the notification that clearly told him something in a weird way.

"What happened to the magic? Why it stopped?" Black Rose sat on her knees right before Jonathan, her hands trying to touch the pool of blood near her.

However, once again, something unexpected happened.

The pool of blood seemed alive.

Hundreds of long creepers as small and thin as straw emerged from the pool of blood. And that thing seemed to reject Black Rose's hand.

"Ah." Black Rose pulled her hand away. Surprised.

"What was that thing?"

She had never seen such a thing before in her life.

"What is that? Is that coming from my blood?" Jonathan questioned the same thing.

[1 blood essence source has been found nearby]

"Blood essence?" Jonathan repeated, reading the words that kept popping up.

And the next second, Jonathan suddenly felt a strange turmoil within his body.

Something seemed to be alive inside his body and was just moving as if forcing its way out.

And that movement made Jonathan want to vomit out his empty stomach.

"Ugh. Disgusting."

"What happened to your face?" Black Rose shrieked in surprise.

Jonathan didn't notice. However, his face had turned hideous.

The veins on his face bulged and turned a blood-red color. While the sclera of both eyes had turned dark black.

"What?" Jonathan repeated, but his voice had changed. Sounds much more profound than before.

His body suddenly felt extremely hot, and when he lowered his head to look at his hands, the muscles in his arms had tensed and bulged oddly, even though he was sure he didn't intend to show them off.

"What are you?" Black Rose crawled backward, her gaze horrified at the changes in Jonathan's body.

"I …" Jonathan couldn't finish his sentence as if he had forgotten what had just crossed his mind.

All because a bizarre desire suddenly increased drastically.

"Starve." he hissed, his mouth could no longer be closed, and drool dripped.

His nose could smell the sweet scent that seemed to keep calling him.

And when he realized where the scent was coming from, he looked at Black Rose, who had raised her hands toward him as if she was ready to attack at any time.

"Don't. You're possessed," said Black Rose.

However, without saying anything, Jonathan shot forward. Using both feet to kick the floor.

He was shocked when his speed was entirely above normal.

It was too fast. Not even Black Rose had time to move.

Jonathan pounced on Black Rose on the floor.

The woman tried to struggle, but she was helpless.

She could not cast magic as both hands were restrained by Jonathan and held on the floor on either side of her head.

Jonathan held Black Rose's body with his body, making the woman unable to move.

"Let me go!" The woman sighed, looking very angry rather than annoyed.

But Jonathan ignored it. His heart was beating so fast that he could hear it clearly.

And his nose could smell the sweet scent, getting closer.

It made his desire uncontrollable.

The two eyes that had turned into monster eyes glanced at Black Rose's neck, which seemed throbbing softly, a sign that a blood vessel was busy supplying blood to her brain.

"What are you doing? Let me go! Ahhh – "

In seconds, Jonathan's fangs elongated, and he sank his fangs into the thin skin on Black Rose's neck.

When the fresh blood rushed out of it and touched Jonathan's tongue, Jonathan felt an exciting, sensual, delicious sensation.

"Ahhh –" Black Rose sighed as her blood began to be sucked by Jonathan.

She also experienced the same feeling. Her body seemed to turn very sensitive, and the touch of Jonathan's hands and body made her feel hypnotized.

She no longer asked Jonathan to let her go as if she enjoyed the sensation.

[300 drops of high-quality blood obtained]

[Extracting the blood essence]

[600 drops of blood essence obtained]

The notification popped up again, and a sudden feeling of satiety made Jonathan pull out his fangs and let go of Black Rose.

Jonathan stomped back, and everything was back to normal.

"I – I am sorry. What did I just do?" Jonathan rubbed his mouth, which still had the residual fresh blood of Black Rose dripping there.

[Body Regeneration used]

[500 drops of blood essence consumed]

Black Rose, who had already gained her normal feeling, patted her neck again and then looked at Jonathan with an unhappy look.

"A monster," she said.

However, before she could counter Jonathan's sudden attack with her magic, something she had never seen before happened again.

[Body Regeneration started]

Jonathan's pool of blood seemed to crawl across the floor like blood slime.

Moving toward Jonathan, who was now sitting in front of a fireplace.

"What is happening now?" asked Jonathan, confused.

The pool of blood returned to its owner. Covering Jonathan with so much blood it seeped back through the pores in his skin without leaving a single drop of blood behind.

And Jonathan's condition returned to before Black Rose used her magic.

"Impossible, the magic doesn't work." In amazement, Black Rose felt she had just found something scarce.

"Your body rejected the magic. How can you do that?"

Jonathan didn't know.

All he knew was something inside his body that had just awakened from the screams of the little girl falling back asleep on the couch.

"You are not just an ordinary Morting." Black Rose still sounded amazed and had forgotten her anger.

The bite marks on her neck had disappeared as if they had never existed after she ran her right palm over them.

"So, tell me, Mr. Burke. What are you? Which world are you belong to?"

Thank you in advance for reading my first novel.

I hope that you enjoy the story because I enjoyed writing it.

You will find a system progressing here and I hope that you like the system that I chose for the MC.

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