
If I were a Creator

If I, the author gained the power to create anything I want. What would I make? This is a wish fulfillment novel for myself because I have the tendency to try and create something. Also, it's because I read world creation novels and it's usually not satisfying enough for me. So, it led me to make this. Note: MC will switch appearances and genders a lot. This is because of the concept of Incarnation and how he would like to appear depending on his need or just because he likes it. Also, if you see the MC genderbend, don't jump to conclusions, the female avatars will be discarded and gifted to others at later chapters. For the rest of the story after Arc 3, the creator will always appear as a male or genderless avatar. Also, please be tolerant about the info dumps because I'm more of a detail writer than a plot writer. Hope you enjoy and leave a review! Note 2.0: Have mercy on me readers!

PostOmnipotence · Fantasy
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45 Chs

Genesis (1)

Jets of lava, water, metal, earth, gasses, energy and frost give some color to the empty space as the primordials approached the planet. Upon their landing, their respective elements cause changes around them. Perses landed first and upon his landing, a giant tsunami of magma erupted and started to sink the planet in magma. The wave's size is so large that if there were clouds, most of them would be sunken by the magma waves. Then, another equally titanic tsunami erupts as Thalassa's trident strikes the planet's surface. From afar, it looks like a war between blue and red, fire and water clashing causing massive amounts of steam to rise.

A third opponent came when a giant moon of metal half the size of that world crashed and merged with the world. Spikes of metal emerged along the ocean of molten metal and rocks as Tallum emerges from a pond of molten metal, ready to clash with his siblings. Before he could defend or clash, a massive tsunami of water pushed him from the side. The waves cooled all of the molten metal and the pressure cracked and fragmented the metal spikes. After minutes of clashes between mountains of metal, tsunamis of magma and massive maelstorms of water, a fourth contender appears. A large planet of rock crashed at the meeting point of the three forces.

The heat from the crash vaporized an incoming tsunami, the pressure bent and separated the metal mountains and its shockwave pushed the waves of lava backwards. The crashing planet possessed 4 times the mass of the empty planet and was slightly over half times bigger. The three forces each fractured a major portion of the crashing planet of stone as it devours the smaller planet. Thalassa sent massive waves to erode and cool the larger planet, causing her area to be unaffected. After another few minutes, the two planets merge into a larger planet. The fifth contender appears in a planet sized storm of yellow gases.

Upon Ouranos's descent, the flames die out, the metals transformed and turned brittle while the waters split into hydrogen gas and oxygen gas due to the gasses forming lightning strikes and massive electric currents. The earth sized storms dragged mountains, rivers and volcanoes alike. Scattering them throughout the planet and transforming the terrain. Then, bolts of various energies numbering in the hundred billions struck the surface of the world. Magic energy bolts cause explosions, freezing, multiplication and even matter division. Natural energy bolts cause the elements to multiply in mass and power.

Bolts of spiritual energy cause the elements to become alive as elementals are born. These elementals become the servants or puppets of their primordial as they help their leaders wage war. Shakti's landing causes the planet's size to double as magical and natural energy from her impact combine to enlarge the world. As for Ymir, he lands in a meteor of blue ice between Shakti and Thalassa's domain. With all of the primordials being present on the planet, the war of creation has truly begun. As for me, I watch as the elements clash with each other. Producing the only light that exists within this empty world. With the primordials shaping the world with their battles, I am only left with waiting them complete.

After watching them fight for twenty minutes since Ymir's landing, I got bored. Although the world had doubled in size and it got closer to my goal, I don't want to wait doing nothing. Since the system said that I can create anything I want, I decide to create a pocket dimension of my own that can be accessed through a golden bracelet. Imagining the golden ring, I gave it the abilities to multiply on my command, to change its size to suit the wearer, have a pocket dimension of infinite size within, to open portals in and out of the dimension at the user's will and to change the timeflow of the pocket dimension freely. After I imagined it, the golden bracelet appeared on my right hand and I quickly wore it on my right arm.

I activated the gate by saying, "Warp!" A golden light envelops my body and quickly dissipates as I am teleported to a true void of nothingness. There is absolutely nothing in my pocket dimension. With my golden bracelet, I opened an interface I created that will allow me to set the dimension's settings. I set the time here to flow 100 times slower so that I would only need to spend hours here to make days pass outside. 'I think I should make this my base of operations.' I first imagined an endless ocean of pure chaos energy. A mix of all energy whether magical, natural, spiritual, artificial or divine at their most purest forms. This ocean possesses the highest purity, amount and density of all types of energies combined.

As it is the purest, most dense and harmonious fusion of all energies known and unknown, I made it so that only Gods could survive its waters albeit only for thirty minutes while non Gods even Demigods would be absorbed by the sea in a matter of a few seconds and I also made it incapable of hurting my firstborn but instead it empowers them when they bathe in its blue waters. After I imagined it all, an ocean of transparent dark blue, black and blue appeared. It looked like an ethereal sea, its waters like in a state between liquid and gas. The deeper one looks, the more solid its form appears to be. Marvelling at my first non entity, I gave it a name, "I'll call you the Endless Ocean of Chaos." As there is no friction or other force, the sea remains still like a solid.

As for my abode, I imagined something like a palace of the Gods. I imagined an island carpeted by green grass with some clouds around the shores. On its center, a massive white temple complex with gold lines, patterns and decorations with the Christian heaven and nature as its theme. A massive tree stands on the center of the temple, it stood hundreds of meters tall with many branches and many leaves of all shades of pink, gold, white and green. There are twelve white pavilions each supported by a branch of the tree. These pavilions have their domes supported by seven pillars and at the center of each pavillion is a small shrub version of the tree bearing two to seven golden pear like fruits.

These fruits I would call as the Golden Hope fruit. It contains massive amounts of divine energy, causing anyone who eats one fruit to instantly become a high level God. After I finished all of its design, the same palace I imagined and the island it stood upon appeared half a mile in front of me. The palace shone like a white beacon in the endless darkness with a holy tree growing at its center supported by a white tower standing twelve meters tall. The temple complex is surrounded and supported by two concentric circles containing magical looking plants of light colors designed to look like the far shorter and far wider version of the hanging gardens.

"Perfect, now for a guardian." Even if you're almighty, you can't do everything on your own. So I want to create the guardian of the Endless Ocean. I imagine a great dragon of chaos, seven hundred meters long and two hundred forty meters tall. The dragon has twelve heads with seven horns each. Three behind each eye while one larger than the rest being above the snout like a rhinoceros horn albeit more bent and dagger like. Four of the heads are each 50% larger than the rest and possess four golden eyes instead of two purple eyes. The dragon has four muscled legs with sharp metallic claws.

The dragon's scales are colored of the darker shades of blue, purple, platinum, gray, violet or the combination between any or all of them. These colors form regions, lines and patterns. Giving it a menacing but also divine appearance. I gave the dragon the ability to open gates to any world, control the endless ocean at will, breathe chaos fire which will distort and burn all it touches no matter its durability or ability, telekinesis, the ability to destroy anything it sees or feel, seal anything in any object, heal any wound that it can see or feel, become stronger over time, breathe any form of fire, darkness, lighting or any or all of their combinations, shapeshift, levitate, give a celestial boon, take a celestial boon, give an unbreakable curse, break any curse and create monsters at will.

'Phew that was a lot. Back to creating.' After giving its abilities and form, I needed a name for he or her. I quickly decided on Tiamat the Babylonian Primordial Goddess of Chaos. Now, she is Tiamat the Primordial Dragon Goddess of Chaos. As for her stats, I made her physically almost half times stronger than Ouranos but left the intelligence equal to the first primordial. After so, the great dragon goddess emerged from the watery ocean of chaos, all the twelve heads looked at me with eyes of reverence. After a short moment of silence I spoke,

"You are Tiamat, the True Dragon Goddess of Chaos. The first dragon, the eldest of the Three True Dragon Gods and the guardian of the Endless Ocean and my abode. I task you with protecting the Endless Sea and my abode. You will listen to my commands, you shall advise me in my decisions and to handle things that I myself could not attend to. Finally, you shall develop your personality to suit your purpose which I have stated previously." After my words, the dragon bent down and all of its heads seemed to bow in front of me. Then in a chorus of gentle, harmonic voices of mature women it replied, "I am your humble servant for you have created. I shall serve unquestionable with all of my heart, body and soul."

After that, the dragon goddess stood on her place, waiting for a command. So, I asked her to bring me to the island. Then, she lent me one of her four larger heads for me to ride on which I said thanks, making the dragon smile. The water of chaos around the dragon then started to make way as the dragon swam towards the island and the speed of 30 knots. In almost a minute, the dragon's large body had set foot on the misty shore of the island. Since everything is dark except for my house, I decided to edit the sky. I imagine an endless sky with heavenly clouds and christian music being sung from the sky that acts like background music albeit only a third as loud as an average conversation.

After that, the sky immediately transformed into a blend of sky blue, pale yellow and gold. Many clouds with small shades of yellow appear in the sky. From below it looked like the sky is heaven itself, especially with gospel music playing in the background. "Aaah, this is paradise." This is much of what I wanted so I went off the dragon's head and landed on the soft grass of the island. I told her to wake me up in around six hours so I can check up on the Seven Primordials. I then lay myself on the soft grass for me to think of what to create next.

While on the planet, the battle rages on. Skies covered in water, fire, metal, earth, gas, energy and ice collide with each other, giving birth to continents that will disappear after another clash. When he left, the primordials are worried at what might have happened to him and ceased the battle temporarily. Thalassa's chest began to glow green as she activated her ability to know whether or not people that she has seen are still alive or not. When Shakti asked the result, she replied that he is still alive. With that, the seven continued their clash to create the world as their creator wished for.

Millions bolts of energy struck the world, causing mountains and islands to erupt out of nowhere before a tide of water or magma consumes it. Metal spikes and domes grew out from the ground like massive plants growing from the earth. Violent storms and millions of lightning bolts strike the ground every second while shockwaves reverberated on the ground like an endless earthquake. The chaos on the planet continued for weeks until suddenly, the primordials halted their actions. The raging seas of fire and water calmed and receded while the storms start to vanish into soft breezes.

The violent energies calmed as most of it diffuses into the air like vapour while the rest condenses into different colored crystals or constructs. Mountains of rocks and metal stop moving as islands and continents stop emerging and vanishing. The gases in the air began to change as the atmosphere transforms from a violent and toxic air into the earth's air during its prime. The ground shook as the primordials converged onto one spot on the planet, followed by an army of billions of elementals. From above, the scars of war are evident on its surface. Deep valleys, massive mountain ranges and eroded hills could be seen from above. The world looked like a massive jumble of soft and sharp surfaces, high and low ground. Only an earth sized caldera remained of the fire primordial's domain while an ocean possessing the same amount of water in all of earth is what remains of Thalassa's domain.

Although they are huge when compared to the earth, they are but half the size of borneo from space. Within the pocket dimension, the great twelve headed dragon goddess alerted her creator that the six hours have past. Since he was never asleep, he quickly woke up and exited the dimension. Upon his exit, the great dragon goddess retreated to the depths of the endless sea of chaos. The creator exited the dimension to arrive at where he was before he left. When he looked down, he noticed a major change to the barren planet. It looked fifty times larger and had a blue atmosphere while the surface is filled with mountains, hills, empty fields and other rocky structures.

"Wow, they really did a good job." I have to praise my firstborn, the planet looks perfect for a fantasy setting. I noticed from here that my children are converging on a spot far below me on the surface followed by an army of elementals? 'Wow, they did an amazing job creating. I didn't think that they would already have elementals.' To propel myself down there, I created jets of blue fire to propel me downwards at great speeds. At first, it was rough and I spiralled downwards due to lack of control. It took a few more minutes of spiraling down to slowly get the hang of it. I'm surprised that I'm not shouting or screaming because I usually have a fear of heights. Probably thanks to me being indestructible and immortal thanks to the Absolute Creation power.

Soon, fire began to cover me which I assume is because I am entering the atmosphere. A minute later, my burning figure falls straight out of the white clouds followed by a shockwave. Upon impact, a small flash of light and a small, hot crater forms where I impacted. The primordials are only a few minutes away with their army in tow, ready to wait for their creator. While waiting for the primordials to arrive, I decided to create a very useful object. I will name it Vishnu's Eye which has the ability to see anything and everything within the dimension it is in. Even if one hides by creating a temporary dimension, the eye can still easily see them.

The eye is in a form of a normal looking golden necklace with three blue gems. I wore it on my neck and using it, I could see massive beings of single elements following the primordials. They are titanic in size but none are tall than half of any primordial. 'Well, I can cross out making titans from my list.' Well, I wanted to create titans after a few more things but since the primordials have made what I would consider as most of them, I will only make a few instead. Once the primordials have arrived, they begun to shapeshift to their human sized forms and kneel, starting with Ouranos and ending with Ymir. Seeing their creators kneel, the elemental titans, giants, golems and elementals did the same.

Seeing that I now have more creations that I expected during the early stages, I decide to reward the primordials. "Ouranos, step forward." The eldest primordial stood and walked towards me in a reverent way. I could see jealous glares coming from the male primordials primarily Ourea, but these glares disappear when they noticed that I was also looking at them. Once the knightly primordial stood in front of me, he immediately kneels. I see this as a good thing because I want to make sure that all of my direct creations won't try to rebel and cause troubles for my indirect creations.

"Ouranos, my firstborn. I want to give you a few gifts for doing such good work during my absence." He respectfully declined, "Father, I do not wish to burden you with presenting I, your humble servant any gifts. Instead, let me be more of service to you." I chuckled at his response. 'It's good that he's humble. I guess I should increase his leadership skills too then.' "Ouranos, these gifts would help you serve me better. Also, what kind of a father am I if I don't grant gifts for my own children?" Ouranos insisted one more time before I told him that these gifts are my command. If not, the primordial would not accept them at all.

With my absolute creation ability, I gifted my firstborn the ability of foresight up to a hundred years ahead, an indestructible golden armor that can change size to fit the user and reflect attacks received with twofold effect, maximum leadership and political abilities and primordial link. The primordial link is a special ability that will make his abilities always equal to other primordials and gain more power with every descendant born. The link will not weaken any one primordial but will instead strengthen the weaker primordials to the level of the strongest one.

However, on Ouranos, his physical stats will always be 40% greater with this link as I have appointed him leader. Then I gifted each and every one of the primordials with the link, special equipment and new abilities. Now, the second phase of creation can begin.