
If I want you, you’re mine

Letranette_Hinton · LGBT+
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3 Chs

Chapter Two

Tw: Smut and Cursing

It's been a week since Brittany and Tiffany had settled into their dorm. And now it was time for them to go to class face to face. The two had been virtual learning for a while. Tiffany walked to her engineering class, which only had a few people. The professor was writing on the blackboard then turned to Tiffany who was staring at him.

He was six foot one, milk chocolate skin, dreads that were black, and muscles that could be seen in his suit. "Ah, Miss Tiffany." His voice was husky and deep but his smile was sweet. "You're finally here."

Tiffany has always liked the way he looked and talked. Like he was hot in her category. No beard or mustache, just a baby face.

"Good girl." The professor, Darick whispered in her ear before going down to kiss her on the neck. Tiffany moaned softly and closed her eyes. His hands was on her hips bringing her closer to him. His hard dick touching on her stomach.

"No…" Whispered Tiffany as she slowly tired pushing Darick away. Darick moved away from her then glared at her. He wanted to know why she said no to her.

"Shut the fuck up." He growled and took off Tiffany's shirt. Tiffany gasped for air as Darick took off her pink bra. B cup boobs flew out of them and went on her stomach.

"Tiffany? Can you sit down?" Darick said sternly which brought Tiffany back from her thoughts. The students giggled and whispered amounst themselves. They were talking about her and she knew it. The girl sat down ignoring them.