
If I want you, you’re mine

Letranette_Hinton · LGBT+
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3 Chs

Bully’s roommate

Tiffany walked into her college dorm. She didn't expect that her enemy/bully would be there. Greenish gay eyes, Silky blonde hair, fair skin. Brittany was the riches girl that Tiffany known and the most spoiled. Brittany looked at Tiffany and grinned vulgarly. The girl was always sinful. "Look who we have here." She said in a honeyed tone.

Tiffany rolled her eyes then walked pass the "plastic". Tiffany, walked to the side of the dorm that wasn't decorated and dropped her backpack on the bed. Tiffany Slowly looked at Brittany to see the girl's Figure more. Hour glass form that a lot of models back in the day would have. Tiffany took a deep breath as she stared at the girl. "The hell you're looking at?" The fake voice went to sweet to cold.

"Not you." Tiffany whispered under her breathe as she turned away. She then grabbed her phone and texted her father telling him her dorm number so him and her brother can bring her Suit cases. After a few minutes her suit cases was on her side. Tiffany thanked them both.

A few hours later, Brittany's parents arrived to check on their golden child. Tiffany rolled her eyes as Brittany acted like an Angel in front of her parents. Tiffany looked at the perfect body that Brittany had. A body that would make everyone lose their minds. Mostly Tiffany, yes she hates her but.