
If I Let Go

Felicity is just an ordinary teen, but her life turned 360° on the day she lost everything, she moves back to live with her grandparents house and suddenly finds out about her past. All her life, was it all a lie? How will she overcome all the obstacles and her life's deepest darkest secrets slowly unfold. What will you do? A.N. UPDATES DAILY! & Feel free to comment, vote, and rate! It'll inspire me to do better. Thank you!!!

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Pete and Ashley

It was a balmy day with birds chirping while they hover in the vast skyline. My heart feels like crawling its way up my throat as Timmy pushes me harder. The chains cringe as it tried to carry my weight. Whenever I reach the bottom, the pit of my stomach clench as the feeling of falling. I close my eyes as I feel the cool air around me. Then slowly I started to feel slowing down. I glanced back and Timmy wasn't in sight. I examine around and found him sitting on the other side of the swing.

"Timmy, push me please?" I pleaded.

"I'm drained Lily, go push yourself." He tiredly said.

"I can't go high enough with these small legs of mine..." I explained, "Please Timmy." I begged and he shook his head.

"Don't wanna."

I frowned at him and then out of nowhere my tummy grumbled.

"Let's eat mango instead." I cheerfully suggested. And his eyes glimmered then transformed into a dull, lifeless eyes. I raised a brow at him.

"What yeah say?"

He held onto the chains and rested his head on his arm.

"I ate the last mango in the house and my mom isn't going to the groceries not until tomorrow." He glumly said. I pouted and shrug my shoulders. Instead I glanced to my mom and she sat on one of the benches with Timmy's mom. I stood up and dashed toward her.

"Mommy, I'm starving!" I say while patting my tummy. My mom smiled at me sweetly. Then time abruptly came into a halt. She has this energetic dark chocolate eyes, the smile on her face, warms my heart just by looking at her. I'm lucky to have a mother like her. I held onto her warm smooth hands when abruptly time around me shifts with a speed of light.

My eyes widen in horror as my mom's hand slowly wrinkled, veins popping out. Her color changed and freckles slowly appeared. I horrifyingly glanced into her face when it all began to wrinkle, her cheeks sagged, and her silky long jet black hair slowly turned to silvery white. Her beautiful eyes was still the same although it began losing its spark. She smiled at me one last time as her body slowly turned to ashes before my very eyes, and slowly vanishing into thin air. Leaving me with a single whisper, lingering in the cool midair "we love you." I shut my eyes hoping time would stop, stop at the time where everything was perfect. Tears began gushing out my eyes. I screamed. The grief and torment crept into me. I wasn't ready to lose them. I wasn't. Reality was like slowly executing me with memories.

Memories that I'd cherish forever.

A faint voice whispered in my head, and slowly it became louder, and clear.

"Livie, wake up!" I pry my eyes open. A distorted image appeared. Then everything began to settle. Ashley was in front of me, looking at me with worried eyes. I examined around and we were inside her Honda civic car. My heart was still thundering inside my chest while I sat on the passenger's seat. I remembered. We're headed for a party to meet Pete, her best friend after class and I fell asleep along the way.

"Are you alright? Because if you're not, we could go back home. It's really not a problem with me." She worriedly stared at me, waiting for my reply.

It was just a dream. Yeah, a dream. My heart slowly went into its normal beat.

"It was just a nightmare, and I'm fine Ash. Besides we're here now aren't we?" I asked, assuring her that I'm totally fine, and I can't ruin her plan because of some stupid shitty nightmare.

"Are you really sure?" She worriedly ask again.

"I'm really fine silly, let's go?" I smile, reassuringly.

"Alright, alright..." she smiles back, "But if you want to go home just tell me alright?"

"Yup," I nodded. She then killed the engine and we both unbuckled our seatbelt. Both of us sashayed toward the house where the party would be held. While walking, the horrible nightmare plays in my mind like a broken recorder.


Ashley opened the front door and an Eminem song came blaring out from the speakers. She gently pulled me inside, making our way to wherever she's headed. Along the way, the living room was engulfed with bodies clashing to one another, while on the corner was a couple of beer pong tables. Ashley sauntered toward there, while she held onto my hand. I never knew her as a party goer. The fact that I only go to parties occasionally and I don't go to this kind of wild parties. If my parents were still here and they found me coming home from this kind of event, they'll surely ground me for a week. Also this kind of party is all new to me.

Abruptly a random guy just winked at me I looked away not interested. Although there were some guys glancing on us and Ashley didn't bother. Then I remembered, we were both wearing a cocktail dress, hers was this fitted black and white dress that hugged her body perfectly, while mine was this midnight black that was three inches above the knee, which I borrowed from her. I don't usually wear clothes that shows too much skin. I wonder what Dylan liked about me. What he found in me. Or the fact that I was just played with. The thought of it sends a huge weight in my chest all over again.

"Livie, meet my bud Pete." She said, gleefully. Returning back to reality.

"And Pete, meet Livie, My awesome friend." I turned my head toward Pete, I examined him, black low-cut converse, blackish blue shorts, a white shirt that's a bit too big for him, and a red jacket. My eyes went up to his face. Jet black hair that is nicely kept, chiseled jaw, a high cheekbone, and those mesmeric sepia eyes.

Then it hit me, my eyes widen at the realization of who he is, stumbling back a bit, his lips curled into a grin.

"The ice cream girl who walked away from me, nice meeting you again." He impishly grinned.

"You two met already?" Ashley asked, wide eyed.

"Yep, two days ago." Pete said with amusement in his eyes.

"Really?" She asked, eyeing me.

"Sort of?" I said in a questioning tone. The fact that we didn't quite met properly.

"Since when are you hitting my friends?" Ashely darted him and placed her hands on her hips.

Pete's eyes widen and raised both his hands in the air. "I swear to God, I didn't know she's your friend." Pete explained.

Ashley shook her head in disappointment. "Okay, it's not like I can force you to change or something." She glumly said. "Anyway Livie, Im goin to dance, wanna join me?" She asked, faintly smiling. Obviously, Pete just ruined her mood.

"I love to Ash, but I don't dance." I said.

"Alright, But if you want to, you know where to find me." She said and sauntered toward the colliding bodies that engulfed the living room. Abruptly she stopped in mid-step. And turned toward Pete, and stepped in closer to him.

"You better look after her while I'm gone and I should better see her without scratches. You hear me?" Ashley said, fiercely.

"Yup, you got it boss." Pete said submissively. I'm astonished at the moment. She's so unpredictable. We both stared at Ashely as she faded into the walls of bodies.

"I can't believe I'm stuck with you." Pete said through his breath.

"Me either, jerk." I said looking at the bear pong table beside us. I had this urge to kick his nuts if only he wasn't Ashley's best friend. How in the crap does she put up with these kind of people?

"Well, do you want me to get you a drink or something?" He asked and I look at him.

"I don't feel like drinking." I said neutrally. "Actually, is there a bag of Cheetos in here?' I asked hoping there's one.

"Yeah there is. Come, follow me." He said and handed his hand in front of me. Does he expect me to hold his hand? 'Cause that won't happened. When abruptly he took my right hand and started dragging me to wherever he's taking me, probably to the kitchen? Then I imagined Ashley pulling me. No wonder, they're alike. The thought of it made me smile. They'd make a good couple. But it doesn't seem like they're interested in one another.

Then he stopped. We were in front of the minibar and he handed me a bowl of Cheetos.

This is heaven. I love Cheetos, I dig in and started munching down. We both sat down on the high swirling chair. I glanced at Pete, I sort of feel guilty because he should be out there with Ash and like party all night. Instead he sat beside me as if he's my bodyguard.

"You know you can leave me here, I'll be fine." I said, while licking my forefinger.

He swirl in his chair and turned towards me. "Nah, its fine. I also don't feel like parting." He leaned his arm on the countertop.

I handed him the bowl of Cheetos and he gladly took some and started devouring it piece by piece.

Out of the blue I had the most brilliant plan in history of plans. I grinned at the thought.

"You know, you should go to Ashley and tell her you like/love her." I teasingly said.

"Yeah I should..." he stood up and I gaped at him. Holy crap he does loves, or well likes her, but either way, I know he does. He stepped forward going toward Ashley's direction. Abruptly, he stopped in mid-step.

"Wait, what?" His brows had a deep line, "I thought you said I should apologize to her." he said and riveted back to his position a few second ago. I mockingly stared at him and crossed my arms over my chest. He glanced and stared at me as if I'm some weirdo.

"I misheard you... so, stop being ridiculous." He said and started munching down some more Cheetos.

I snorted. "Me? Ridiculous, for real Pete? The way you've said it, you were certain of it, and don't deny the fact you have these feelings for her, because the way your eyes shimmer when you look at her, and the way you tenderly smile at her. The way you're standing here beside me, following her orders. That's undeniably love right there, Pete." I explained and I notice he was stiff and stared at me unblinkingly. He blinked then suddenly he messed up his neat hair in frustration.

"Was I right after all?" I mockingly grinned at him. And took the bowl of Cheetos and I plopped one into my mouth.

"You're completely out of your mind." He said and shook his head.

"No I'm not." I frowned at him, then my eyes landed on Ashley. "Then, will you get jealous of that?" I pointed toward Ashley dancing with a hot dude. They were both laughing while she flexibly dance with the rhythm of the song. She's undeniably stunning. All the guys were looking at her. I wonder why she's still single, perhaps she's still waiting for the guy she's interested with. Suddenly the hot dude wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her closer. And Ashley wrapped her arms around the guy's neck.

I glanced at Pete and he had this blazing eyes forming. His arms tensed as he clenched his fist into a tight ball that made his knuckles turn white.

Okay, I'm a thousand percent certain he's in loves her.

He heavily breathe in and out through his nose. Slowly he unclench his hands, then turned around facing the minibar, and grasp the shot glass containing vodka that was sitting beside the bowl of Cheetos, he drank it straight.

He slam the shot glass and made a sour look.

He sure has a big problem.

"You know, you could just tell her." I suggested.

"Can you not see? I can't." He heartrending confessed.

"Why not?" I asked, confused. I patiently waited for his reply. The thought of what's hindering him from telling Ashley that he loves her. I've concluded that, they're good childhood friends and bests of friends. They have this unbreakable bond that somehow formed. Then I realize, if he told her. Things might get pretty complicated, and the bond that they've cherished might all go to rock-bottom.

"To tell you the truth," He stared at Ashley while dancing. "I would do anything for her, since when we were kids, I've always been there for her. Through thick and thin, when she needed me, I'd always be there in a flash. She's always in my top priority list, if you know what I mean. That's how much I love her, but to be honest. Life is pretty cruel don't you think?" He asked and glance at me. And I did nothing but nod. He glanced back at Ashley. He continued, "She only sees me as a brother from another mother. The guy she's dancing with right now, is Keith, the one she's been waiting for her whole life since first grade. There was a time." He said closing his eyes as if reminiscing the past, "I wanted her to know how much I cared and love her. I wrote her a song, and bought a sunflower instead of buying her a bouquet of roses, and I made her all her favorite dishes. I told her to meet me along the streets near the park. Everything was perfectly planned. I waited for her at the curb, when she came up to me with tears in her eyes. I thought they were sad tears that the asshole Keith broke her heart. But to my disappointment it were tears of joy. She blissfully said that he likes her, but the fact that I liked her first, broke my heart. In short, there was nothing I could do but stare. But I never gave up on her, I never did. I'm always waiting, perhaps maybe one day our hearts would soon collide and turn into one."

I don't know if it's me or his words where like lightning that struck my whole body. Ashley is sure damn hell lucky for having Pete by her side. Pete may appear like a jerk, but I never knew he had this burning desire for Ashley.