
If I Can Hate You, Why Can’t You?

Anger, pure anger and fear sipped through her veins threatening to burst out. She struggled vehemently to release her hand, but that only made him tighten his hand around her twisted arm. She cried out of pain but that only seemed to impress more. He smirked and said, “Mm, so fiesty?” He smirked, glaring at her and pushing her against the wall. “You are evil Abdullah!” She almost shouted. Beads of sweat formed on her silk skin. Why was he making her life a living hell in her matrimonial home? She was supposed to live a happy life with her so-called husband, but instead, he is bullying her. “Just tell me, why?” She gazed at him confused wondering what he meant by that. “Why what?” She cried “Heh” he chuckled, “don’t play dumb with me Kulthum. Just tell me why you chose him over me? What am I lacking? Huh? Tell me!” He shouted pushing her more against the wall. “Because you are evil! I never loved you in the first place, you are nothing worth loving” she spat as tears flowed down her beautiful face. As soon as he heard that, his face stoned up while his jaw clenched and his eyes became bloodshot. Such a sight she had never seen since she was married to him. “If I can hate you, why can’t you, Abdullah?! I am so tired of his relationship, I can’t do it anymore just let me go” With a dejected heart, he released her hand and whispered dangerously close to her ear, “If I can’t have you, then no one will” He stumped off angrily while she slumped to the ground releasing a heavy sigh as tears rolled down her cheek. Since the day she got married to him, there has never been a day where she laughed for at least two minutes. All she knew at that very moment was that she was doomed!

Mardiyyarh_Sani · Urban
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

Chapter 5

Abdullah was sitting in his room watching his favorite movie, when he heard someone knock on his door.

"Your highness, the king seeks your presence". The guard standing next to his door said.

"Okay you may leave" His mood was a little bit off that evening.

Abdullah hates wearing the royal robes he says it doesn't entice him to wear and that it's too heavy to cope with. So he just wore normal jeans and a body hug T-shirt then headed to go see the king, his father.

"Your majesty, you requested for my presence?" He said more like a question, looking at his father and ignoring all the generals there.

"You may all leave gentlemen we will continue another time" the king said, without a second thought all of them disappeared leaving the king and his son alone.

"Yes I did, young prince but first of all have a seat then we can now talk" he said happily which made Abdullah think for a little second. Taking slow steps he finally made it to the seat his father had offered him a moment ago, still looking at him as if he wanted to squeeze his neck.

His movie is ongoing. His bored self thought sarcastically.

"When are you going back to France?" His father asked.

"Next week probably" He answered dryly.

"Well I see it seems like you are not in the mood to talk today, young prince?" He asked again with narrowed eyes.

"Am always not in the mood, your majesty," He murmured.

"Did you say something?" The king asked and adjusted his seating position so that he was facing his son.

"No your majesty I didn't, but I just wanted to know why you called me here?" He said still looking at his dad with the same expression.

"Why do you have the same expression ever since you came here son?" His father couldn't help but ask.

"What expression or what do you call it father?" He said in his thick American accent.

"You've been looking at me since as if you want to squeeze out my neck and feed it to the street dogs". The king said almost bursting into laughter.

As if you know. He thought inwardly.

"Father could you please go straight to the point?" He said annoyed but still kept a straight face.

"Yes son I can.."

"Father please don't start because I am not ready yet, I will get married when the right time comes okay?" He said distastefully.

He hates it when his family or rather his father speaks of his marriage, and a typical example is his mother the one and only lady he is and has ever been in love with apart from her no one else at least that's what he thinks.

"But son you are twenty eight when are you planing to get married? You are not growing younger but older so what are you saying?" The king asked, now it was his time to get angry.

"Okay father I know that, but don't you think it's a little bit early to get married now? And apart from that I need to complete my contract with the chinese client or have you forgotten about that?" He asked. No matter how he feels about the topic, he knows he can't defy the king's words.

"But son you can still go on with the marriage and the contract you see" he tried to knock some sense into his son thick muddled brain

"Yes I know that father, but I am not ready for the wedding at all not now and I think not anytime soon" He responded clearly annoyed.

"As you wish, but I think it would be too late when you finish your contract, and I doubt if your mother would listen to you" he said as if he was tired of arguing with him on the same topic.

"Well I know what to tell her" he wasn't even sure what to tell her.

"Okay good luck persuading her but I doubt she would listen to you" he smiled mockingly

"Well maybe I will have to say a good night to you father, because I have an important mission to accomplish with the queen tomorrow. So if you would excuse me I would like to leave father" He said sourly.

"You are always excused son and have a good night sleep" His father mockingly dismissed. Not in the slightest mood to hear any of the king's mockery again, he left the room without a single word .

As soon as he entered his room he huffed and fell on his bed with a loud thud.

"Just why?" He exhaled. "Really? Is that what the king wants me to do then I doubt that I will ever do it any time soon?" He said loudly. "Let me just talk to my mother , maybe she will understand me better." He thought standing up from his bed. He went to the washroom, did his ablution and came out to perform his prayer which he always does before going to bed.

He could swear that the king just ruined his evening by bringing up his wedding. He knew his father wouldn't just call him for nothing. He sure knows how to turn his mood sour.

After tossing and turning for a while, he finally realized the sleep was as far away from him as possible so he went to his balcony to receive some fresh air.

Looking around the kingdom from where he stood, he thought to himself the day he would be crowned king and rule over the enormous kingdom, would he be able to rule fairly just like his father? Or become a tyrant like his grandfather? Only time will tell.

So many thoughts swam through his head making him have unnecessary ideas about his future. He shook his head and went back to bed and luckily for him, he slept off.

The next morning after his breakfast, he went out jogging and by the time he came back, his breakfast was already served so he had a quick bath and sat to eat while going through emails.

All the while he was eating the maid who served him stood by the corner and stared at him lovingly. How she wished he was hers. The way he chews, the way he seats and the way he does almost everything. His style is just so perfect.

"Want something?" He asked. As soon as she heard his voice, she shivered and lowered her gaze before she replied,

"No your highness"

"Okay leave" and she did.

'Now, time to go greet mother' he thought.