

"It's over between us".

Alex stared at Kafy with a puzzled look then burst into laughter.

"Babe is that one of your jokes again?I know you are joking but u made my heart skipped a bit. it's really a costly joke".Alex commented trying hard not to laugh again.

"I'm not joking Alex,I'm really breaking up with you. I'm fed up already,things can't continue being the same between us,I'm sorry"Kafy replied looking at Alex straight in the eye.

"But Kafy you can't be serious. How am I supposed to cope without you?you know u mean the world to me. Life is not worth living if you are no longer in my life. please love,or is there something I have done to offend you,if there is, I'm really sorry about it,such won't repeat itself, please just take back what you just said"

Alex was closed to tears but Kafy was unmoved. She already planned to end things with him since about a month ago. Though she have been giving him some signs that she doesn't want to continue being with him but he is always apologizing even when she is at fault. She was born into a poor family which made her vowed not to get married to any man that can't cater for all her needs. She knew Alex was still trying to earn a living when she met him about two years ago but due to the fact that she knows he isn't the lazy type,she had always hope for things to get better but it seems things aren't getting any better then she thinks it's high time she dump him and move on with her life.

"Look Alex,I have tried enough. you can't expect me to continue being your fiancee when you can't even afford a three square meal. You are 34 for crying out loud and you are still living a wretched life,I'm also 28 and I'm not getting any younger. I need to go and start a family with a man who is ready,not someone like you that doesn't even have any hope for what you will eat tonight,I am done with you and that's final"Kafy fired back at him, drawing the attention of everyone at the coffee shop.

Alex was taken aback by her outburst. He wasn't expecting things to turn out this way. Things were good between them until this morning. She called him this afternoon telling him to meet her at their usual spot by 5. He was excited because he thinks she wants to share the good news with him. The hospital they both use had called him a few days ago that she came for a pregnancy test about 3 weeks ago and the result turned out positive. She was 3 months gone. The hospital called to remind him not to forget registering her for antenatal but were surprised when he told them he knows nothing about the fact that she's pregnant so when she called him this afternoon requesting to meet with him urgently,he had thought she wanted to tell him about it but instead,he heard a disheartening news.

When Kafy saw that Alex wasn't saying anything,she continued

"I'm actually getting married the day after tomorrow in Mexico. have being meaning to give you the Wedding invites but I don't want to waste it because I know you can't afford the flight ticket.Have a good life Alex" and with that,she stood up and walked out on him.

Alex stood up immediately to go after her but bumped into a lady spilling the content she was carrying all over his wears

To be continued.....