
If I'm Male, I Can Avoid a Yandere, Right?

Cold horror gripped my heart when I finally admitted out loud: I'm in a dating sim filled with yanderes. I quickly sat up. As much as I love the game and enjoyed the characters, there's no way in hell will I follow any of the routes. All of them lead to pain and some even death! I don't want to die or get raped! But, I don't know if I'll be forced to. There's no neutral ending, after all, and even if there was, I don't think it would be any better than the other endings. What do I do? A light bulb lit up. If I'm male, I can avoid a yandere, right? Getting transported into a dating sim is a girl's wish! But, as they say, be careful what you wish for. Our female lead, who goes by Haruka in her otome games, gets that wish. So, what's the catch? It's the game full of yandere characters and bad “good endings.” Thinking she'll go back to her world at the end of the game timeline, she decides she'll be a guy to bypass any affection. Smart, right? Silly girl forgets there is no neutral ending. She is the Main Character, and there is no escape. Updates: Uhhhh, I try, lol. Taking it at my own pace, which mean irregular updates. Warnings: Many curse words and some violence. Uh, gets a bit sexual later, but nothing extreme. Oh, and since I get people constantly trashing or complaining about my MC, I’ll warn you now that she is a “pushover.” A great target for yanderes, if you will. So leave if that isn’t your cup of tea, thank you. Discord Server: https://discord.gg/KPKrSKb (I give updates on updates) Twitter: @SkyHiLimits (as dead as me) And if you can’t get enough of this novel, check out my extras book! (that I should trying updating more…)

SkyHighLimits · Urban
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102 Chs

Lunch Time With The Boys

At some point, Ryuu did come in late. Of course, I couldn't say anything since we were in the middle of class, but at least he didn't avoid eye contact with me. That's show he's willing, right?

As the bell for lunch was about to ring, I readied myself to pounce on Ryuu before he could even think to leave. When it did ring, I immediately stood and bolted towards his seat.

Once the class realized I was heading towards the Raging Dragon, everyone quieted down and watched.

Wow, the pressure's on, huh?

Once I stood in front of Ryuu, I smiled like I normally would, trying to shove away the nervousness that came out of nowhere. Ryuu met my gaze, and I could see the tiniest hint of concern in his eyes.

"Ryuu-kun, if it's alright, I'd like to eat with you." I managed to calmly ask.

If I thought the class was quiet before, now it was just devoid of any sound at all. It made me sweat a little.

Ryuu nodded.

The class collectively gasped before whispering.

"Eh? Eating with the Raging Dragon?"

"That's like asking for death!"

"But the Dragon accepted, right?"

"Are they really just going to eat together?"

"That's Suzuki-kun, right? He's close with that yankee?"

"He even called him by his first name! And the Dragon didn't even bat an eye at it!"

"Uwah, scary."

"But, Suzuki-kun seemed like a regular guy?"

"He's clearly not if he hangs out with the Dragon!"

"Do you think he's a yankee, too?"

"No way! He's too small and skinny! He's probably the Dragon's bitch."

Woah, woah, woah! Isn't that a little to much?!

"How about we go to the courtyard?" I asked as I tried keeping my face from twitching.

Ryuu didn't bother hiding his frown anymore as he nodded and stood up.

Agh, I wanted to pat him to show I'm okay, but I felt like the classroom would explode if I did!

"Hold up! Don't forget me!" Breaking through the chatter, Akira yelled as he ran up to us.

Ryuu stiffened.

"Geez, aren't we best friends? You can't just abandon me for another!" Akira proclaimed as he slung an arm around my shoulder. "So, this is what you were planning?" He whispered in my ear.

I nodded. Akira chuckled.

"You really are something." I heard Akira mutter as he pulled away. I wanted to ask him what he meant, but another person disrupted us.

"Hey! Me too! Me too!" The familiar cutesy tone interrupted. "Don't forget me!"

The class went silent again as the little sunshine walked up to us. Yuu didn't seem to notice as he smiled brightly at me.

Ah, I think we broke their brains with the thought of the class's angel having lunch with the Raging Dragon.

I glanced at Ryuu to see how he was taking it, expecting him to be overwhelmed. However, I jumped a little when I saw a seething glower.

Eh! Eh? Ehhhhh!?

Before I could say anything, Yuu took to my other side and latched onto my arm.

"Let's go! Let's go! I know a good place with nice shade for us!" Yuu said as he tugged me forward. "Hehe, it'll be great!"

Next thing I know, I'm sitting under a tree with Akira to my right, Yuu to my left, and Ryuu sitting on the other side of the tree.


Hey, hey! This was suppose to be about Ryuu! Not you two!

"Haru, I didn't know you were close to Yamamoto-kun!" Yuu spoke as if said person wasn't right behind us.

"Ah, well, we have gotten close just recently." I explained as I worriedly glanced back.

From my angle, I could only see Ryuu's legs poking out as he was leaning back on the tree.

"I see." Yuu looked off with a faraway expression before coming back. "Geez, you're too nice, Haru!"

"Ah, I wouldn't say that." I waved off the compliment.

"At least you know." Akira sneakily mumbled. I glared at him.

"Hey! I heard that! And didn't I said I'd be better about it!?" I pouted before chomping on some rice. "I haven't said anything mean to you today." I grumbled. "At least, I don't think I have."

"Haha! You really just got set off!" Akira continued to laugh at me. I could only sulk as I continued eating.

"Eh? What? What happened?" Yuu nudged himself closer to me, clearly feeling left out.

"Heh, I wonder if I should say?" Akira slyly wondered out loud. "It is something between us two. I don't think an outsider like you should know."

He really went for it, huh?

Yuu's puffed out cheeks have now made an appearance.

"Haruuuu! What happened?" Yuu whined as he nuzzled his face against my shoulder.

Ahhh! Too close! Too close!

"N-Nothing much! We just t-talked about some problems between us! That's all!" I quickly spoke as I scooted away, inadvertently getting closer to Akira.

"Yeah, that about sums it up." Akira agreed as he took advantage of our closed distance and wrapped his arms around me. "Now, we're suuuuuper close!" Akira rejoiced as he squeezed me.

Unexpectedly, a deep voice cut through.


Everyone froze.

Waitwaitwait, what happened?! Where's the honorific?! What's happening?!

"Come here." Ryuu roughly demanded from the other side of the tree.

"Oh, uh, s-sure." The others had loosen their grips on me the moment Ryuu spoke, so I easily got up.

I walked around the tree to see Ryuu sitting as I expected him to be: leaning back with his head held high and one knee up with an arm resting on it while the other was flat on the ground. He was the image of a cool, intimidating yankee. The scowl on his face really solidify it.

"R-Ryuu-kun?" I haven't seen him look this scary since the fit he threw during our first meeting in Sato-sensei's office. "Is something wrong?"

"Tch." Ryuu clicked his tongue but patted the ground next to him. Confused and a little frightened, I just followed the silent command and sat down next to him.


Things are feeling a little stifling right now!

"Uh, you did eat something, right?" Seeing as he wouldn't say anything, I started the conversation.

"Ah? I don't usually eat lunch." Ryuu seemed to be cooling down but was still mad for some reason.

"That's not good! Here." I stabbed a piece of sausage from my lunch and held it up. "I'm not taking no for an answer."

This time, it was apparently Ryuu's turn to freeze.

"Ehhhh! Haru, you don't feed me!" I almost dropped the meat when Yuu's voice whined from right beside me.

When did he get there?!

"That's cuz you have food!" I barked back before shoving the sausage closer to Ryuu. "Eat it already!" My arm's getting tired holding this up for you!

"Then, if I didn't, you'd feed me like Yama-kun?" Yuu asked in a sickly sweet tone.

Yama-kun? Really?

Right as I was about to dismiss him, Ryuu finally bit the sausage.

"Thanks." He muttered after he swallowed.

"Yeah! No problem." I grinned, already planning one giving him another.

"Hey, Yamamoto-kun, want some of mine, too?" Akira popped out beside Ryuu. "Hmm, I think I could give you some of my omelet."

"No thanks." Ryuu growled without a second thought.

Wah, so hostile.

"Haha, I see." Akira laughed it off like the happy-go-lucky boy he is.


"Oh! Ryuu-kun, I never introduced these two to you." I pulled us out of the awkward silence. "That's Akira Miyazaki, and this is Yuu Saito."

"Nice to meet you." Akira greeted, ever so amiable.

"Mm." Yuu quietly agreed with a stiff smile, which surprised me.

I was expecting a cute, charming greeting.

When I looked at him, his false smile was so obvious. His eyes also held a hint of cold assessment.

He really doesn't like this, does he?

Once Yuu realized I was looking at him, he fixed his crooked mask, smiled brightly, and hugged my arm tighter.

"Hm." Ryuu didn't even bother hiding his disinterest.

Uhm, this wasn't how I thought this would go...

I expected some clashing from Yuu and Ryuu. In addition to Yuu hating another obstacle, they're opposites. While Yuu's cute and sneaky, Ryuu's scary and honest. I wouldn't be surprised if Ryuu could see through Yuu's act and not like it.

But, Akira, too? Why? I don't think he did anything wrong, and even he offered him food like I did!


There's no way he's jealous, right?


Nononononono, there's no way!



Maybe because I'm his only friend? And I haven't been paying attention to him this whole time even though I said we'd be having lunch together. Yeah...Yeah, that makes sense.

"Say, Yamamoto-kun, I haven't heard any stories about you recently. Have you stopped fighting?" Akira's question broken me out of my thoughts.


I looked at Ryuu expectantly.

If Akira says it, he's gotta be telling the truth since he's the rumor library.

"...It's not that I stopped. Idiots just stopped approaching me." Ryuu glared, and I could see flames brewing in his eyes.

Eh? Was that a threat? To who? Me? Akira?

"Oh, I see." Akira replied with a forced smile, obviously understanding the undertone.

Ah, to him.

*** Omake ***

I don't like how they hang onto him. I don't like how they treat him. I don't like them.


This never bothered me before. Why now?


Get away.

Leave us alone.

I only need him, and he only needs me.


Hey, hey, could you tell I wasn’t in a slump writing this? Hehe.

Update on the contract: I’m currently testing how often I could update. The minimum is 3x a week, and, as you all know, I don’t know how viable that is. So, I’m writing like crazy right now and testing myself.

Thanks for reading and commenting! I know I say it a lot, but hearing your thoughts really put the goofiest smile on my face. <3

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