

In a world ravaged by demonic calamities, Aiden, a man who lost everything, his sister vanished in a mysterious abduction, his parents scarred by the hellish energy that brought demons to Earth. Amidst the chaos, Aiden is cast out by his foster family, cheated of all he held dear. But fate grants him an opportunity: to save his ailing mother, locate his missing sister, and ascend to unparalleled strength as something more than a Contractor, humanity's last hope against the infernal onslaught. A tale of resilience, retribution, and redemption unfolds in the ashes of a shattered world.

Wize_king · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
126 Chs

Unstable demon

A silent rift, it had inexplicably materialized in BB Hotels and something was coming out of it.

"Shit," Bruce cursed as he ran out of the room but before that "bam," he hit a red button on the wall triggering a wave of siren sounds that resounded throughout the hotel.

That was the hotel alarm, and almost every home in the shelter had it, this alarm was put in place to alert the nearest hunting family and the police.

The shelter had its own advanced set of sirens but it wouldn't go off unless the demon in question was higher than threat level ten, that was because the city sirens were put in place to alert one organization, the Silence.

Hearing the hotel siren people rushed out of their rooms, with some even half-dressed desperately rushing towards the exit.

Bruce was fast, efficiently shuffling through the crowd of people rushing out of the hotel and making it outside.


A loud bang was heard back at the room with the rift, "ewhehe," a diabolical crackle sounded out as the door was blasted open, the demon could finally be seen, and it looked unsightly.

Its skin seemed to have been flayed as large chunks of flesh were missing from its being, with the stature of a dwarf and a hunchback at the same time it was quite shorter than a human.

But its body was so thick even with all its missing flesh that it had a meaty feeling to it.

The demon had no eyes and on top of its disfigured head was a wide open mouth with unearthly teeth, at the end of its long limbs were long razor-sharp nails, and finally on the place where its face was supposed to be were two bare holes which seemed to be its nose.

"Sniff, Sniff," the demon sniffed twice as if trying to follow a smell, it stayed still for a while until finally, it seemed to have found something.

"Bang, crack," its feet left the ground cracking it in the process of its jump, with that much force it leaped quite the distance latching its claws on the wall and proceeding to jump to the next wall, it destroyed the floor and the painting on the walls leaving nothing but destruction in its wake.

"Sniff," it sniffed as it moved, following whatever smell it seemed to be following, and finally it stopped at a room door, the feint sound of whimpering could be heard from inside.

A normal human would never be able to hear it, but as a demon, it was akin to yelling, and on top of that most demons had an ungodly sense of sight or smell, no normal human would be able to hide from a demon.

Meanwhile, back in the room, the silent rift was still open, which was odd, a normal rift would have closed by now, but the anomaly seemed to be fixing itself as the rift started to close, but before it could fully close a long and dark finger burst out holding the side of the rift.

More fingers could be seen as they moved and repositioned themselves.


A low grunt sounded out, and not long after the rift started to widen, it opened so much and was even wider than it originally was.

A tall figure came into view and its presence was imposing.

It was a demon with a large horn protruding from its forehead.

Other than that something was strange about this demon, it wore a cloak which was unheard of for low-level demons.

"Cough, cough," the being suddenly coughed as black blood splashed on the floor.


The being spoke in an unknown language, but it paused as if noticing something, its body shuddered and it spoke again but this time in fluent English.

"Cough, doing that just made my condition worse, but it makes it easier to communicate."

"Cough," it coughed again this time leaning on the wall.

This demon looked weak but something was off about it.

As soon as this demon appeared droplets of water floated from every water body in the hotel, the fish tank, bottles of water, and so on, not even a moment later the city sirens went off.

"WIIIIIIIIII WIIIIIIIIII threat level 61 demon detected at the sixth building on Addams street all citizens are advised to evacuate, threat level 61 demon detected at the sixth building of Addams street all citizens are advised to evacuate."

The noise from the sirens seemed to make the demon uncomfortable as it placed its hand on its head, "Ahhhhh, so noisy," the demon held onto its head, but it soon raised it yet again, "I sense a male human," It muttered.


(A few minutes before the city siren went off)

Outside the hotel, a crowd of people had gathered, some with relieved expressions on their faces as they had managed to escape a calamity.

If it was a demon above threat level ten all citizens would have been asked to evacuate and the area would have been sealed.

This was because demons above threat level ten had more stable minds and would attack only humans or animals and if they had enough time to adapt they could even learn to disguise themselves among humans becoming an even bigger problem.

Demons below treat level ten on the other hand seemed to have more chaotic thoughts in their head.

Those types of demons would attack anything in sight human or object alike with their priority being humans.

But in the case that there were no living beings in sight the demon would opt to destroy its surroundings.

Simply put the demon would be too busy trying to destroy the hotel rather than coming outside and attacking humans "Did you see the demon?" A bystander asked.

"No I just heard the alarms and I ran out with my kid." Another replied.


A few police cars could be seen driving in, they had quite the company with an ambulance and a few white trucks following behind them.

As soon as they arrived the cops quickly got to work asking the civilians questions, and writing statements, "So you're the one who triggered the alarm?" a policewoman asked Bruce, who explained what happened in detail.

As they talked a few people got down from the white truck consisting of six males and four females.

They dressed oddly as if they were attending a comic con of sorts inciting mummers from the crowd.

"That's a small hunting family."

"Do you know them?"

"No, but look at the trucks they came in."

"Yeah it doesn't have a logo yet, I think they are a startup family."

"Cool, look at their equipment."

"Na the silence looks way cooler in their all-black suites."

"I don't get it; if I ever become a Contractor I'll join the Silence immediately."

"You think everyone can join the Silence?"

The group didn't pay attention to the murmuring of the crowd they ignored it as they walked toward the policewoman, who was interviewing Bruce.

"Excuse me miss we'll take it from here," a bald and burly man who seemed to be the leader of the group said with a smile.

The policewoman frowned a bit but she made way for the burly man to ask Bruce some questions.

"I'm Grim the captain of the Grim hunting family," the burly man said grimly, his figure looking especially heavier with the ancient-looking armor on his body.

"Wow look who popped out of a history book," Bruce thought.

Of course, armor like this was normal among the low-level contractors, and even the other team members were wearing similar equipment.

The armor seemed to fit this guy more though.

The reason low-level Contractors would prefer this ridiculous-looking armor was simple.

These kinds of equipment were cheaper than the high-quality armor the Silence used.

Instead of wearing fabric and armor made from the carcasses of high-level demons, you could opt to wear armor made out of natural materials like steel or metal.

Normal metals like these were the only materials available that could withstand the process of being forcefully imbued with hell energy, this didn't mean they were the hardest, it just meant they were just right for the process.

"I'm Bruce," Bruce said as he stretched his hand out for a handshake, honestly he felt a bit jealous, this guy was living his dream.

Seeing this Contractor in front of him made him remember Aiden who shared a dream similar to his.

While he is driven by the desire to avenge his deceased parents by slaying the demon responsible, Aiden also endeavors to save his mother, rescue his sister, unravel the mysteries surrounding her disappearance, and ultimately confront the enigmatic Mist demon.

Ignoring Bruce's hand Grim asked, "Did you see the demon? Skip the pleasantry and tell me the details, I don't want to waste my time with you."

Already used to the rude nature of Contractors Bruce didn't sigh.

"I didn't see the demon I only saw the rift," Bruce said ignoring the feint act of disdain Grim had shown.

Expressionlessly Bruce went on to explain what exactly he experienced, and the more Grim heard the more he frowned.

"Are you sure there is even a demon, you do know the consequences of lying about this stuff right?"

The consequences for triggering a false alarm were pretty harsh and you could get up to 30 years of hard time, on top of that after you were released you would have to pay an unreasonable amount of money.

"I'm sure," Bruce said getting faintly annoyed, he couldn't believe they thought he was lying.

The group didn't show it but he could tell by the look in their eyes and the way they spoke to him, "This group is looking down on me."

Unfortunately, that was indeed the case, Contractors because of their power were at the top of the social ladder and enjoyed a myriad of privileges.

Unless you were richer than them most Contractors would look down on normal people and being richer than a working Contractor was no joke.

Suddenly a woman in her late thirties ran towards the group her eyes were full of tears as she yelled, "Please help me, I-I can't find my daughter anywhere, I think she's inside," she stammered.


The people outside were shocked and most shook their heads in pity, if a human was close enough even the unstable demon would choose to attack said person and ignore the objects in the hotel, it had most likely picked up her scent by now.

"Are you stupid?" a woman in the group of Contractors asked, she had pink hair but one look was enough to tell that it wasn't her natural hair color, "we can't go in there now, it's too risky we don't even know the strength of this demon, we have to call for backup from another family." The pink-haired woman said.

hearing this Grim nodded his head as he said to the crying woman, "Sorry madam but your child is most likely dead," they walked towards their truck but just as they were leaving "Blame your irresponsibility," Grim muttered just enough for the woman to hear.

Seeing the departing figure of the group of Contractors Bruce squeezed his palms, he felt furious.

Seeing the crying woman who looked as if she'd seen a ghost his heart bleed, thinking for a while Bruce asked with a shaky voice, "Which room did you leave her in?"

Raising her head the woman looked towards Bruce with confusion evident in her gaze, she didn't understand why he would ask such a question, but she answered anyway.

"I-Its 304," hearing this Bruce zoomed off running towards the hotel without any hesitation, "ba-dump," his heart pounded in his chest as he thought of the possible outcomes of his decision.

People noticed him and were shocked, "what is that idiot doing does he want to die," Grim murmured as he watched Bruce with shock, even though he was shocked he did not attempt to stop him.

"Mr. Bruce wait stop," the policewoman yelled but it was too late, Bruce had already entered the hotel after sprinting across the street.

Bruce didn't know what had come over him but he thought he could do it, the demon was on the fifth floor, but room 304 was on the third floor, all he had to do was get the child and run out.

Taking the stares Bruce arrived at the room quite quickly but upon reaching there he almost threw up; the smell of blood strongly filled the room and he could see brutally detached body parts here and there.

A bottle of water seemed to have fallen to the ground and the contents inside floated in midair signifying the presence of the demon.

But the demon in question was a low-level demon, water wouldn't have that kind of reaction unless the demon in question was extremely close to it.

Slowly Bruce looked up, and what he saw made his eyes widen, an abominable creature was above him, it didn't have eyes and its future made Bruce feel disgusted.

"Sniff, Sniff," it sniffed with the two holes on its face, and it seemed to have sensed Bruce as it jumped down from where it was "Thud," its feet made a small thud sound as they landed on the floor.

The demon was up close and thanks to that Bruce could finally see it clearly and what it held in its claws, its flayed and disfigured body was filled with blood, especially at the top of its head where its mouth was located.

In its claws was a human head, though the flesh seemed to have been eaten from the left side of it the right was completely intact.

It was intact enough for Bruce to see that the head in the demon's hands belonged to the girl he was looking for.

Throwing the head in its hand to the side the demon focused on Bruce, who could not move even though he tried he wanted to run but he couldn't, it was as if his feet were rooted in place.

People had different reactions when seeing a demon for the first time, some ran some hid some even tried to fight and some like Bruce just froze in fright.


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