
if happy ever after exist i would be still holding you like this

Happiness is nothing but an illusion in which millions of people walk just because they don't want to accept their reality as, in the end, they have to leave their loved ones. But at the moment of life and death, they still make a wish with a powerful desire that a soft-hearted creator might grant them the wish but there is no god to pray. No one is listening. In the end, everybody has to go and remember the more beautiful memories you will make, the more pain you feel leaving them and the much more pain they will feel when saying goodbye.......... a pretty girl walking down the streets of New York, the whole city is shining brightly with lights and decoration. The city is full of chaos. In the all this happy and cheerful ambience, we can't see any emotion in her face, it is just telling lonely and hurt now she is standing in front of a grand mansion where she live it has everything one can expect to live a good life but she is not happy at all if it can't give her happiness than what can lets see in her story.........

Raj_Nandini_Singh · Fantasy
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9 Chs

CHAPTER 2 tangled mysteries......

chanyeol - ok (with that he show a ok sign with his fingers to Olivia)

After that, he went from there, thinking Olivia needed some time, and he named the classroom where he met a boy named haru who was sitting behind him.

haru- hey buddy, OK are you OK? I thought I was not going to see you again, but lucky for you, I think you can sit with me. It's really dangerous to sit with Olivia. I even get scared just sitting behind her.

chanyeol- thanks for your concern, but I am really fine and do you think something will happen to me? Till I am with her nothing will happen to me, by the way. What's your name?

haru - sorry I forgot to introduce myself. I am Haru and you are Chanyeol, right and I was talking about Olivia. She is really dangerous to stay with her

chanyeol- no she can never be dangerous. She is just a little fragile girl who needs someone by her side.

haru- you are talking like you know everything about her

chanyeol- maybe yes, at least more than she knows about herself. By the way, you should change your style and your hat is really vulgar. You won't get any taste in appearances. Bye, see you soon.

Chanyeol exits the classroom and moves toward the rooftop where Olivia is sitting.

haru- did he just look down on me? I thought it would be nice to forget the past and start new with you, but now you have started it, I will make sure to finish it and I think it's time for shopping. Look at my appearance ... wait for what I am thinking, but let's try a new look at least to show him his place, but what, I will tell to master (sigh) i have to think something our life is really tough. These humans will never understand our problems.

Let's see what's going on with Chanyeol and Olivia.

Olivia- what I have got for myself. He is really irritating. Please someone help me from him or I have to admit myself to a mental hospital. A total crazy guy, is he even human?

Chanyeol - no

Olivia - ahhhh oh what are you? How can you just appear like this? I got startled.

Chanyeol- what could I do if someone cursed me for half an hour? I have to come

Olivia- oh I forget it's just a waste of time talking to you. I am leaving. Don't you dare to follow me.

With that, Olivia starts to leave the school and Chanyeol follows her, but something happens at the bus stop. Let's see what is going on there.

Olivia- what are you doing at the bus stop? Just go from here and everybody, are you all listening? Don't you dare to make a single noise. I am already frustrated, OK.

Chanyeol- wow can you please tell me how you did? It was really cool.

Olivia- oo come on, if life gives you problems you have to be like this. When I was 18, I was a really happy and lively girl but(cut off by Chanyeol)

Chanyeol- wait wait. I don't mean your story, I mean how you can make everyone silent. I also want to learn it.

Olivia- what you are really impossible how can i suppose to except anything from you

Haru- Hi everyone? Did I miss something?

Chanyeol-what are you doing here? Didn't I tell you not to follow me if you dare, then be ready again to go and take punishment in hell.

Haru- oh comeon you really think you can do something to great gram reaper like me don't forget i will be the one to escort you when you will die oh sorry for that you have to know your existence first nameless immortal curse you are just by knowing some magic you cant beat me ok

Chanyeol- hey what are you doing? You really want to expose us. You are really dumb, so I am nameless, at least better than you. At least I have my memories, and why do you here, someone like me, don't deserve to be with reaper of the lowest department?

Olivia- So you are some kind of magician and you are a grim ripper. What on earth are you both doing? I don't know how I ended up like this but

Haru- how do you know our secret? Are you something in a high department or what?

Chanyeol- you are the one who told her stupid

Olivia- stop you both told me how stupid people like you have become such mysterious things. (sigh)

Chanyeol- wait why you are neither shocked nor surprised how

Olivia- Because I already have doubts about this Haru guy and, for your kind info Mr devil because the light of spark coming from you when we are on the rooftop, you are both equally stupid

Haru- See bus has arrived. Let's go to your house and talk there, because from now on the three of us are going to live together.

Olivia- what I don't agree with this

Chanyeol- after knowing about us you still think of talking back, wrong move. OK, let me show some of my skills.

(With that, Chanyeol moves his indexfinger round. Sparks appear and they are at Olivia's mansion.)

Olivia- I don't want to say this but you are both cool. Now, do you care to explain about this or do you want me to throw both of you out?

Haru- You are great. You have my respect. Ma'am. You are the first person in my 532-year journey to have this reaction. After knowing about me, we can be friends. I really need to learn many things from you.

Olivia- Are you really 532 years old? But you don't look like one. You must have a tough life these years. You know I am just 22 and I don't want to be born again.

Haru- Dont worry, this is your last and 5th life, so you don't need to worry much.

Chanyeol- Are you both purposely ignoring and teaming up together, but how can you do it? I am your guardian Angel. Did you really forget me?

Olivia- No, why do you always talk like being my father? Why can't you be cool like Mr 532-year-old Haru?

Haru- Hey you don't have to tell my age every time you talk

Chanyeol-(haha ha) sorry but, that is true you actually are Mr oldie, but are you both forgetting why we are really here and you not so pretty, which you have to help us and you can't tell anybody about us?

Olivia- Really you think I will help you this easily and son forget I can expose you both, so better first help me then think of helping yourself

Chanyeol- You are really a sly fox. That is why the master chose you for this work, so let me tell you in detail. Don't you know about Haru on Year's eve when he is escorting that lady?

Olivia- Yes, but how do you know?

Flashback on New Year's eve evening

A man ( Chanyeol) was standing on the cliff of a mountain with 3 other men and 2 were standing in front of him and one boy, nearly 16 years old, was lying unconscious. Then Chanyeol said," Finally, the day has arrived. I will find the girl who always came from my dream and get my powers, my people and kingdom back from the black world. Another man whose name is Derek replied, but are you sure, young master, you have to go all by yourself? We can send our team, but I don't feel good about you going there without all your powers. Those earthling people are neither reliable nor understanding. We are not part of that world. Why can't you understand?

Chanyeol replied," I already told you I made up my mind and, if my life is living there like that, how can I be here if she belongs to there i must be there for her by her side. I know she is broken, but she has to know the truth and remember everything.

Derek said," but how are you going to find her?

Chanyeol replied," You don't need to worry about that my heart will definitely tell when i will find her but what this grim reappear is doing here

Haru is the other man standing there. Then he replied" Master has appointed me to keep an eye on you and this boy lying there will be with you all the time and help you, but remember he"" doesn't know about us, so don't reveal him in front of us.

Chanyeol said now this small boy will take care of me and this vulgar looking guy will keep an eye on me what a life

Haru said, don't you dare to comment on my appearance and he (haru) is the one who will help us to be with earthling people because he is also a human and my assistants will also live with us. Now go and find her until I have lots of work. Even if I have to make money to pay rent, it's a busy life for grim reapers also not like you, who will get everything with his power. We can't use it for ourselves.

Chanyeol said he just looked down on me. I don't know how this journey will start with this team.

With that, they start to find Olivia on New Year's eve in the street when she is going to her mansion, but they don't know that she has already seen Haru escorting the lady soul.

With Derek, he went to the after world to report to Master. Now he was standing in front of a lady in a white gown. Then Derek said, Master, I completed my work, but why do you ask me to let the three of them live together? You know the three of them will never rely on each other?

The master replied" no you don't understand Derek"" there is no one better than the three of them to heal their broken souls because, three of them can feel each other's sorrow and they only understand how weak they are from inside and they are going to become each other's strength just wait and see.

Derek bowed and said, as you say, Master

Flashback end here. Now present.....

Olivia- So you both are saying you are from the after world and your little master. This so cold devil lost his power and I can only give them back. I understand that, but why are you (Haru) helping him? Do you also have something to do with it and where is the other boy you were talking about?

Haru- So you are really intelligent. That is why you were chosen for this job and, yes, I have my selfish motive because I forget my past memories, because of which I ended up like this, so I want to get it back, which can happen in only two ways. One is by this dumb guy's power.

Chanyeol- Dont you dare to treat your young master like this? I ain't dumb at all understand.

Olivia- Will you shut your mouth for a moment? It is true, you are dumb and you tell me the other way to get your memories

Chanyeol- Are you both teaming up again against me?

Haru-. Ignore him, he is like this, so the other way is that if I find my past love, then by holding her hand I can get it, which is not possible because I don't remember her.

Olivia- oh that is so said and Mr Chanyeol helps him (haru) as soon as possible, otherwise it will be bad for you and where is the other guy?

Chanyeol- Now I am sure you both team up against me uhhh and that guy, look up he has been hanging there since the first

Olivia- Are you mad or something? You tell me that he is normal. What would happen if he woke up like that?

Chanyeol- Oh yeah I forgot because I was angry. Wait a minute.

with that, he landed the boy on the living room couch....

to be continue...