
Chapter 2 - If only I knew

Narrators POV

" Hello, student. I have not seen you around this school, are you new? "

Ms. Berth asked with a sour tone in her voice, almost too sour for it to be just because she is late. But Kendy just shook it off as her disturbing a lesson.

" And what are your pronouns? "

' Ms.Berth asked me this but not as sour as the first question.'

But Kendy was too busy thinking that she didn't register that the sentence that Ms.Berth asked was actually a question, so she just kept thinking and looking around. The class looked actually pretty nice. It's around 7 by 15 meters and it has four windows on one of the walls. It was in light green colour, so it looked almost calming. But the teacher was anything, but calming, right now.

Her focus came back on to this class teacher that had this unwelcoming look and greyish / brownish hair that confirmed that she isn't in her young years anymore. Although the teenager was standing pretty far from the teacher, she could still see Ms.Berths eyes, that were these cold greyishly blue tone, which just made her look even more dissatisfied.

Kendy kept looking at the teacher that was approaching her with a scary pace and the girl didn't understand why, when she was suddenly jerked out from her thought by a freezing hand. And when Kendy started to look who this hand belongs to it was the history teacher.

" Are you too good to answer or what? Because, I asked you to answer my questions and introduce yourself to the class by telling a little about yourself student! "

Man, this is a very scary tone and Kendy didn't want to hear it again in her life. She actually got goosebumps from Ms.Berths words, so she started speaking as soon as she was in front of the whole class.

" Hi! My name is Kendy and I am new to this school and my pronouns are she/her. "

There couldn't have been a more shy voice than hers in the class. Maybe not in the whole school. And by the looks of it, half of her classmates didn't even hear her, 'nor was it enough about herself' by Ms.Berths thought. 'But seeing as she is new to my classes i won't send her to detention, yet.'

" Was that it?! Where are you from, how long have you been here, what brings you here and most importantly, why are you in THIS school? "

The unkind tone hadn't changed even a bit in Ms.Berths voice and it made the teacher even more scary than previously. And the fact that Kendy didn't know the answer to any of these questions didn't help. So, the teenager just stood there, looking at her shoes and afraid to talk.

" If only i knew "

Was the only thing she mumbled to herself, so that nobody heard her. And Ms.Berth seeing as she won't get more from the 'rude' girl just gave her another freezing look and dislikingly said :

" Pick a free seat where you will be sitting for the next school year ! "

So the shy girl did and sat next to a girl with blue hair, that was only chin long, and black clothes with dark boots that were too dark to be purple blue, but not enough blue to call them blue. When the, literally, gold girl sat next to the other girl, she didn't even care enough to look at Kendy. So, the teenager just put her backpack down and took out history book and her notes.

Ms.Berth started talking again, with only half of the lesson left, but not as cold as to the new girl. Today was World history lesson and as Kendy hadn't been to any lessons yet, she quietly asked her deskmate :

" Can I borrow your notes for a while, I haven't been to any lessons yet and..."

Kendy got cut off by a very unlikable voice saying :

" You disturb my class first thing in the morning, and now you keep disturbing it even when I am teaching you, not to mention you haven't been to any lesson and don't know anything. And when you didn't even tell about yourself i thought as you are new i won't send you to detention yet, but seeing that you are ASKING to be sent there, you got it, You have detention after classes. "

' Great! Just what I wanted on the first day of school. I hope Mjs.Bjerthj is happy now. Okay. Nope. No negative thoughts. She just misunderstood the whole situation, and will probably meet some new people in detention, so it isn't that bad. See, that's a whole lot better. Positive thinking. '

Kendy thought to herself and sat the whole lesson writing notes as much as she could and carefully listening to Ms.Berth talking about history, which she seemed to enjoy very much, judging by her body language, that was more open and active than before, and by her face, that didn't ,anymore, look like she had smelt something very stinky and gross.

The bell rang, suddenly and Kendy jumped a bit hearing it. But soon got over it and put her stuff in her backpack and went out of her class with everyone else.