
More On… I 55A

“Okay.” Sawyer slammed his text book shut and stretched his arms, yawning.

Laura smiled in admiration, looking at his broad back from her sitting position in the middle of his bed. “If you’re stretching that much, you must be very tired.” She pointed out, watching him stand up and stretch his arms out to his sides. “We don’t have to do this.”

“I’m not that tired Laura, just a little stiff from sitting in one position arguably, for days.”

“That’s what you get for skipping five days of classes.” She assessed him. She couldn’t tell what it was before, but she knew something was wrong with him before he left. He was more silent than usual before and lost in thought, never paying much attention to her or anyone and when he looked at her for a split second he always looked so hurt and lost and then he would smile and it reached his eyes, somehow erasing what she had seen.