
Idol or Master of Card (Fanfic Marvel/Yu-gi-oh)

Have you ever heard of Yu-gi-oh? Well it’s seem that are main female character know about it. Lisa Yuena was a fan and a Yu-gi-oh player during her life until she die due to misfortune of God. Now she is found in Marvel with a system of Yu-gi-oh. What will she do? And why is the system want her to be a idol in the first place? What deck will she have in this second life of hers? (English is not my main language, you have been warned) (I only write if I have time.) (I only restarted writing again because of a Yu-gi-oh fanfic that I love.)

redblue · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

In the afterlife 2

"Hmm… Shirou can you stop licking me."

Lisa said as she felt her cat licking her face. She was in her bed with her eyes closed trying to get some sleep but it seems like Shirou, her cat, had other ideas for her. and kept bothering her.

"Alright, alright I'll get up Shirou." She chuckled and attempted to pet him but found instead of the delicate fur that her cat has, it was like a damp swamp. It felt as if what she was touching was a sticky substance.

She opened her eyes and saw what she touched wasn't her cat but a black liquid substance. A black that had all of its light stripped away. She quickly looked around in a panic to find that she was in fact on her bed but the rest of her room was gone.

Lisa was all alone in an unfamiliar setting. Nothing and no one could be seen no matter where she looked. 

"Whe- where am I?"

Lisa looked around frantically, she had no idea where this was nor how she got here and began imagining the scenarios. 

Maybe she was kidnapped and placed in a black sludge like room to torture her and sell her in the black market. Or maybe it was a serial killer who liked to kill woman like 'Jack the Ripper'. Or maybe-


Lisa slapped herself in the cheek. It was a kind of ritual she did when she was scared or stressed. Some people had different kinds of actions to do to keep them away from being scared but she adopted this one. It was one she made when she was all little and this persisted even into adulthood.

'Don't panic. Stay calm and analyze everything around you. Find out clues as to where you are. That's right! This is nothing compared to singing as the lead singer in the band.' 

Those feelings weren't true.

It was definitely more scary here than singing in front of thousands of fans.

She was in fact frightened and wanted to hide away in her bedsheets and wait until she can be free by someone.

But she won't.

Maybe it was her pride that forced her to stand up in her bed.

Or maybe it was the fear that drove her to do something.

But what Lisa knew was that she had to something other than staying here and be scared like a little girl.

Although she is 5ft 3 so she was in fact smaller than most people around the world.

So she wasn't a small little girl anymore.

She was now a small adult woman!

"That's right! I won't be scared, you think a little darkness will scare me." 

That was when strange noises echoed throughout this void. The sounds felt as if someone was gurgling and breathing hard. 

"Who is it?!"

Lisa took the pillow of her bed and held tightly on it whilst shivering.

"I'm not scared of you! I survived through blackouts before, nothing that hides away in the dark scares me!"

Lisa was in fact scared of the darkness.

And that fact was about to be revealed.

Suddenly, the bedsheets that she was on blew away making her slip and hit her head with the nightstand.

"Ow!! How does that even happen?" Lisa said as she scratched her head in pain.

"Hello little girl, how are you doing?"

A voice appeared above her. When she looked above, she saw a bright shining light blinding her. She blocked the light with her hands but struggled to keep her eyes opened. After a few seconds, the light started to dull, Lisa looked in front of her and saw an ambiguous person wearing white robe that shined like light itself, behind them were what she could describe as cloud shaped into wings, a head that doesn't show any facial feature and a crown made of raging fire capable of burning through a forest.

"Who the hell are you?!" Lisa screamed in surprise before taking her pillow as a weapon.

The being remained impassive to her actions. He lowered his height and landed right above the headboard. "Please refrain from using violent means to solve a problem, it is barbaric and unruly. Besides, our location would be more similar to Heaven than Hell."

The being bowed his head and brought its hand to its heart. "And to answer your question, I am the avatar of JHVH and I'm here to send you to the afterlife. You may call me God. It is a pleasure to meet you."

'Afterlife? Am I dead then?' Lisa thought.

"No, you are not dead."

"You can hear my thoughts?"

Lisa was surprised that the being in front of her was able to hear her thoughts. 

No... this was all so confusing. In a moment, she went from thinking she was kidnapped, to being trapped in a void, to then meeting God and then being told that she was dead. All in a moment. Her breathing became ragged and Lisa felt like she was going to vomit. But she had to believe this, this was all too surreal to be a prank.

Though all she could do was calm down and think logically. She made an audible gulp sound and took a deep breath before talking.

"Why tell me this?"

Lisa slowly look up and now saw the person figure change to that of a normal man.

"Now that you're calm, you will-"

Before he could explain, Lisa cut him off.

"Reincarnate me, right?"

"... yes."

She sighed before returning to her cheerful self.

"Well that's all right, so reincarnation means I'll start a new life. Guess all that chasing for popularity won't mean anything now but I'll work hard and gain back everything I had. My manager will probably kill me when he hears this but too bad I'm already dead! I won't have to hear his nagging anymore. My friends will probably find my body so I won't rot for too long. They'll probably forget about me in a couple of days since I'm always so busy streaming. I wonder what Shirou will become of, I guess he'll find a new owner. Shouldn't be too hard since he's such a good little boy."

Lisa tried to remain positive and even voiced out things she didn't truly believe in. She was deep inside sad that she will never meet them anymore. But a new life meant new start, she'll start over and have new friends and family. With hard work and previous experience, it shouldn't be that hard to become an idol again, right?

There was awkward silence in the white space, she didn't seem to be scared like before, now she had her goal in front of herself. She would make a new life where she would be happy.

"It seems you misunderstood. I did claim you will reincarnate but I never said in which world it would be."


She turned her head to the avatar in disbelief who could only shake their head as if they were disappointed by her lack of intellect. It seemed as if he looked at her like she was a lower lifeform who lacked the understanding that he had.

In layman's term, he was looking at her like she was a baby.

"Don't tell me I will be thrown to another world?"

God nodded his head confirming it.

All she wanted was to go back and live her life, not some fantasy world where there was no internet and she would have to fight monsters on a daily base to survive.

"Worry not! For I shall grant you one wish to ensure your survival in this new foreign world."

"Thanks god! Now, I wish for…"

"But you must first best me in combat."

"... I'm sorry. What in the biblical fu-"

Lisa restrained herself from 

Lisa can't believe it, another trompe that was false once again. They are suppose to be free like you demande something from God or R.O.B and they will give your power.

It seems that those manga or manwha that she read were false. But that not problem right now, the problem right is to defeat the avatar of God. However, she all thought that he will laser beam her with his eyes.

So what now? That was all she could think right. But before she could think of surrender, the avatar eased her frustrated.

"Don't worry young child, I will give you a chance. You can pick any challenges and we will settle it like that. And don't worry, I will make myself equal to you to make it fair."

This seem to ease her frustration a little, but right now Lisa must think of a challenge, but what challenges will she think?

'Dammit, must been a way, Yu-Gi-Oh? Is the God know how to play? Dancing? Maybe I was idol so maybe…'

But before she could continue the avatar interrupted her.

"So you want to challenge me to a Yu-Gi-Oh Duel?"

"Yu-Gi-Oh?!? Wait you know how to play it?"

"Of course, now let us play shall we."

The distance between them suddenly pull apart. She fall on her butt and they now face each with cards suddenly appear out of nowhere on each side.

"Before we began, here are the rules:…"

The avatar lifted its index finger.

"The first rule: You can choose any card you want. I choose Exodia and what about you?"

"Umm… Trickstars?"

He then pulled the second finger.

"The second rule: We both start with 8000 life points…"

He then pulled his third finger.

"And the final rule: We both take real damage, meaning we both burn and cut when taking damage until one of our life points hit zero resulting in our deaths."

"Wait, what?! That not fair?! You're the literal avatar of God. How am I supposed to beat you?"

"I apologize but those are the rules for this game. If you do manage to defeat me, you will be rewarded with the reincarnation into a new world."

Lisa pondered for second before got up and prepare and her battle for her new life.


""It time to duel!""

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. Also happy Chinese new years!!!

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