

A year after my birth, dad company went bankrupt due to some internal conflict and corruption between the higer up. Grandpa could no longer take the stress of losing his entire fortune so he left us soon after. That the starting point of our family downfall. Since dad could no longer afford a luxary life for mom,she started to blame us for her ruin future and dream. Dad began to look for dozen of different job to support the family. And mom began to enter the entertainment industry again.Sadly life in the industry was not so kind, especially to a marriage woman with a child. Mom started to be under a lot of stress so she usually lash it out on me.Until one day mom left us with an old director from her flim side. Dad beg on his knee for her to stay but she left us anyway and never return.

Dad began to blame himself for our misfortune, saying that the only reason mom left us was due to his incompetent as a man. And he started to obsessed with making money wheather it was dangerous or illigal only makeing money seems to matter to him.

The only advice dad ever said to me was that " Daniel, my son i hope that one day you will find a woman who love you and with her you will find happiness".

So from young age i began to obsessed with the idea of having my own woman who will bring happiness to me