
Idol Child

In an idol company, there is an idol named Ruka. She is still 20 years old. She is pregnant by an unknown man. She is pregnant with 2 twins, a boy and a girl. Ruka has a profession as an idol in her company called W-IDOL. Her company has managed to set many records because of the idol group Ruka idolizes.

JoanAlfonso · Realistic
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13 Chs

Failure is not the end

After Nami came home from karaoke, she immediately lay down on the bed looking at her cellphone. When she was scrolling through tiktok, she found a company that was looking for someone to become an idol. The company was called MUSASHI PRODUCTION, but she immediately registered herself. "One Week Later" Nami suddenly got an email that she passed the first round of selection. The second round of selection will be held next week. Namipun happily screaming because he passed the first round of selection. "One Week Later" Nami went to MUSASHI PRODUCTION with Tsunami using Tsunami's new motorbike, the Ninja H2. Tsunami bought the motorbike with her own savings which she had collected by working for the director's company. the H2 engine. Tsunami also said sorry I already have a boyfriend, Many girls immediately got angry and said, "That's your girlfriend whose name is Nami, I'm already ugly, I'm prettier". ridicule my sister or you are all finished, if you think you are prettier than her why don't you have a boyfriend yet, it's true that girls don't have capital". The group of girls immediately avoided Nami and Tsunami. They immediately entered the MUSASHI PRODUCTION building. After that, Tsunami went to the director's house and said that today he wasn't working because he had a date with Ruby at the restaurant. The director said "Ok, it's okay, let's just say that it's your day off and don't forget to send greetings and don't forget to give chocolates, flowers , and teddy bears. Tsunami also remembered that and immediately rushed to the mall to buy Ruby flowers, chocolates and teddy bears. Tsunami almost searched for all of his dating materials for 2 hours and finally found them all. Tsunami immediately rushed to the most luxurious restaurant where he had a reservation long time ago. Ruby arrived at the restaurant and was shocked, because the restaurant was very big and luxurious "Isn't this expensive, this is too much for just a girlfriend". Ruby opened the door and was greeted by 20 waiters, 10 on the right and 10 on the left. After that, Tsunami came over to Ruby while carrying flowers, the number of which, if counted, was 99. Ruby was shocked that she didn't say anything, in her heart she said "This is the luckiest day of my life, this is all because of my courage when I shot Tsunami directly", (with a happy heart ).

Tsunami also took Ruby's hand shyly while advancing to the table he had ordered. The first nose or also called apetizer (in English) is an asparagus soup. Cut or break the tough bottom stem of the asparagus. 1.Take the soft part, wash it clean. Cut obliquely. Set aside, 2. Heat oil, sauté garlic and ginger until fragrant. Add crab meat, stir briefly, 3. Add water and Royco Corn Cream Soup, stir until it doesn't clot. Stir in the asparagus, shelled corn, fish sauce and sesame oil. Cook until cooked, 4. Add egg whites, stir quickly until well blended. Add the cornstarch solution. Stir until thickened. Remove, 5. Serve with a sprinkling of chives. They ate it happily and suddenly there was a famous chef in Japan, namely Kuchi or better known as Chef Chi. Ruby was salting (acting strangely because she met someone she admired) and immediately asked Chef Chi for an autograph. Chef Chipun rushed to call the waiter and brought cooking utensils to the front of their table. Chef Chipun immediately went into action, he made a very big and very cool fire. Ruby was immediately scared and closed her eyes, suddenly she felt someone hugging her, namely Tsunami, Ruby's face immediately turned red. Chef Chipun gave his main dish, which is yakiniku bento with omelete (a kind of food with egg-based ingredients). Ruby and Tsunami really enjoyed this dish with gusto. After finishing eating the apetizer and main course, they were given dessert, namely ice cream with gold sprinkles and Belgian chocolate sauce. The ice cream, even though it has been left out all day, will still be cold because of a special recipe that is only available in that restaurant. After finishing eating, Tsunami gives the final gift, which is a very large teddy bear. After giving them home , before going home Ruby suddenly kissed Tsunami on the lips . Rubypun said "that was the last kiss". They went home each.