

In a school where idols are made talent alone doesn't stand a chance. Eat or be eaten stands to be the mantra of students who would go to any length to come out successful. Yuki a scholarship student finds herself fighting for her dreams and struggling to keep a lie. In order to make ends meet she takes up a body guarding job under the guise of a man for an elite boy idol group "Y2K" things get awkward for Yuki as she finds her bosses in class with her, how long can she keep her secret? Does the world of the rich and powerful welcome "her type"? Stay hooked to find out. Ps- the cover of this novel doesn't belong to me, all rights reserved to it's owner.

Anh_7 · Urban
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A demi god?

Yubo! Yubo... please don't leave.. don't leave us Yubo.

who would take care of us? think about Yuki, about me yubo...we can work this out, all we need is time.

you want space? I can give you that, all the space you need but please don't leave... don't leave us...."

Yuki watched as her mom held on to her dad's pants literally been dragged across the wooden tiles by his unyielding might, his eyes never for once carried any form of remorse or pity or love... nothing just anger while her poor mother cried her eyes out, her face turning into an unnatural shade of pink.

why was he angry? Yuki had always found herself wondering, the mere thought of it flooding her heart with hate and anger she hadn't felt on that day. she was only 7 and although she fairly understood the concept of separation she didn't think he'll leave them completely and possibly forever.

But he did and that too for a younger woman.

After Park Hyeon left them her mum had ended up in the hospital from then on began their endless struggle. sometimes Yuki hated her mom for been so weak for a man to wreck both their lives and leave them in so much pain but in a way she understood that courage was often harder than surrendering to fate's plight. it was much easier to wallow forever like her mom had done for years, so much so her mind had gone back to the happy days making her believe she was a teen again.

often times her mind liked to play the "what if games" what if her dad hadn't left? she might have had a sibling, probably have moved to Tokyo gotten into an elite music school without having to leave her fate hanging on luck at getting a scholarship, sure she had talent but talent in a world run by money and connections made her fate quite bleak regardless of whether or not she passed she audition she was going to get a job and live her life with her mom alone, she was going to try and be happy.


The train ride filled my mind with unnerving worries, how were we going to survive? how soon would I be able to get a job? so many thoughts crowded my mind. everyone around were mostly asleep or had their ears plugged, there was no one to talk to and even if there was, I know I wouldn't make the first move.

the calm in my session quickly ended as a baby started crying. the mother, a young lady probably in her early 30s looked embarrassment, tired and overwhelmed her apologetic eyes traveling across the room as she constantly apologized to the passengers. most had woken up now making the space quite rowdy which didn't help the baby as his cries intensified. through all this my mom was fast asleep to which I was grateful. other passengers kept murmuring, I don't remember how it happened but soon I was making my way towards the mother and child, maybe it's cause I understand what it feels like to have the whole room looking at you, not with adoration but a kind of way that filled you with embarrassment. I knew all too well how that feels like.

can I be of any assistance? I asked with a small smile. Up close the exhaustion on her face was even more evident, her forehead was covered in sweat leaving her make up in a shade that didn't compliment her chic outfit. 

she looked pleased and surprised at my offer nodding approvingly, patiently she directed me on how to mix the child's formula which she fed to him. soon our conversation deepened. upon hearing that I was a singer she excitedly revealed that she was a music instructor and was moving to Providence S upon getting a new job. She told me all about her job, her husband, her child, college. I could totally picture this woman that looked a wreck right now in college, she seemed like one of the students that charmed everyone with their charisma and incredibly friendly attitude.

By 11:21 we had arrived at the terminal train station, overwhelmed by how quickly time had flown and the satisfaction of having had a conversation with someone that was not the old, almost blind dog that loved to lay in front of the Mart every day.

Esther Wang as I had learned was her name bid farewell to us, her eyes studded with curiosity when she realized I wasn't traveling alone. seeing as I wasn't ready to offer a context as to why I was traveling with a woman that acted 16 she dared not ask, to which I was grateful. parting ways outside the train station she left me her card insisting she had to take me to launch or at least offer me lessons if I was ever interested.

Are we in the City yet Yuki? my mum inquired, her voice groggy and her eye lids smeared all over with pink glitter as a result of her rubbing her eyes.

"Yes... I replied her, Yes I muttered softly to myself, I almost couldn't believe it I would pinch myself if the night didn't seem so young with blinding lights from every angle. Cabs, expensive looking cars, sky scrappers dominating almost every angle I looked at. people flooded the walkways, everyone looked like they were straight out of a Kdrama even in their casual outfits, making me look shabby in my grey shirt, a little too tight trousers, a beany and old track shoes I have owned since high school. The wind didn't help my hair making me regret leaving my hair to grow long this time. In a Kdrama the wind messing with your hair made the scene look romantic, but right now? I'm pretty sure I looked like I had a really bad hair day where in I fought with rodents.

The look the Cab driver I had stopped gave me further made me self conscious, did I already look like I didn't belong? that feeling has always hunted me, I felt like I didn't belong anywhere and I really stopped caring but this is supposed to be a new chapter, I'm not expecting much just for things to be a little better.

I showed him the address I had written down on a small piece of paper. looking at it squarely he didn't say a word and then proceeded to help us put our luggage in the trunk.

how much is the fair?


I said, how much would the rise cost? I repeated mentally calculating the budget I had set for the whole trip. instead he looked at me like a was wild or something for asking.

That is determined by the reader her, the fare is dependent on the location. He replied whilst he adjusted his cap. I couldn't tell his age from the way he was dressed, he just seemed really self absorbed constantly looking at his reflection in the car's side mirror. his lips looked a little "too heavy" when he spoke. cosmetic surgery wasn't that much of a big deal around here, quite a handful of my classmates had gotten nose jobs, lid lift and what not throughout high school but this man looked like he was a favourite client for cosmetic surgeons.

Alright, let's go.

how long would it take to get there though? I quizzed ignoring his pissed look or maybe he didn't have any other expressions whatever it was I didn't give a cuss word at his feelings right now this is simply a transaction.

at least 20minutes from now. you can make it 15 with some extra cash. he added, letting out a light laugh.

I'm only joking, duhhh. hop in darling. he added seeing the puzzled look on my face, hopefully not the disgust building up in my heart. I didn't know what it was but I couldn't bring myself to like him, not like I needed to but I couldn't even form a clear opinion about him. it was like he was switching between personalities, completely aloff at one minute the next he's making a "not at all funny joke? well it seems this City has a crazy ton of shit to offer.

"what would you like to listen to darlings? he offered once we were in the car.

PSY? ahn ye-eun ? Cho Yong-pil ? BlackPink? without waiting for my response Blackpink's "kill the love" was put on play.

what better song for a ride than this huh?

"let's kill this love

Rum, pum, pum, pum, pum, pum, pum

feeling like a sinner

Its so fire with him I go boo, oh"

He kept singing the lyrics out loudly occasionally at parts he knew, the rest he hummed.

seeing that my mum was vibing to it that seemed to increase his adrenaline.

do you have any of Kim Dok-soo's songs? I want that. my mum requested, surprising him and me at the same time.

just any classics". she added turning her attention outside the car window.

"it's so beautiful Yuki. like Toyko, better than that old gray town we had been in." she added with a smile. whatever had made her turn almost childlike at least gave her the chance to be happy and carefree, better than been so sad all the time it made my eyes tickle with tears.

At exactly 23 minutes later with arrived at the address I had given him, the meter's figure almost making me light headed with it's figures, without protest I paid up.

"Thank you Ajusshi." my mum said bowing a bit. the gesture made him turn pink in embarrassment.

huh?? I? Kim Hye, Ajusshi?!!

humph! I'm not much older than you! you might have great skin but that doesn't make me old! he thundered as he gesticulated seemingly with his whole body, I couldn't help but giggle.

who's old? my mum threw back at him giving him a pensive expression. what cracked me up was the evident seriousness this two wore, it was priceless. Now under the bright street lights and without his cap, I could tell he was indeed an Ajusshi,old enough to be my uncle.

"Sorry Aju....um Mr Kim and thanks allot for today. " I quickly jumped, it was pretty late and as much as I'll love to sap this in I was pretty tired.

Kim Hye let out a sigh sending a glare with daggers at my mum's direction before speeding off his white Elantra.

The street had less people that I had seen earlier outside the train station, street lights lined each side of the road illuminating what looked like an endless stretch of big gates.

I moved towards the big gate bearing the number "2056" on a pillar. the entire building wasn't visible as the fence was so high, higher than most I've seen in my small town. light emanated from the top floor of the building, the houses around her all looked different and expensive.

How can Sohee afford to live here? I pondered my mind creating uncomfortable scenarios. maybe this wasn't even the right address?

When the gate opened on pressing the ring button I was almost certain this was the wrong address cause what in Demi god's beauty was I seeing???!!! I must have looked stupid with my mouth agape judging from the look he awarded my shocked expression.

"who are you?? "