
IDOL'S CAN FALL IN LOVE TOO!!! (ATEEZ Park Seonghwa Fan Fiction)

ATEEZ a K-Pop group who has a growing fan base and popularity. A successful group everything was just fine. But what happens when a K-Pop idol falls in love?

Vatts21 · Celebrities
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33 Chs

I Had Reasons


Seeing that face just reminded me of how weak I still am for him but it also gave me encouragement to me to take my revenge.

They've seen the sweet Y/N now they'll how the savage Y/N will change their lives just wait for it.

I walked into our van. When I went I say that I was only one so I just decided to play some games while waiting for the rest of the members. Soon they arrived and let's just say it's because of them that I smile, their goofy selves is the reason I am alive. I love my members so much.


Seeing that face after a long time just made all those memories come back. I just wish I could go tell her about what really happened, just if I could but I can't. Jagiya, oh I can't even call her that but please wait for me, I'll explain everything to you but currently I just can't. Living without her was a total chaos but I have to. I know that destiny will bring us back together and I just wish that day comes soon!


Today ATEEZ has a comeback performance at M! Countdown for Inception, and I'm so nervous cause it's gonna be my first time revealing my abs and because of that I've been lately working quite a lot.

Manager : "Seonghwa come on. You need to workout before performance."

Seonghwa : "Yeah but where do I have to do it?"

Manager : "The staircase that is down the hallway."

Seonghwa : "UHH! Can't I do it here hyung? You know there is where most of the newer or junior artist's greenroom are!"

I was really not ready to do it anywhere other than our greenroom right now cause let's just say I'm really shy. I'm even shy to do it around all the makeup and stylist noona's and he's asking me to do it where most of the junior's are, no I'm not gonna do it.

Manager : "Listen here Seonghwa! I get that you're shy but you need to understand that there isn't much space here and that is the least crowded place so you have to do it. And stop making that sulking Angry Bird face of yours."

Yes I was sulking cause my shyness just kicked in so much knowing that I have to do it infront of my soobaes (junior) and hearing his statement all the members came to see their oldest member's sulking face and also started mocking me.

Jungho : "Look at hyung's sulking face!!"

Wooyoung : "He really looks like an Angry Bird right now!!"

San : "Yeah! A sulking angry bird!!"

They were all laughing so hard right now, and seeing this I just went to the staircase down the hallway to do a quick workout before the performance. Manager hyung of course followed me, all of them know that I'm just sulking and will fine after a while.

When we reached there, their weren't a lot of artist or let me honest barely any. So I quickly started working out and hyung helped me to do so. And hence I just did my workout routine.


I was almost done with my workout and hyung actually left a while ago cause he had some work to do and during this whole barely anyone came here. I was just about to finish and go back when I heard something that just made my heart clench so bad and made me want to cry my heart out.

Yoonji : "Y/N-iee you truly rocked the stage."

Yulhee : "Remember how loud the crowd was when her parts came. No doubt she's our maknae!"

But then I heard the voice that I beg to hear nowadays, my Jagi's voice.

Y/N : "UHH! Stop it unnie will you!"

All of members went in the room after greeting me but when Y/N and Berry were left only Berry bowed, not Y/N.

Berry : "Y/N bow to sunbae-nim show some curtsy."

Y/N : "Unnie no one is here so please stop. I would've bowed if I needed to. Some people don't deserve my love or respect but deserve all my hate."

And let me tell something and this may come as shock to many people but I felt very hurt from her words and I just wished that she really didn't meant any of it that she said right now. I was very angry right now and I was trying super hard to suppress it but it seems like it wouldn't take long before I burst out.

Berry : "Y/N so what show some respect and bow."

Y/N : "No I won't this guy deserves all my hate. I will never respect him, love him or do---ahh"

I didn't let her finish her sentences cause I was so over with her hating towards me. Her hate, her anger, her trying to suppress her feeling towards me is now killing. And that too saying on my face is just a lot for me that I just can't right now. So I just grab her shoulders and pinned her to the wall, seeing the tension Berry left knowing that it's better this way round.

Y/N : "Hey! Leave me! Someone might see us! Leave m---"

I cut her off and said.

Seonghwa : "Shut up will you. Since the beginning you're the only one who's been speaking, let me---"

But it seems like she isn't in the mood of hearing me out.

Y/N : "Why should I listen to you? Why should I listen to a cheater like? The person who left me when he also knew I needed him the most. The first person that I opened up to after a long time but what happens that guy isn't what I thought he was. He was a liar, a huge liar. A liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, li---"