
IDOL'S CAN FALL IN LOVE TOO!!! (ATEEZ Park Seonghwa Fan Fiction)

ATEEZ a K-Pop group who has a growing fan base and popularity. A successful group everything was just fine. But what happens when a K-Pop idol falls in love?

Vatts21 · Celebrities
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33 Chs

He Broke Our Promise

Seonghwa : "Whatever they said was true. It's true that I'm dating Lisa. It's all true and not a lie."

I stumbled back from the embrace to see his face. I was hurt to such an extent that I can't even tell or even think. I don't know anything right now but I just wanted to ask him one thing.

Y/N : "Why?!"

I was looking down on the ground the whole time I said it because seeing his face just made my situation worse but right now I need to be strong cause I don't know now what future holds for me. I couldn't care less about myself. I just wanted my answer.

Y/N : "Why did you do it? Huh?!"

I was now getting impatient as he wasn't answering rather he was just standing looking at me and I don't know why but his eyes were telling me something that I can't even understand. They were so mysterious.

Y/N : "Why did you do it?? Huh! You could've just broke up with me or could've just not dated me if you wanted to date Lisa all this while. I thought for once that my life was just perfect and just how I dreamed of it to be. You knew when you came I had a huge walls around, I trapped myself inside a huge cage that I created for protecting myself but I broke it for you. I don't know why but I felt you would protect me, love me and care for me. I felt you would be the one who will love just because who I am as a person and not for anything else but no I was wrong. Why did you do it?! Tell me. Say something don't just stand there! Say something, jus---"


As soon as he finished what he was saying I couldn't hold myself anymore and slapped him with all my might, it even left a huge imprint on his face. I was so done right now. I was shocked as well cause he never raised his voice on me ever but I'm so broken right now that I can't even tell.

Y/N : "I never thought that the same mouth that used to say those words that were sweeter than honey. I never knew that those were all lies."

I was so pissed off right now that my mind wasn't able to process anything right now, I looked at other side of the road to see someone else there but my mind was just focused on one thing that was that the guy who I loved more than my dreams cheated on me.

Y/N : "I was fool. A fool to believe app your words. But you know even when you've said those words from your mouth I just feel like there is still something you're hiding. But it doesn't matter to me now. You know I believed you and loved you more than anything but you broke me. I don't need anything from you. I just hope that you find your happiness in your life and I hope I don't have to face you anymore. Good bye. I hope it's our last time meeting each other."

I said and just turned around and just walked away cause I know I won't be able to hold myself anymore. I know I'll just embrace him so tight like I'll never ever let him go and just beg him for the current to false and just beg him to say that the news isn't true and all that was just fake cause I know I'll do that.

I would have done that but I just can't so I just left from there. I don't what would've happened if I didn't controlled myself but I need to cause I don't want unnecessary attention, I have a dream to accomplish and that dream means a lot to me.

I just walked back home while my members who came along with me and my managers were with me. They just looked at me with pity in their eyes knowing how broke I must be right now after this situation. But they also know that I might not show it but I can be more miserable than they can think. But I need to be strong for myself, for my dreams, for my members, for my family, and people who genuinely love me. I need to be strong.

You need to be strong Choi Y/N! I need to be strong.

When we arrived home I just went towards my room while the others explained the ones who were at home. While I just went inside and then towards my bathroom and just stared at my reflection for a while. But I only had one thing. I knew what I might be thinking might not be right but can be right as well.

But currently the only way that can help me with it was to just focus on achieving my dreams. I know I am really broke from inside like everyone would be after such a break-up but I know that I need to be strong. I'm more heart broken because after such a long time I opened myself to someone and he only broke me, but there something more to it I just hope it stays that way.

But I know that I won't ever be able to be the earlier me especially to new people but I need to be because that'll only help me and nothing else.

I'm not gonna be the same Choi Y/N, I'm gonna be a much stronger Choi Y/N. I'm still gonna stay the bubbly one with my beloved but not with just anyone because I'm broke once I can't handle it again.

I'm gonna come once again, but this so strong that the whole world will look!!

They'll see what this girl will do.

They'll see what Choi Y/N will do!!

The whole world will see!!!!

~~The End~~