
Idle login system

Experience one of odins vacation lives This Odin won't be like the future Odin well actually yes he will just less depressed and more hopeful. The system this time will actually matter so you will see it this time I'm a beginner writer so please point out mistakes I do not own any artwork or any other ideas except my charter and other works Slow updates

Endlessdragon · Urban
Not enough ratings
53 Chs

How are you alive

"Another domain not bad kiddo." future Odin said as he kept walking to the room.

"How could you tell?" odin asked as he integrated his new domain.

"Well, your domain aura is at full blast if not for me keeping it suppressed you would have destroyed the continent back in your world when you gained the infinity domain."

"Also I see through all of time so I naturally will know." future Odin stopped in front of the door and slowly opened the door.

"Also close your eyes respect a lady or not it's your choice?" future Odin said as the door fully opened revealing two naked women doing an intensive exercise.

The light that came from the open door alerted them and they looked at the two odins in shock and horror.

"This is quite a view if I do say keep going I can wait." future Odin said playfully.

He calmly walked into the room and sat on the chair near him. The two girls were still stunned as they looked at future Odin. But soon the girls recovered and the one on the bottom snapped her fingers and the girl on top faded away.

The girl snapped her finger again and she was fully clothed she got up calmly and walked up to future Odin and sat on the desk next to him.

"So what do I owe the pleasure to you, Odin, from the far future?" she said calmly as she adjusted her clothes.

"Hey, kiddo give me a sec go hang out with that dumbass or go do whatever you want." future Odin said as he waved Odin away.

Odin decided to do so and went off to explore the house. From behind the door closed softly.

"So now will you tell me what's going on I'm quite displeased with how you barged in." calitor said.

"Consider it revenge for what you did in the future also my augments I need you to check them." future Odin laughed as he got up.

"Why me I doubt it's that bad?" calitor said as she followed Odin out of the room.

"Well, you are the only one that can repair me as you know how to use human tech," Odin said as his cloak changed and became a normal T-shirt.

"Human tech is very common so why me?" calitor.

"Lindsey I don't mean the tech of the human of today I mean of human tech of the progenitors your kind." future Odin said solemnly as he looked at calitor.

"How do you know that?" calitor said as she made distance and took out a huge red sword.

"You are the last living descent of them while I am the only one that lived through that era I am the weapon created at the peak of humanity."

"You mean you are one of the concepts?" calitor said as the sword fell on the ground.

"Yes, I'm the only concept that's still not become a mindless beast."

"But how are you here the nanny bots said that you were sealed?"

"Yes after fighting my sister and the others I was sealed I created the abyss and placed my body in it and I let my soul wander and let it find a way to unseal myself."

"You arrived a few trillion years when you were a child the robots had made you from the remnants of humanity and you were born in a stasis chamber."

"You are the only one that can help you were taught by the nannies and given all of humanities knowledge and also given maps of every storage house I need that so help me."

Calitor sighed and disappeared future Odin turned around and walked to the door at the end of the hallway.

"Kidos next time respect people's privacy and didn't use spyware now come I guess your curious prepare to be bored out of your mind." future Odin said as he opened the door.

The two odins appeared out of thin air and followed him. In the room was an infinite expanse of white many different types of medical equipment were littered around haphazardly.

"Ok you know how this goes unless you need a reminder?" calitor said as she handed a small red shard to future Odin.

He took the shard and slotted it into a small slit near the back of his temple. With that multiple holoscreens appeared near calitor showing a full scan of future odins body.

"Get naked I want to see it myself." calitor said as she got up and got a few tools near her.

FO got naked and a chair rose from the ground he sat on it and he felt something connect to the ports in his spine.

"Ok let's check the head first."

From her back, many mechanical limbs formed and started to prod around FO's head. It carefully took out his optics and checked Inside his eyes before moving to his ears and nose.

From behind Odin was looking at the holoscreen that showed future odins status. From what he saw everything looked fine but when he checked the rest he became confused. the rest of the screen showed things he didn't know even with his maxed-out knowledge.

The problem was that he couldn't read it his mind completely ignored it. he knew that whatever was there was either private or too complex so his mind naturally protected him. he decided to just focus on the things he could see because he knew it wouldn't help to focus on something he couldn't comprehend.

As he looked over the stats he noticed a small difference that stood out it was small that it was ignored but so big that it might cause a problem.

"Hey you what's your fpf?" Odin asked flame, Odin.

"3 why?" flame Odin said as he turned to look at Odin.

"His is at 0." Odin said as he pointed at the screen.

"Don't bother with it, it's a small difference that doesn't mat-." flame Odin stopped speaking as he appeared near the screen and looked at the status.

"A fucking zero how the fuck is he alive?"