
Idle Immortal

Heart... is what breeds desire. Desire... is what breeds ambition. Ambition... is what breeds a man. And together... the three breeds life. A mirage? A truth? Or a dream? Venture and find it yourself.

yang_bot · Fantasy
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151 Chs


On the other hand, Yang Ze's life was going peacefully. After getting all the materials that were required to make runes, he started his work.

Every day he would wake up, make a trip to the alliance, read some general knowledge in the library and then come back to draw the runes. Those pesky rats outside his house didn't leave, and every time he left the house, they will come inside and search around.

Yang Ze was getting so annoyed that he even thought of wiping all of them out. However, as soon as this thought came to his mind, he threw it out. He could wipe them completely, but he would have to be ready to face the consequences. Right now, his plan was in its infant stage, the last thing he wanted to do was to ruin it because of some stupid decision made in the spur of a moment.


Four days passed in the blink of an eye. After completing his last rune, Yang Ze slowly rubbed his forehead. He was now finally done with the runes. There were more than three thousand runes lying in his personal space. For these runes, he had to upgrade his person space two times. This consumed the last twenty spirit stones that he had on him.

Shaking his head Yang Ze looked at the screen in front of him.


{Name: Yang Ze}

{Realm: Innate (Heaven and Earth), Formation Master}

{Fleshy Body: Innate}

{XP: 1750}

{Fishing: Locked (0/500 spirit stones needed to unlock)}

{Personal Space: 5 cubic meters}

{Efficiency: 300 XP/day}

{Level: 3} (0/1000 spirit stones needed to upgrade)

{Mark Of Sin: 1/11}


"Well, now I am truly broke." Even though he had gold and other precious things with him, these were pretty much useless in the city of Mehull. Here, the only hard currency was the spirit stones.

"And that shop should have been repaired by now." Gazing at the night sky, Yang Ze went deep in thoughts. From tomorrow, he could officially start his business. As he thought about the spirit stones, he smiled heartily. Now, he could spend as many spirit stones as he wanted without the need to worry.

Closing his eyes, Yang Ze slowly drifted into sleep.


"This is all?"

Inside the Xia Family, two guards were kneeling in front of Xia Wen. In Xia Wen's hands was a detailed report about the incident that took place.

"I see..."

"A few days ago before this theft, someone dared to steal from our shop.

Why wasn't this reported to me?"

The guards trembled for a moment before speaking "Master, it was the order of the Young master Xia Sheng, he wanted to take care of this matter himself. He even had the suspect in his mind."

"Oh!" Xia Wen went silent for a long time. "If he said he will take care of it, then he will. What about this prodigal son of mine? What is he doing after getting robbed?"

"Young master Xia Peng is busy repairing the shop in the southern district. Other than that, he occasionally meets his friend that bought one of our houses."

"What is that brat thinking now?" Rubbing his head, Xia Wen signaled them to leave.

"Master... We have something else."

"Huh? What now?"

"Master... It's... It's about young master Xia Pang..." The guard spoke with some hesitation.

"What about him? What has he done now?" The more he thought about this prodigal son of his, the more irritated he became. From the day he was born, he would constantly waste his time on useless things. Xia Wen even forgot how many times he had to clean up his son's mess.

"Well, we can not confirm Young Master's position the day the treasure house was robbed."

As soon as he spoke those words, the guard felt the temperature of the room drop in an instant.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN?" A bone-chilling voice slowly sounded in his ears. Before he could even lift his head, the guard felt a suffocating pressure that was nearing him.


"This slave dare not... I made an assumption master. I never meant it that way." Banging his head on the floor, the guard shouted as fast as possible. Right now he could feel the murderous intent of the patriarch of the family. At the same time, he was cursing himself for being this stupid. Out of all the people, he chose Young Master Xia Peng as the suspect.


As soon as he heard those words, the guard breathed out in relief. One wrong word and he would have been dead.

"Sigh." Looking at the disappearing figures of the guards, Xia Wen thought for a long time. After making a decision, he made his way towards the room of his son silently.


"Hehehehehe baby... Come to me."

"Don't go. Let me hold you, dear. Aah... This smoothness, this figure... Aaah... How much I love you."

Before Xia Wen could even open the door to his son's room, he heard these voices from the inside.

"This bastard." Clenching his fist in anger, he tried to control his emotions. The entire clan was now going through a delicate time. Not only do they have to face the Xuanwu Academy, but also various other matters. And instead of sharing a hand in his problems, this son of his was busy enjoying himself.

"Look at how I am going to tidy you up today." Folding his sleeves, Xia Wen pushed open the door in a rage.

However, contrary to his expectation, the scene that he had imagined didn't play out. Instead of a girl, his son was holding a spirit stone in his hand while sleep talking. For a moment, Xia Wen didn't know how to react.

"Aah... So many spirit stones. HEHEHEHE.. come to papa."

Xia Wen looked at his son silently. He didn't know what to feel. Should he feel happy that his son wasn't wasting his time fooling around with girls, or should he feel sad because his son wasn't fooling around with girls?

"Forget it. I will talk to him tomorrow." Even though he knew his son was well versed in wasting money, he never thought of him being a thief. However, just for the sake of the peace of his mind, he decided to talk to him the next day.

"This is!?"

At this moment, his eyes caught the sight of a Jade medallion that was placed on the table. After reaching near it, Xia Wen picked it up before observing it carefully.

The Jade medallion was rough on the surface and looked like it was carved by an amateur. Its edges were rough and the only word 'Vault' that was carved on it seemed to be done in a hurry. No matter from which angle he looked, it wasn't something that an organization or faction would use.

"And this word... What does it mean?" With a frown, he tried to recall every faction or organization in the city and near it, but no matter how much he thought, there wasn't an organization that had the word 'Vault' in its name.

If this was any other day, he might have dismissed it as a child's play, however, now that their family was moving against Xuanwu Academy, everything had to be done carefully. It was because of this, that he personally ordered an investigation against the thief as well as the imprisonment of the Treasure Hall guard. Right now, he can not afford to take any risks.

Placing the medallion back, Xia Wen left the room with a grave expression, leaving the figure of Xiao Pang constantly mumbling in his sleep.





"Brother Ji'er... Are you home?"

Hearing the familiar voice, Yang Ze who just woke up sighed and opened the door. And just as he had expected, the round figure of Xiao Pang was standing with a smile.

"Brother Ji'er, were you asleep?"

"I was. And now I am awake."

"Brother Ji'er, the repair of the shop is complete. When are you going to start the business?"

"OH! It's done... Let's go after a while."

Signaling him to come inside, Yang Ze brought tea from the kitchen before placing it in front of him. After taking a bath, Yang Ze gulped down the tea before nodding to Xiao Pang.

"Let's go now."


With a loud shout, the two figures slowly made their way towards the location that would soon become the eye of the storm. However, right now, none of them were aware of the things that waited for them.

Thus, in obscurity and silence, two young figures formed what they thought to be a great faction.

The Vault Of Heaven.