
IDK, she's the protege.

Ah? who summoned the Master dragon of Legends? I don't know, but I think I saw my sister in that area sneaking around with the forbidden book. Ah? it takes 20 mages to ever even use that summoning technique? even then theres only a 20% chance of success?eh! I haven't had even taken the test so why look at me that way? Wow~ but if ya thing about it, my sisters only 7 years old and I heard the orb leveled her quite high in mana right and the strongest mage of the kingdom did say that the elements fairies like to be around her when he first saw her, right~? Ah!? The amount of fairies surrounding our estate are more that what the strongest mage saw around my sister? well, maybe they decided to stay home so they don't cause a commotion whenever sister leaves, after all, the mage did say they love the ones with strong mana, so they may have know they'll cause trouble if they follow her around. Oh~ The Emperor is looking for the girl who saved his heir from getting kidnapped the other day while the boy when incognito to our small kingdom? yeah, me and my sister went out too, we both met some kid who was being followed and decided to help him. Darn it! Stop asking me about such things all the time, go bother my sister, after all time and time again she raised her head and said it was her, so no different than the last, it was her! Lilith: Lily, why do people keep praising me while it was you wh- Lily: ahh! Your tired sis? why didn't you say it sooner, here let's go back home and relax, Kay? A women who just recently became an adult, died from an accident, next thing she knows, she is in the hold of some lady and learns shes the 4th princess of the Emerald Kingdom, she doesn't like to stick out so decided to push all responsibilities on her third oldest sis, who all called the reincarnation of the saintess for her beauty and the amount of fairies that surround her. so when Lily did anything she wanted because of curiosity of magic and boredom and it happens to create a stirring to the Kingdom or the Empire they live in, let Lilith get the limelight and allow me to watch the blooming life of a novel protagonist be created. Hah? do I not want to be praised and loved by everyone, ha! no thanks I read enough novels to see how annoying and dramatic that is, I'm good with being the forgotten princess who is in my sister's shadow... well if only my other family members would allow it.

Goku1234 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Love of a mother

"Now my child, it is time to get ready for your celebration". The king looked down at his daughter with warmth.

Lily just giggled and made sounds normal babies her age would do. She gave up on the thing called shame,'What? is it something you can eat?'

"Rox, since you want to spend time with your niece, I'll allow you to take her back". Michael hands Lily to Rox and returns to the throne to hear more reports before the ceremony starts. Rox holds Lily steadily in one arm and the other to do a carless salute, causing Michael to just chuckle and shake his head, waving Rox away. Lily rests her head on his shoulder and looks back on the those left in the hall, they all notices and smiled a goodbye.

"Bah, bah~". Lily left with those parting words and gave a wave to everyone, specially a long wave to Quinnel, causing the king to say something that caused everyone to laugh and Quinnel to flush a light pink.

Now the guards opened the door as if they knew Rox was leaving which made Lily wonder how, since they were in the otherside. But gave up on thinking about it and just waved a goodbye to them too, they noticed and their eyes just widen for a sec but went back to a poker one, yet they both did a tiny wave back, causing Lily to giggle in delight.

Rox noticed as well but just smiled away, and walked down the stairs with a spring to his steps which created excited laughter from Lily, it felt a bit like a rollercoaster, with all the bumps and how he let's loose a bit when he goes down a step. No needed worries since even if he loosened his hold, he had her in a steady position in his arms, so there was no real reason to worry for it.

"Now Lily, I bet you must be wondering who this dashing and heroic man is, and I shall answer you my dear princess~".

Lily just looks at her uncle and wonders how he isn't embarrassed to say those cringy words 'must be because I'm still a baby, so I wouldn't remember this'.

"Well Lily, this beauty of a man is your uncle, surprised?" Rox smiled down at her while answering his own question of who he is.

And it was no exaggeration, he was a sight to behold and Lily had to squint her eyes from the brightness of his smile. 'It burns! damn beautiful people and their smiles!' subconsciously Lily lifter her small hand and shoved his face to the side.

A moment of silence filled the hallway and Lily felt sweat pouring down her back, her uncle stayed in that pose until Lily slowly and awkwardly removed her hand.

he turns his head back to her and had crocodile tears in his eyes.

" To be slapped by my own niece... I'm heart broken" he looked like a kicked puppy which made Lily feel a bit bad for moving his face away. so she just patted him in the head and tried to appolagize.


'how the fuck did that sound like a sorry! damn me and my child developing body!'

an irk mark appeared in her head with the inability to be able to speak.

but before she can think anything else, she noticed her uncle staring intently at her and she stared back, but her eyes squinted.

"... you're trying to appolagize?"

Lily eyebrows shot up in surprise, and tried to nod her head, but before she was able to her uncle chuckled and shaked his head.

" how is that possible? I dont believe your at the age to even know what the word sorry is, nor comprehend what you did wrong at such a young age".

Lily clamped her mouth shut and just looked away and started to point to different things and giggle around.

" haha now this is how a child your age acts, but I wonder what happens that makes you change so much in a span of a second, I hope Michael finds the cause, and I hope nothing major happens from this".

'I wonder what he means by finding the cause and hoping nothing major happens?'.

but before she can think of anything else, Rox reaches her room and knocks on the door, one of the maids that were left to help prepare her clothing and accessories opened the door and had to look up to Lily's uncle, Rox was quite tall, about 6'3, Lily thought about how tall he is and with the face and body proportion he has, he can become a model in her world.

while thinking this she was handed to the maid and was being dressed up. Seems that they decided with the royal color of the kingdom, the emerald and golden dress.

Not wanting to cause any trouble, Lily decided to be as still as possible and allowed them to dress her as they see fit, the dress was quite pretty and Lily was surprised she didn't feel any type of discomfort in the dress, seems that they care about how comfortable clothing is rather than just the look of the dress. After they finished dressing her up, they decided to have her wear a small headband, the material is silk, the color emerald and gold sewn in the sides and few jewels embedded in it. wasn't heavy and was kinds plain yet it went well with the dress.

The shoes were dress shoes coated in gold, and the clasp a small diamond, the socks pure white.

"My!!! the princess looks like a fairy, no, better yet, she can enchant a fairy with her looks!". the maids chattered around and squealed in how adorable their princess looks. Lily just rolled her eyes at them, she wasn't near any mirrors to know if what they say is true or not.

while they were making such a commotion, they went silent the next second when a bell rang.

"diinnggg, diinnggg, diiiinnngggg!!"

"Ah! the ceremony is about to commence, quickly give me the princess, it's time to hand her to the King and Queen".

The one who spoke was the second in command in Lily's group of maids, she was second to her aunt Clair and was of high rank in the social circle, a marquise. her name was Violet, her hair a deep blue, almost violet colored, maybe that's where she got her name, she was dressed in the kingdoms color, and a brooch of a emerald flower was placed right at the heart area. she was a beauty too and was just 28 this year, she was considered her wet nurse since when her mother isn't around, she will be the one to feed her. Whenever a royal child had their 6th month celebration, their wet nurse with be the one to hand the child to the king and queen in the ceremony as the starting sign for the ceremony to commence, that is why she is dressed in the royal color and the brooch that is given to all of wet nurses to wear, it has a history of passing from the first king to his wet nurse who was a second mother to him and now the brooch is passed down each time a royal child celebrates their 6th month.

The maids hand Lily to Violet and she held the princess as if she was holding her world in her hands and begins to walk to the kings throne room, where all the guests and the ceremony shall commence in.

While walking there, Violet begins to speak "my dear princess, seeing you reach you 6th month brings me great joy, being your wet nurse made me feel alive again after losing my child" Lily looks up at Violet and sees a tear slide down, her smile with joy yet a hint of sorrow.

" my child was only a month when he died, I felt that I lost my purpose, even my husband closed himself down from the world, and from me. I thought I lost everything until after a week later of my child's death, Claire came to me, and told me of your birth princess" Violet took a moment to pause and took in a breath of air "I didn't want to leave my home, I didn't care about meeting you, yet when Claire forced me to your room and when I first gazed at your small form, you seemed so fragile, weak and... and precious, I felt that I needed to protect you, to watch you grow up when my own couldn't, and to make sure you passed your first month", she held Lily a bit tighter and patted Lily's cheek a bit "and you passed your first month, I let a sigh of relief, then you passed your second, third.. fourth.. fifth... and now your in your sixth" they reached the entrance where the guards guard the throne, they open the doors and let Violet pass with Lily.

"Seeing you grow made me see the light of the world again, you have saved me my dear princess, my dear child" she stood straight and took the first step to the throne room and said in a low voice that only Lily can hear "I see a great thing in you, and I will always be there to protect you, for you are my precious treasure, live long and know you are loved".

Lily hid her face in Violets chest, but her ears that peaked out were as red as a tomato.

ahh, I'm tempted to just delete this novel, I created it at a whim, yet I already made how many chapters? man I really should quit but then again I'll just write a chapter in a month or so, not like many ppl will want to read my written ?

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