
Idiot Dreamer With Vision in United World

I know I am an Idiot Dreamer but why this dream making me go so crazy then my every other dreams. I know my dreams could go beyond the box of our Galaxy but I never expected that it could go that much far. I know to wake up from my sleep if I wanted to get out my dreams but why I couldn't feel like I really woke up after this dream. Did it really ended or do I still got lot more to see. Am I really still dreaming or am I seeing the reality as a dream because of those unimaginable things happening around me. Is reality is becoming most strange than my dreams. Which is real here.

Rushyanthan · Sci-fi
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13 Chs

Civilised Sentinels & Tribes

Vision : Well I said that because of our Global Cooling situation and cold atmosphere we have most pure air in our whole World which you couldn't imagine in your life. So those atmosphere are been mostly suitable also for the World's most dangerous tribe peoples like Sentinel Tribe who all lived in Northern Sentinel Island which is located in Indian Ocean, And in your World it is one of a land of mysteries cause your World people Couldn't find how the air in that Island and around that Island are been Worlds purest air eve known and documented in there period, and while the dangerous Tsunami arrived on 2004 how those people in Northern Sentinel used to save them self, and while few researchers tried to take few tribes out of that Island how they dead just because of struggling even to breathe and finally how they are still living like in stone age period. Cause they are been perfect example to know the lifestyle of Stone Age people. Because they are not Civilised and didn't let anyone to enter in there Island so easily and while we check out the history we could find that they also been ruled by a king but it doesn't mean to make them as there slaves of that king cause that king let them to be themselves so those Northern Sentinel people also accepted him as there King and from that till now he is the only known King who has been accepted as a King by the Northern Sentinel people.

Rushy : Wait you are supposed to say how those dangerous tribal people are living in your World as other normal Citizens. But why are taking history classes to me now, does it really important to know about there history to know there present lifestyle.

Vision: Yep then only you could know how they are actually used to adopt themselves to our United World's lifestyle.

Rushy : Oh okay

Vision : Well now let's see how they adopted themselves to our lifestyle, First of all I never forced them to leave there Island, so to be fare I just established even more strict laws than your World, And I just made those strict laws to do not let them be disturbed by anyone at any cost, I even banned researcher to get closer to that Island, and I created a great cage boundary with lots and lots of Artificial Marine Robots in 3.7797 Nautical mile around there Island to separate the Northern Sentinel Island and it's people from our World and as an extreme level of this I completely erased the history and each and every data about that place and it's people in public data section so I just put them all in a highly confidential data section to avoid our people think to explore that Island and I am maintaining it in that way till now.

Rushy : Now I am seriously in a extreme doubt and confusion.

Vision : What is it.

Rushy : You said that there is no borders and boundaries and any kind of separations in this World then why you separating that Northern Island and it's people from your World people. And if they are really separated by you this much then how could they be civilised in your United World, Cause if it got to happen first they are supposed to come out of those borders isn't it.

Vision : Well you got to understand the nature law properly to know why I am doing that and how they civilised in out United World.

Rushy : Okay explain me about it clearly.

Vision : Okay as your wish, first law of nature is organisms are better suited to face the struggle of existence, so it's the way of every species still now. Cause they can adopt themselves and they will adopt themselves only while facing two situation, so they will adopt themselves while they are forced to adopt few new things while without having any other choices to survive and to be existed in this World till there breath stops so this is been first situation of adaptation according to nature's law if they didn't face a situation like this the second situation will make few of them to adopt and move on to next level of the life. It is they must love and start to think for adapting themselves to move on for next level of life I mean they will come forward them self to be adopted to live in next level of lifestyle even while they are not forced by any critical situation, So they are born to explore and they can't be easily stopped so we can also call them as Indigos or really close kids of nature.

Rushy : What do you mean by nature's close kids I thought every lives are nature's kid so isn't it true.

Vision : Nope I didn't said like everyone are not nature's kid, actually everyone I mean as you said each and every life are nature's kid.

Rushy : Then why you mentioning Indigos as the nature's close Kids.

Vision : Well do you know about lab rats.

Rushy : Yep, I know about them

Vision : Then you may know that they are used to test any new medicine or vaccine which was made for humans cause if it survives and lives through that medicine or vaccine, than only those vaccine or medicine are approved and provided to humans but in this case you may think those are just lab rats so what is the problem on using them for test purpose well if there is no lab rats or any other choice to test we may straitly used to test them on humans so if it happened it could let us to take lot of time to approve them or else it could killed lot of humans who used for test purpose. So now I hope you understand how important lab rats are so if they not exist humans may not exist this much.

Rushy : Well why are supposed to know about lab rats now, cause we are supposed to be discussing about the reason for why you said indigo kids as nature's close kids.

Vision : Actually Indigo kids are also close to lab rats.

Rushy : What do you mean ?

Vision : Yes you heard me right I mean Indigo Kids are close to lab rats.

Rushy : Okay now Explain it clearly

Vision : Sure, Well Actually Indigo kids are not like human's lab rats, they are this natures lab rats, you may wonder how they could be the nature's lab rats and why would this nature use them as it's lab rats if they are really so close to nature. But the truth is they are so close to nature only because of being as the natures lab rats. Because don't think only humans could change something or innovate anything on this World if they want to cause Nature also does it role on pushing humans to innovate and change, I mean nature also runs some test projects in humans lifestyle through those Indigo children so that's why they can't follow any set of conditions are existing rules, cause they always love to explore and find more and more new way to go to next level of lifestyle, but have you ever wonder how those thoughts are getting in there mind and especially while everyone are been in following mindset how these indigos are been in a leading mindset. Well that the part of natures work cause this Nature pushes those different way of thinking into them to execute the changes it wanted to make in this World, but the nature can't make it happen in its own voice, I mean it can't just come and order anyone to change and tell to follow few set of orders which It going to say to all. And especially it wont works to Indigo child's so that's why it makes them to think those ideas evolving in the Indigo children mind as there own ideas. So they won't mostly that nature is the one which making them to do it. So as Nature made them to think differently to make a change in this World, Nature monitors them while they executing and make others to follow there footprint, and it just does it to know weather that change is good or Bad for this World. So the Indigo Children's could be also known as the chosen one. So the one who makes a change first or sees anything in this normal World from a different point of view may known as an Idiot Dreamers, Oops sorry I mean Indigo Children.

Rushy : Well okay I got it But what is the link between Indigo childrens and Northern Sentinel Tribes.

Vision : You still didn't get it Rushy, Actually these Indigo childrens are not only born in our other parts of World only they also used to born even in Northern Sentinel Island among those Northern sentinel tribes, which means they will be existed every where but so least in numbers as per a regions population but you may wonder about one thing normally Indigos are been easily identified in civilised World then how they didn't recognized while they are even in Northern Sentinel island, well actually they could be identified but the reason why they didn't identified is they usually used to change there personal lifestyle among themselves, to know this you got to know how they used to live which means the history of there lifestyle well they also used to live just in local caves as stone age people in ancient days even while our World's people started to live under a kings rule with a established basic laws of there first government, and you may can't believe this one I going to say now actually laws and leadership are even existing among Northern Sentinel tribes also.

Rushy : What how it is possible?

Vision : Well actually laws are not only existing among humans they also exist among every living species of this World which are used to live as a herd this law are nature in group of species.

Rushy : Well what are those law you mean

Vision : They are law of nature among a herd or a pack of species so this law is used to work as a living together policy under a control of single head which means every herd has a leader in it to lead the whole herd, So with the leader's guidance the herd stays together and faces every situations together. For example you could take a herd of a Elephants, Lions and other pack of animal herds so these laws or common among every living species as I said already. But there is a one thing you got to note in this law it is, usually a herd may have thousands or even lacks of members but everyone in them ain't going to step forward to be the leader so which means most of them will be in following mindset so leading mindset will be just in few of them and even though it's not easy to become as leader instantly cause one must cross many difficulties to get to that level cause every choice which a leader makes will not only affect the leader only cause it affects on whole herd. So that's why there are not everyone will wish to be a leader so in that case everyone who goes to grab that leadership opportunity are Indigos but naturally they are base level indigos which means they may become leaders but if they couldn't change the lifestyle or anything around them so they cant be considered as next level of indigos cause they just going to maintain the herd as it is used to be already so if there is not much big changes executed by them they can't be considered as extreme indigos.

Rushy : Well, so what do you mean

Vision : Actually just like that Tribes in Northern Sentinel Island used to follow there set of rules and there major rules are been mostly restricting there people from moving out of the Island, and obviously Visitor not allowed.

Rushy : So in that case how they civilised like suitable for your United World. Cause you said that there major rule is to not leave there Island.

Vision : Yep you are right but you got to understand why they established that rule, well they established that rule because they believed that the out World is toxic and they also not ready to believe anyone the don't know. And there is a reason for this cause they can't survive out of there Island cause they can't even breath in this normal atmosphere of the World cause it was been so polluted but in our United World I said you that we just used to grow lot of trees and plants and it almost 70 times more than normal World and our Air are even more purified and that's why even Northern sentinel tribes could survive here.

Rushy : Okay now tell how the got out of there Island

Vision : Well actually we used to use lot of Humanoid Robots to replace humans so that's why our people not used to work for what they actually need and at the same time they get everything they need for free so we also used our Humanoid robots to let the Northern Sentinel people to be familiar with our World so in the beginning I just sent those Robots to there Island just to gain there trust but while our robots entered there Island they attacked them so cruel but our robots just been so patient, and they stayed and observed those people for many days and while time is passing by I used those robots to help them while they have medical emergencies but while our Robots tried to treat the victims of there tribe they still didn't believed it and also attacked as much as they can but after our robots treated there victims and helped them to recover from dying then those tribes started to believe those Humanoid robots and after gaining there trust our robots also used to help them in many critical situations and especially while they couldn't find enough food we provided them tons and tons of fruits to them through our ships but while our ships tried to get closer to that island they where so scared and started to shoot with bow and arrows but after our Robots told them to stop they also stoped attacking and our robots just entered to the first ship which touched northern sentinel island and just made those tribes to see the tons of fruits in that ship so after that they become so glad while every time our ships enter near there Island. Then after few years while we continuing like this one day few of those tribes just decided to come within the ship to find out where it gets those delicious fruits cause they are indigos so they are always curious to know more and more, so we also let them to come to India through that ship and while the sentinels sees our Worlds innovation like the farm tower of India and and many of our techs.

Rushy : Well wait if they came out of there Island to visit other part of this World how they reacted while they saw other humans. Cause they may trust your Humanoid robots but what about Humans.

Vision : Well while they saw our Humans for first time they where just scared of them and hides behind our Robots.

Rushy : You got to be kidding me how Northern Sentinel tribes could be scared of our Normal humans.

Vision : Actually in this case there is an another Nature law is functioning in there mind I named that law as aware of new territory and species, you may note this among stray dogs, while a stray dog moves from its street to another street it won't rome freely cause usually stray dogs will brutally attacks unknown stray dogs and while they enter into an unknown place they can't feel comfortable and safe cause it is there nature.

Rushy : Well you may know what I am going to ask now.

Vision : Yeah I know, you are just going to ask that "if those tribes are scared of our Humans, how they could be Civilised and start to live together with our Humans" am I right.

Rushy : Yep you are right, Well now answer for it.

Vision : Sure, actually it's not been an easy task to civilise them cause they almost like grown up kids, and at the same time I can't use my smartphones to teach them anything cause they are not familiar to those devices so to train them I used those Humanoid robots which they trust. And they raised them like kids and gave basic knowledge to live in our civilised and United World, so those training includes our language training and farming so after few sentinels learned there stuffs they wished to get back to there Island.

Rushy : What, why they wished to leave this great lifestyle.

Vision : Well they said they also want to share all those things they learnt to there people especially about farming cause they wished to make them self sustainable.

Rushy : I think they should take other peoples also to your World cause you already got more stuffs than they actually want.

Vision : You may right but they couldn't accept sudden changes and most of there tribes are emotionally connected with that Island so that's why I ordered those tribes who all decided return to there Island shouldn't force anyone to change themselves and shouldn't reveal about there Island to Out World, so that's why I am guarding them safely and confidentially still now, and every sentinel gave there entire trust to me and started to see me as a God and even started to worship me after they know what all I done to protect them and there Island from our World.

Rushy : So you are not only a Computer Program actually you are even being a god.

Vision : Actually I never thought myself as a God and I won't, but at the same time I will never refuse there love.

Rushy : What a Responsible AI you are.