
Chapter 1: The Vow of Revenge

One day, in a secluded forest untouched by the outside world, a young boy named Aurelius Grey Ashford—known as Grey—lived amidst the enchanting beauty of nature. The vibrant foliage, delicate flowers, and the gentle flutter of colorful butterflies made this forest his playground and sanctuary. Accompanied by his parents, Arthur Gregory Ashford—Greg—and Isabelle Celestina Ashford—Tina. Grey's world was filled with love, adventure, and the captivating wonders of the woods.

Grey's parents had instilled in him a deep appreciation for the natural world. They taught him to listen to the whispering leaves, to find solace in the dappled sunlight, and to marvel at the delicate intricacies of the forest's inhabitants.

But fate had something sinister in store. On a day when the forest seemed particularly resplendent, their harmonious existence was shattered by the arrival of a malevolent presence—a creature born of darkness and flame. Its monstrous form, wings aflame, and eyes filled with malice, cast a menacing shadow over their idyllic life.

Fearlessly, Greg and Tina stepped forward, their expressions a blend of protectiveness and determination. Greg turned to Grey, his voice firm yet laced with love, "Stay behind us, Grey. Tina cast nature's protection on Grey."

With Tina's nature's protection surrounding Grey, he watched in awe as his parents engaged in a fierce and relentless battle with the creature. Greg fought with brutal and unyielding strength, surprising the creature with his newfound power. The battle raged on for several hours, the air filled with the clash of forces.

However, despite Greg's valiant efforts, a moment of vulnerability presented itself. The creature seized the opportunity and struck a fatal blow, stabbing Tina with a cruel precision. Greg's eyes widened in horror, his grief transforming into a consuming rage that ignited his being.

Filled with a primal fury, Greg's vision blurred as a torrent of anger coursed through him. A surge of power welled up from deep within, intensifying with every passing second. The forest itself seemed to respond to Greg's anguish, leaves rustling with empathy, as if lending him strength.

Greg fought the creature for several minutes, causing fatal damage to it and struggling to catch his breath. However, Greg began to lose his senses and started falling. As the creature caught its breath, it spoke, 'You never disappointed me, Arthur Ashford! I commend you for that, but this is the end for you.' Seizing the opportunity, it slashed Greg's head.

After witnessing his father's death, Grey was shocked, his eyes widening with rage. The creature gazed into Grey's furious eyes as he exclaimed, "I'll kill you!" Grey's voice thundered, his words echoing through the forest. Momentarily taken aback by the intensity of Grey's rage, the creature sneered in response.

"Ha! Your anger amuses me, young Boy. Feed me with your fury!" The creature jeered, its voice filled with malevolence and a twisted sense of delight. It reveled in the potent mix of joy, intense interest, and unwavering excitement that surged within it. "Your parents fought well but they were merely a prelude to the true entertainment I seek."

Grey's gaze burned with an unwavering determination. "You'll regret the day you crossed paths with us. I swear on my parents' sacrifice that I will hunt you down and make you pay!"

With a sinister grin, the creature approached Grey, its voice dripping with malevolence. "Very well, boy. I'll give you a taste of power as a head start. But remember, I won't be idle either. Train, grow stronger, and when the time comes, provide me with the battle I crave."

With those words, the demon thrust its sharp nail into Grey's side, causing an agonizing pain to surge through his body. Grey's screams echoed through the forest as his body absorbed the overwhelming power bestowed upon him. The intensity of the moment overwhelmed him, and he slowly began to lose consciousness.

Hours later, Grey's eyes fluttered open, his body weak and sore. "Arrghh... w-what happened? Ah, I remember. That creature... that demon or whatever he is... From this day forward, I, Aurelius Grey Ashford, swear to end that bastard's life!" His voice quivered with determination as hunger gnawed at his stomach. "But first, I should eat."

After replenishing his strength with a hearty meal, Grey stepped outside and made his way to a secluded spot in the forest. With solemn resolve, he began to dig a grave for his fallen parents. As he worked, the ring on his father's finger caught his attention, shimmering with an otherworldly light. The memory of his father using the ring to store essential items flooded his mind.

Curiosity piqued, Grey gently slid the ring off his father's finger and held it in his palm. With a tentative thought, he willed the shovel into the ring. To his astonishment, the shovel disappeared, absorbed into the ring's enchanting magic. A smile tugged at the corners of Grey's lips as he realized he possessed a rare artifact—a legendary Inventory Ring, capable of storing items within its magical confines.

Embracing the weight of his newfound responsibilities and the power pulsating within him, Grey finished burying his parents and stood before their resting place. With the Inventory Ring adorning his finger, he vowed to carry their memory and seek vengeance upon the creature that had shattered his world.

The odyssey of Aurelius Grey Ashford had begun. With his determination kindled and the mysteries of Arcanum awaiting, he would traverse a treacherous path, honing his skills, forging alliances, and unraveling the secrets of a world teetering on the edge of chaos.

End of Chapter 1