In this narrative, a character reincarnated into the world of "Danmachi" finds himself 80 years prior to the main storyline, taking the form of an elf and rising to nobility. With the assistance of his servants, he escapes to Orario and joins the Loki Familia. Over the course of a year, he progresses from level 1 to level 2, having maximized his stats through intensive training in the dungeon where he spent his days fighting, eating, and sleeping, relying solely on his familia for supplies.
However, his relentless pursuit of strength leads to friction within the familia, as they worry about his well-being. His magical abilities are imagination-based, similar to the devils from "High School DxD," but they require a substantial amount of magical energy to wield. Unfortunately, his powers attract unwanted attention, making him a target for the villainous group Evilus, which seeks to eliminate him before he becomes a significant threat.
Motivated by vengeance after witnessing the brutal death of a child, tortured for information about him, he becomes determined to retaliate against Evilus. Fueled by anger, he embarks on a mission to hunt down and eliminate any members of the organization he can find, transforming his quest for power into a personal crusade against those who wish to harm his family