
Ideas for fanfics 1

Ideas that I want to get out of my brain. I own nothing. These are personal thoughts. I’m always on the lookout for TV transmigration/rebirth/ OC insert/ or self insert. Please recommend Special focus on life TV Gilmore Girls/ one tree hill/ gossip girl/ greys anatomy and such tv shows Sometimes I might list good ideas for stories that I found but did not like the actual story written

EdwinC765 · TV
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New idea - my book if I could write.

I make a prayer/big wish to go back in time to change my life. Protagonist is Tom.

So I go back to my summer vacation, 1 month before it ends and i start my first year of high school. My 14year old memories take a prominence in my mind so I remember what was happening and I don't start acting differently. It took a week to process what was happening.

After that, I proceeded to do some beginner workouts, push-up, sit-up, and some slight running. I did review of whatever notes and schoolbooks I could find in the house. In the night before I started my first day of school, I went to sleep.

I woke up in a dark space, with a game like panel in front of me.

-Choose the TV drama to begin:

1. The 70's Show

2. One Tree Hill

3. Glee

4. Etc…

Please choose the first crossover




You have chosen "The 70's Show"

Please choose 3 perks to begin the journey

1. Photographic memory

a. You can recall every memory, as if it was happening to you. Meaning you can remember the sound, feeling as well as sight.

2. Healthy Body

a. The body will adjust itself to it's healthiest version. If you work out, then you would feel better, no soreness, without deleting your gains.

3. Economics Talent

a. Provides you with the highest talent in the economic field. You would have a 6th sense of the field and allow you to progress abnormally in economic subjects.

4. Photographic Talent

a. Provides you with the highest talent in the photographic field. You would have a 6th sense of the field and allow you to progress abnormally in photography subjects.

5. Mechanics Talent

a. Provides you with the highest talent in the Mechanics field. You would have a 6th sense of the field and allow you to progress abnormally in Mechanic subjects.




You have chosen perks: 1, 2 and 4.

Please choose how and when to enter the show




You have chosen to enter as Eric Forman at the end of the Season 1 Episode 1

"Donna has just kissed Eric on the Vista Cruiser."

Basically my wish fulfillment.

Transmigrate or rebirth in tv dramas. The

The system is like the "Life Simulator" in mtlnovel

Please get an actual writer to pick up my ideas. if they want

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