
#1 Realistic Zombie plague

2015-2020 year - age 10-15 - MC is alone in his room, parents are busy with jobs and dont have time for MC. MC reads webnovels all day since there are no friends, never saw point in naking friends and wasting time on it. Why waste time on studies when parents money can buy islands ! MC prefers to be left alone, just reading webnovels, playing games.

World changed few days after 2020 started.




A plague doctor mask wearing man is stabbing someone in back, literally. He looks at her and says "There was no other choice, I want to live"

How did we get here ? what happened in 2020 ? find out in next episode of Dragon Ball Z 🤣

Plot - in 2020, a zombie-like virus came from body of zombie found in north pole. It spread by breathing in same area as zombie, even a corpse. Symptoms would start showing up after 14-15 days of infection. Symptoms - not thinking properly, biting anything living and eating, can eat corpses if they were warm, not cold ones. walking dead like zombies but different spreading of virus.

What about MC -

MC is going to family's island for a break, 'school is such a drag' he grumbles.

"It was worth it to use solar and wave energy to get electricity here, if i can solve issue of food and slow network ( 1 MBPS ) I can live here permanently.

Hears news about possible outbreak of rabies-like disease, animals are going crazy attacking people in london.

( scientists came there from north, small animals have small virus incubation period )

within few days, virus is all over the world, humans, birds, rats. Even the fishes got infected, probebly an infected bird/animal's corpse was eaten by them and ( Im not sure how to explain virus spreading underwater but it happens )

MC is still on island, gets a call from parents who say they're infected and can't be saved, Download files about farming they have sent & grow greenhouse into proper farm if he wants to survive.

MC can't checks news and cant belive whole world was in chaos.

- add emotional development of MC -

- add farm setup option -

- cant use fish add they may be infected, water purifiers' water too may be infected, so need to keep it for a month for storage before drinking -

it must be a closed greenhouse, not open farm

a year later - There are groups of people who survive by forming communities but most are dying out as animals are mostly infected so cant be eaten, greenshouses are not enough to feed population, If they farm in open, insects & birds will come there which are infected. Our main MC kept home in lockdown, keeping insects out which may have eaten dead fish/crab near the beach.

explain about paragraph with another MC, MC#2 who is in america, she is 25, leader of her community as she is only one who can handle greenhouse, she won't let anyone come near greenhouse to stop others from learning how to use it.

Story -

One day people get visiors from another community who are willing to teach how to use farmhouse, in exchange of guns and bullets. MC#2 sneaks out with food after setting greenhouse on fire. Takes a boat, thinking - "rich people must be living on those islands, they surely don't want to inbread, i can offer myself as maid or something"

MC#2 arrive to MC#1's island

idk about rest of story. I'm a salted fish, I properly won't add more to it. I'll be very happy if you can write a cool novel, make sure to tell me abour your novel in comments, bye :)