
Idalia’s Song

Idalia Miller is a student who has a great talent and passion for music. The school is given an opportunity to play for a musical event where many professsionals and famous musicians will be arriving, however, a few weeks before the date, their invitation to play is canceled. Returning home upset with her heart heavy, Idalia falls into a deep sleep. In her dream, she wakes up to find herself in a kingdom resembling an ancient civilization and during her time there, she falls in love with Prince Cyrus. Exploring a new world, falling in love, and fighting fate, follow Idalia as she dreams. Prince Cyrus of Milikree is the only son of King Andreios and Queen Minerva. Growing up, he witnessed and experienced the dark side of love that his parents showed and came to a decision that he was not willing to fall in love. Although next in line to the thrown, he doesn’t want to become king and would rather his older brother be crowned. When he leaves to follow a clue that hints to danger befalling on his kingdom, he didn’t expect to unravel secrets interlinked to the past or future. Least of all, he didn’t expect to fall in love with Idalia. ——— Pulling away from his embrace, Idalia ran across the fields of dandelions, laughter escaping her lips. Butterflies flew away from the disturbance yet they all added more beauty and color to the scene in front of Cyrus. The sky was blue and violet and the sun was settling behind the far away mountains. But to Cyrus, the nature wasn't as beautiful as the girl that was joyfully running across the fields. "Cyrus!" Idalia had stopped running to face her prince, "Come here! I found something!" With a huge smile, Cyrus ran to where Idalia was. "What did you fin-" He hadn't finished asking when he felt himself being pushed down to the ground. With a thud, both he and Idalia had fallen and were laying down. After recovering from the fall, he looked directly into the girl's eyes which were filled with love and tenderness. Waiting for her to speak, he heard her softly say, "I found you." The youngsters laying down on the dandelion field felt as if the world had slowed. After what felt like forever, Cyrus felt his eyes water and he whispered, "I'm glad you did." They were smiling and reached out to embrace each other. Planting a kiss on her forehead, Cyrus continued, "Thank you for having arrived at the palace. Thank you for changing me into a better man. Thank you for giving me a chance at loving you. But most importantly, thank you for arriving here, in my world." Idalia moved her head to face him and gravely asked, "What if this is all a dream? What if I leave unknowingly? What if something happens to you? Cyrus, I don't want something bad to happen to us." Tears were rolling down her cheeks at this point and her voice had cracked towards the end. Cyrus tenderly held her face and wiped her cheeks before lovingly responding, "You first came to me so if something were to happen, it would be my turn to come to you." ——— Hello, this is my first story and I hope that you can give it a try once I start uploading. Suggestions and feedbacks are greatly appreciated if you have any while reading and I’ll do my best to make the story as enjoyable as I can and readable. Also, this story is a mix of me trying to improve my storytelling and having fun. (Also, this is an original story by me) Happy reading! Cover isn’t mine. Credits to the original owner.

saidxstic · History
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17 Chs

Ch 2. Screens

While asleep, Idalia felt as if she were being lifted. She tried to open her still closed eyes but she couldn't no matter how hard she tried. She started to use her senses to figure out what was going on around her. Trying to feel around her, Idalia wanted to move her hands but she realized that she also couldn't move. Giving up, she just let herself stay in her current position and waited to figure out what would happen.

After a few minutes, Idalia felt a strong gust of wind from above heading towards her. Due to the strong wind, Idalia felt herself drop and being pulled down. She could start hearing faint noises and gradually she could start making out conversations.

"It's okay, girl! Just wash the dishes tonight when we get to our place. You owe me..."

That was her conversation with Milly that afternoon! Idalia thought that she was just remembering what happened that day but she then heard a conversation that took place a few days ago.

"Mom, I don't think I'll be able to make it this weekend. I'm preparing for something and I don't have time on my schedule to visit you and dad. I'm sorry."

"It's okay. Just tell us when you're visiting..."

More and more noises started to invade Idalia's surroundings and she could then make out a few conversations from when she was little.

"Dad! Keeping holding on to me. I don't want to fall."

"Of course, Dali. But I don't think you'll need my help anymore. You're riding the bike just fine on your own."

"Dad! Mom! Look at me! I can ride a bike by myself!"

"Good job, sweetheart! I'll go inside and prepare dinn- Oh careful, Idalia!"

Trying once again to open her eyes, Idalia slowly opened them while the conversations started to sound muddled. Adjusting her eyes to the dark yet colorful scene that was around her, Idalia saw her life being shown around her. As if there were a bunch of screens surrounding her, she saw her childhood self in some, embarrassing moments in others, times where she had gotten hurt, and everything else about her through her eyes.

These "screens" were all different sizes with her most memorable and important memories being displayed on the bigger ones and at the front of the others. Idalia smiled, enjoying watching whatever was presented in front of her. As she continued watching, she saw the screens turn black one by one. Confused, she waited to see what was going on.

All at once, the screens started to display unfamiliar scenes to Idalia. Approaching one of them, she saw buildings of what seemed like stone and people walking around with strange clothing. Moving to another screen, Idalia saw a huge temple and a statue of a women inside. She could hear a girl's voice but due to the other noises, she couldn't make out what the girl was saying.

Looking around, she paused and walked over to another screen that had caught her attention. A man in his forties with some strange clothing was talking in a serious tone directly to her. Directly? Idalia asked herself before realizing that the new scenes that were being played came from someone's point of view. Focusing back on the screen in front of her, she studied the man with warm eyes. He had dark brown hair and a beard that looked neat yet even with the beard, Idalia recognized that it was her father. But what was her father doing there? she wondered.

She saw him sigh dejectedly before he approached her and then embraced her, or more like embrace the person from whose view she was seeing. It seemed that the discussion was important and not good if her father looked like that. Looking around her, Idalia understood that she was seeing the life of someone from an ancient civilization. But who and why?

As she thought of an answer for her questions, she wasn't ready for the wave of pain that attacked her head. Bringing a hand immediately to clutch her forehead, she again felt a strong pain in her head. It was an excruciating ache that started from the nape of her neck to her forehead. It felt as if her head would crack in half and in a matter of seconds, she felt short of breath.

She felt all the scenes circle around her and get closer to her, trying to imprint themselves on her head. With an agonizing scream, Idalia fell slack and the space turned pitch black.

Because of the terrifying feeling, Idalia awoke with a gasp. Bringing her hand to her chest, Idalia sat up to catch her breath. Taking in lots of air, she steadied her breathing before lying back on the ground with her eyes closed. But she realized that instead of feeling the comfort of her soft bed, she felt something hard which made her realize that she was no longer in her room.

Opening her eyes, she was met with the sight of an evening sky where pink and purple and blue were painted across. Sitting up once again, Idalia saw a broad field of wheat in front of her and found that she had been lying on a big rock. Getting off the rock, she turned around to see that there were mountains far in the distance behind her and that there was a forest behind her as well. Although she enjoyed the beauty of the nature, Idalia felt fearful and confused so she remained where she was while she thought of what to do.

While she pondered, she heard a familiar girl's voice call her name, "Idalia!"