

Nobody could survive Asher Brenton's icy exterior, nobody even tried or cared enough to see the underlying frozen sticks that only made his disorder worse. He turned everything off on the night of his devastating reality; there wasn't much hope to keep on going . The palid travesty looked like the color of Kalina's irises, the girl who was known as the ice breaker. Kalina Sanders was definitely a walking challenge. With her curiousity and thrive, her goal was to inspect Asher's life due to the undeniable attraction she felt towards him. That magnetic pull to him was something foreign to her and she wanted more. She craved more, but what she knew couldn't save Asher, right?

Daoist3B2DGS · Teen
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24 Chs

Chapter Twenty Two



Wasn't that what I wanted?

I watched Kalina and Ren standing closely to each other as they laughed with eyes lighter than the sun. My insides squirmed, but I constricted myself from doing anything about it.

"You continue to surprise me. Moping doesn't look good on you." Jocelyn snapped. My plan succeeded, now Kalina was out of the way and Leslie's parents didn't know anything yet. I was fucking ecstatic, Jocelyn had agreed to act like she was my new girl because I told her that I would end myself.

Yea, she wished I wasn't born. It was her and I who carried Averly's misery around.

There was only one thing left and that was to make Leslie's family believe that someone was out for his blood. It was the only way that they would stop investigating. I was already a talented planner, but I was going to give them peace and put someone in jail.

Then I was going to die. Simple.

I got my fists in my hoodie pockets and looked at the girl who stood next to me in her pink jacket and track leggings.

"Do you know anyone who's willing to go to jail?"

She rolled her eyes.

"Plenty." She quipped, I followed her to class, she smirked as she looked at Scott, a goth-dressed guy with ripped jeans that had skulls on and his black spikes. He had deep kohls that brought out his cobalt eyes.

I didn't know him, but I recognized how similar he looked to Dianne, the girl from history class. I bet they were related.

"Great, now we need to get his bag." I mentioned, Jocelyn carelessly wandered over to Scott, the classroom was still empty so I walked behind her when she chatted with him and luckily, his bag was right on my side, I snatched it with my gloves and brought it in front of me in order for him not to see it. Besides, Jocelyn's charm worked on him as he kept inspecting her from head to toe.

I dashed out to the lockers section while everyone played with snow outside and hid the bag in my locker grabbed a picture of Leslie from my back pocket, I made sure to capture a snapshot of it in Scott's bag.

Kalina and Ren emerged from my left side, I instinctively closed the locker as I spotted them. Her eyes daggered into mine with hate and I was glad that I hired Ren, my cousin, to fill in my place. It was for the best anyway.

I sighed and got back to work, I brought Scott's bag to the class, Jocelyn was a good actress as she propelled herself on his desk with her cleavage out. It was like he was mesmerized by her to the point where he didn't notice that I placed his bag next to him.

The job was done, I let Jocelyn know by a tap on the middle of her back and I walked out of there before I sent the picture to the investigator.

It wasn't over yet though, I needed to put in more evidence and the security cameras were under maintenance. My only option was Vera, she was the one that had Leslie's chain.

I called her and she immediately picked up.

"What the hell do you want?"

"His chain. I'm coming over to get it."

"Fuck no. I wouldn't give it to you."

"Well, I can make your sister disappear now and you won't find her." I threatened, the line went silent then she groaned because she acknowledged that I would definitely do that.

"Okay, I'm coming to the school."

"Even better, afternoon sharp." I whispered before I hung up. She gave me the middle finger and strolled to her class once she was finished with Scott.

My eyes went back to Ren as he stroked Kal's hair and he looked over at me. I breathed from my nose in irritation and gave him a glare before I got back to class.

I would rather learn Algebra than stay there and watch them. Students took their seats as Mr. Santos came in like he was getting married. He loved torturing us, he droned on and on about how exams would be as he started revisions. I leaned back on my seat, my mind thoughtful until the police barged in and I smirked at Paul, the investigator, when the officers went to Scott.

The kid looked like he was going to shit in his pants when they zipped his bag open and found the promised picture of Leslie smiling, thanks to Vera too.

They took Scott as they excused themselves from Mr. Santos, who clearly looked shocked as the girls ogled at the police. I yawned from the lack of sleep and I was perfectly hidden from the teacher by Zander's bushy afro in front of me, I used it to my advantage to lay my head down on the desk and sleep with Kalina on my mind.