
Research on Nathaniel WinterHeart - Pt1

Lorenzo, a young second-year Hufflepuff student of Italian descent with a charming smile, wandered through the corridors of Hogwarts, sighing as numerous thoughts raced through his mind. 'In my first year, we suffered an attack from a Basilisk, this year Dementors are attacking students, and now a murderer has invaded the school.'

"And my mother still said that Hogwarts would be a safer place to study," he commented to himself as he approached the entrance to the classroom where he would have his spellcasting lesson today.

Upon entering the room, he noticed his new teacher, Mr. WinterHeart. 'The man truly seems to be made of ice,' this thought crossed his mind, and probably many other students felt the same way.

In his first class with this new professor, Lorenzo intentionally demonstrated his advanced mastery of some spells that would only be taught at Hogwarts several years ahead; he wanted to catch the professor's attention.

The English wizarding community, despite its various adversities, appeared very peaceful in his eyes. 'At home, being a wizard is still considered a sin, and you're called a demon,' he thought, reminiscing about the situation in his homeland.

The Italian Wizarding Community is considered very small, with scarce resources to meet the needs of teaching new young wizards. During the witch hunts, when Muggles burned witches and wizards, Italy, his homeland, suffered much more than other communities as it was under the control of the Church. This left only a few noble wizarding houses alive. The remaining ones stayed isolated, always on guard and prepared to defend themselves.

Therefore, securing a mentor or a strong sponsor for him and his family could ensure the survival of their lineage for several more centuries.

He was lucky to come to Hogwarts, where much knowledge awaited him to explore. Comparatively, the books his family owned didn't amount to twenty copies, and many didn't even contain spells but recounted stories of adventures by great wizards his family had once produced.

In his first year, Lorenzo didn't learn many high-level spells as the school usually teaches common everyday spells in that subject. However, with the vast library available, he wouldn't miss this opportunity given to him.

Being pulled from his thoughts by the professor's voice, he returned to the class. "Mr. De Luca, could you provide me with information on the Body-Bind Curse?" The icy voice of Professor WinterHeart resounded, bringing him back to the classroom.

Everyone present turned their gaze toward him, awaiting his response. "The spell is called Petrificus Totalus, Professor... it's... used by new or inexperienced wizards in duels... it can be found in the Vindicto Viridiano book," he formulated his answer.

The professor's gaze lingered on him for a few more seconds. "Correct! But I would prefer if you kept your mind bound to your body," the professor had noticed his lack of attention in class. "5 points to Hufflepuff," he concluded. This brought a smile to Lorenzo's face, making him pay more attention in class. 'Home problems... stay at home.'

After the class ended, Lorenzo was in the Great Hall enjoying a meal when an owl brought a letter via the mail. "Probably a response to the letter I sent to my mother," he said to himself. A few days earlier, he had sent a letter to his mother in Italy to inquire about his new Charms Professor because he couldn't find much information during his visits to the library.

It seemed like this professor had only appeared in the timeline using an Apparition spell and started participating in duel championships around 1970, becoming famous after convincingly winning every tournament he entered. According to records, he never lost a single duel in his life. However, he didn't engage in multiple competitions like other famous wizards; in a span of twenty years, he participated in only four tournaments. But in every duel, no one managed to strip him of his title.

However, any information before this date seemed not to exist; no matter how many books he opened, none contained any information.

Opening the letter, it contained a response from his mother, a powerful witch with divination abilities and the gift to see past images through rituals passed down through generations within their house. She mentioned that if the boy could secure mentorship from the Spells Professor, he would be one step closer to ensuring great protection for the family.

[ In per Lorenzo (To Lorenzo),

Mio figlio (my son), I hope you're enjoying Hogwarts very much and not getting into trouble. We all miss you dearly, mio amore (my love). Now, about your new professor, even with the help of several rare materials, the ritual didn't reveal much information about him; the man is indeed a great mystery. It's as if a very dense fog prevented me from knowing about him; however, I managed to briefly see a small image from the past.

You'll be surprised to know that years ago he had some sort of duel against your headmaster Albus Dumbledore, magnificent, isn't it? And don't be shocked to learn that he stood firm against the great wizard of light. Try to seize this opportunity for the sake of our family, my son.

Con amore, tua madre (With love, your mother). ]

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