
Ice-Ice Fruit in Marvel

Ethan Hayes had traveled to the dangerous world of Marvel comics. Thankfully, he was equipped with a system that allowed him to obtain the power of the Frozen Fruit—without the curse that typically came with it. “Damn it, Ethan!” Gwen Stacy shouted. “This is my newest black-and-white Spider suit, and now it’s torn to shreds!” Wanda Maximoff crossed her arms, giving him a stern look. “Ethan, that move with flipping the Eiffel Tower? You’re still not doing it right. And for the record, the door to my room isn’t closing tonight… You know what that means.” Natasha Romanoff, also known as the Black Widow, sighed in frustration as she glanced at the thermometer. “Why does it hit 40°C one second, then drop to 0°C the next? What’s going on with you?!” Audiobook version: https://youtube.com/@senatusquepopulus

Senatus · Anime & Comics
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65 Chs

Chapter 46: The Ice Age, The Ocean Dominates

The tyrant dinosaur that had once ruled the desert island with unchallenged brutality was now fleeing in terror. It had crashed through an unknown number of trees, its only thought to escape the deadly freezing breath that was spreading behind it. The once-lush jungle was turning to a barren wasteland of ice. Trees were transformed into frozen sculptures, their life force sucked away by the cold. Animals, caught mid-run, froze solid in their final panicked moments.

The tyrant dinosaur let out a final whine as its tail was overtaken by the freezing cold. It didn't even feel the pain as its entire body turned into a massive ice sculpture. The desert island, once vibrant and full of life, was now an icy wasteland. Even the surrounding ocean had been frozen over, a thick layer of ice stretching for miles.

Hurricanes roared above, snow and ice falling relentlessly. The Atlantic, in the midst of summer, had become a frozen arctic landscape in an instant. Dozens of miles of the sea were now ice, the winds and snowstorms cutting off the island from the rest of the world.

Ethan Hayes slowly opened his eyes, taking in the icebergs and frozen sea he had created. His world was now one of ice.

He exhaled a breath of cold air as the system chimed in: [Do you want to spend 200 million wealth points to raise the second-level Awakening of the Frozen Fruit ability to its limit?]

"Promote," Ethan responded without hesitation. Wealth points were easy enough to earn, and he was on the verge of making even more. He knew his futures contract wouldn't last much longer; action had to be taken soon, and there was no time to waste.

[Deducting 200 million wealth points. Frozen Fruit ability, second level of Awakening, has reached its limit.]

A flood of information overwhelmed Ethan's mind, causing his head to throb slightly. At the same time, his body surged with power, and his control over the Frozen Fruit ability reached its peak.

There was no need to check the system's stats—Ethan knew that further progress would require an astronomical amount of desire points, especially for unlocking the third stage of the Devil Fruit's development.

"System, use my desire points to improve water control magic," Ethan commanded, shifting his focus.

[Deducting 5 million desire points. Water control magic has reached the domination level.]

Ethan felt an enormous surge of magic power coursing through him. It was as if he now held the power to control the entire world's water. Water dragons formed out of thin air around him, and a trident-shaped magic rune appeared in his mind. His mastery over water magic had reached a level he had never imagined possible.

[Do you want to use 200 million wealth points to raise the water control magic to the peak level of the domination stage?]

Without hesitation, Ethan replied, "Accept!"

[Congratulations to the host. Water control magic has reached the level of mastering the water magic world.]

Ethan barely had time to comprehend what that meant before his mind was again filled with an overwhelming amount of information. Standing on the frozen island, eyes closed, veins bulging, Ethan processed the knowledge being downloaded into his brain.

Water dragons swirled around him, and his body pulsed with the strange energy of the sea. He had now become the master of the ocean. With a single thought, Ethan could control the waters of the vast Atlantic. He could summon a thousand-foot tsunami to destroy everything in its path or merge into the sea and move like a fish through water.

If I combined my water control with the freezing ability… who could stop me? Ethan mused. With his mastery over water, he could travel as liquid, escaping gravity itself. He had become, quite literally, a god of the ocean.

The frozen sea beneath him stretched for miles, and with his newfound water control, he knew he could dominate any ocean he chose. For a moment, Ethan wondered how invincible he would be in the world of One Piece, where he could dominate the seas and possibly rule the world.

His body turned into mist as he floated higher into the sky. From 10,000 meters above, Ethan looked down at the frozen desert island and the vast Atlantic ocean that had been transformed into an icy world.

"What a perfect masterpiece," he whispered, smiling as he admired his work.

Ethan glanced at the system panel:

Name: Ethan Hayes

Wealth value: 8775W points (can be used to improve Ability)

Desire points: 36W points (can be used to break through)

Ability: Frozen Fruit (Second Level, Peak of Awakening), Psychic Immunity (Passive), Water Control Magic (Domination Level)

Skill: Phantom Fist (Transformation Realm)

Reward: Blue Blind Box (1)


1. Destined Encounter: In the face of a special heroine, you can have a super-friendship with her and gain a lot. Task reward: blue blind box (optional stacking). Task attributes: independent branches, unlimited tasks.

2. Task: Establish Prestige 1: Contact the Mutant Brotherhood and successfully meet Magneto. Show Magneto the truth with your strength. Your majesty cannot be violated. Task level: Blue.

3. Task: Establish Prestige 2: Contact S.H.I.E.L.D. and form a deterrent to their agents. Obtain 20W desire points and show them the meaning of power. Task level: Blue.

With only 36W desire points left and around 80 million in wealth points, Ethan knew his next moves would have to be calculated. But for now, he was satisfied. He dived into the ocean, his body transforming into a water dragon as he sped back toward the mainland.

Within moments, thanks to his new mastery of water magic, Ethan appeared on the beach near his home. Only a small fraction of his magic power had been consumed during the trip, a testament to how powerful his abilities had become.

After returning to his villa, Ethan noticed it was already 1 a.m. He took a quick shower and went straight to bed.

Meanwhile, chaos erupted at a distant military base. Their experimental facility had been destroyed, and the last moments captured on their surveillance showed the island consumed by ice. S.H.I.E.L.D. satellites had also detected the massive energy spike from the Atlantic, where the once-thriving desert island had turned into a frozen wasteland. The blizzard that now enveloped the island prevented them from seeing anything more.


LINK: patr eon.com/SenatusPopulus


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