
Chapter 2. The dream.

After dinner, anna went to bed with a filled tummy. "ugh, I wonder if I will even sleep with this type of tummy," she complain, And soon drifted to sleep. That night the girl had the most mysterious and unforgettable dream.

THE DREAM 1: Anna saw her self in the middle of her garden, "I wonder what am I doing here, I should be in bed by now." The girl headed for the door, "when hey girl wait"! At first she thought it was her mother calling her, so she immediately turn around, only to find a woman in white dress, that was above her knees, with a black net cloth covering her face. The woman give the same aura that her mother usually give. But she couldn't really tell. The woman then went and sat on a bench in her garden, and ask her to sit beside her.

"Anna I'm here to tell you some thing important, as curious as ever she did as the woman told her. Urrr.. the woman than clear her throat. I have a very important mission for you. "A girl was born to do it, but since she didn't had the heart it has been transfered to you". "I need you to travel to America in disney land, And ask for a work as an assistant or a maid at the CEO of minny estate. But remember he is very cold. He was born with a cold heart because his mother was cursed when she killed her aunty, out of anger her aunty said your child will have the heart that you have, and will die after giving birth to him. The curse will broken only when he fall in love with a woman, which is impossible! And that happen after the death of his mother. You are the only one who can do that, because you are destined to do it! You will have to seduce him and make him gain trust in you". "Am I dreaming?" she ask in disbelief. "Yes you are". "And ho am I going to do that?" she ask in shook.😳 By Tomorrow, I am going to give you a angel like beauty, you will be the most beautiful person in the universe, that anywhere you go, you will turn heads. And also the power to turn invisible, it will some how become useful to you, and it should be your greatest secret, don't let anyone know or you might face some problem, I'm not sure, but that's what my heart tell me." "I'm not sure if I can do this". She complain, "don't worry you were born for this, and also anytime you need me, call me in your sleep", "okay".

"Okay madam, I have some questions for you". "Are you my mother, how did you know me or my name"? Anna started throwing question at the woman. "When the day comes you will know". The woman answer in an annoying tune, and than disappear out of her sight. "Madam please wait !" She called.

Anna woke up from sleep in a confused manner, what she saw just now was like a movie in a dream form, and she was the main character in it. How an I going to do all of that, she couldn't tell her brother because she was told not to, so all she have to do is to roll with the plan. "Starting from tomorrow will be a long day she whisper to herself," and than went back to sleep.

Author: Hi, guys I'm a new writer, please be easy with me, I will write fast this time around. Bye😉.