
chapter 9

It's tomorrow, I mean today, Aria would be arriving this evening and saying that I'm excited is just not enough to express the joy I feel, there is also going to be a party today.

Kyrah comes in few minutes after I woke up all excited about Aria's arrival.

" good morning my lady, you seem to be in a very good mood today"

"Aria is arriving today" I say with a bright smile that makes kyrah also smile.

She head to the bathing chamber to prepare a bath for me, and helps me out of my night robe and with taking my bath.

After taking my bath I dress up in my training fit . I'm going to train for a little while before Aria arrives so the time moves fast, and also, I just won't be able to sit at one place without the anticipation killing my before Aria arrives.

After dressing up I head down from breakfast with a smile still on my face, just thinking about all the fun we're going to have makes me giddy. I kiss my family good morning when I get to the table and settle down for breakfast.

" someone's in a good mood today" mother says with a smile.

"Good mood is an understatement to what I'm sure Peroni is feeling, her partner in crime is arriving this evening after all" Scott say with a mocking smile.

" I understand you're excited to see Aria, but I hope you two won't be scheming a lot this this, make sure you two don't cause problems before the ceremony is over, and you two better behave at the party" father says.

"Okay father, we'll try" I say.

"Next week is going to be a very long week, I'm not sure I'm prepared for all that" mother says.

"Mother I promise we'll try to make next week less problematic, minimize the mischief" I say and everyone laughs including Brianca. 

After breakfast which involved lots of warnings and teasing and laughter, I head out to the stables, I found one of the stable boys in brandy's pen brushing his hair as he eats his pellet from his trough.

He bows his greetings when he sees me approaching the pen, " hello Micah l will take it from here" I say and enter the pen, he hands me the brush and I say my thanks and he leaves. I continue brushing brandy's hair, " so how was your last check up before the race next week, I hope you're ready for the race " I say as I brush his hair, his hair literally feels like silk between my fingers , I can brush his hair forever and not get tired of doing so. Brandy raises his head to look at me as if he can understand what I'm saying, I wont be surprised if he could.

When I'm done brushing his beautiful silky hair, I begin to set the saddle on his back and his bit and reins, and double check if they are perfectly in place before putting on my helmet and usher him out of his pen. I then mount my horse once we are out of the pen before riding it to the field to Trian, " ready? we have to go super fast today buddy" I say to brandy and tug his reins gently to get him to start racing through the obstacle course. Micah is at the other side of the field where the obstacle course ends with a small clock to check my timing. There are 10 obstacle course in which we originally have to complete in 5 minutes, the record time to break is 4 minutes, so far I've been able to get to 4 minutes, I'm praying we can get to 3 minutes today, because we just have to be the best and set a new record.

unfortunately, we ended the obstacle course at 3 minutes 30 seconds, so close. that's mostly because we still mastering the oxers jump, we are getting better at it and hopefully, we would be best at it by next week. we go through the course a few time still not being able to get the 3 minutes. we had to stop and go back inside to wash down and change my clothes before Aria arrives soon.

I settle for tunics and pants instead of a dress today after washing down and had kyrah braid my hair into a crown on top of my head. after looking in the mirror and content with how I look I have my lunch in my room before going down to the kitchen to help with dinner as usual, Aria would probably have arrived by then. I cant believe I haven't thought about my nightmares and the faes I read about today, I will still ask Aria about what she thinks about them when she arrives, and also flaunt about my cooking, even though its not good at it, I'm way better than she is, I doubt she even knows how to hold a knife properly.

Since Aria and her family would be staying in our manor for the ceremony, todays dinner was a feast, literally its a party. There's rice, turkey, steamed and seasoned rabbit, a very big smoked fish with vegetables and others that smell as delicious as I know they would taste. Outside the kitchen, the grate hall is being decorated, there are servants everywhere, all going about the business in making the manor lovely for our guest. And I forgot to mention, Aria and her family are not the only ones arriving today, but only her and her family would be staying in our manor, even though I'm sure they'll be here every other day. There will be a lot of parties and distractions for Aria and i's mischief, and I can't wait.

So far, some family members have already started to arrive, and I'm so glad I have to work in the kitchen just so I could ignore them for a little while, I'm not mentally prepare for their questions yet, the same questions they ask every time they see me. Even though I'm not doing much in the kitchen, I try to keep myself busy by doing small jobs to keep me from having to go out and meet the other members of my family and also reduce the anticipation of Aria's arrival. 

Margarita is extra today giving lots of orders, everyone is so busy in here, Jack said they were in the kitchen very early in the morning to start with the preparations, they must be exhausted....but then again they do this every year so they might be used to it. They will also get extra hands in the kitchen soon due to the ceremony being hosted by us.

I was in the middle of washing some dishes when Scott enters the kitchen with a smile on his face, one look at him and I knew what he was going to say before he even said it. "Aria is here" we both say. I drop the bowl I was currently washing and gave Margarita a pleading look. "Go" she says with a smile, as I clean my hands with a rug and hurry to go see Aria, they are start to laugh.

I pull Scott along, " hold your horses sister, people might think Aria was a goddess with the way your eager to see her" Scott says mockingly. " You would understand if you had good friends" I say . "I have plenty of friends", " well I said good friends brother" "hey, my friends are good", "says someone whos friends with Hendrix" "what do you two have against each other, I seriously do not understand, you two have been at each others throat since I could remember" "nothing he's just annoying, now where is Aria" "she's in the great hall with the people you've been trying to avoid" " I am not trying to avoid anyone, I've been.....busy" "if you say so" he say mimicking me just now. Of course he would know I'm trying to avoid talking with our other family members. I guess my luck run out and I have to go and greet them and make small talks.

"I have to change me clothes ill see you in the great hall" I say to scotty. " okay sister" he gives me a mocking bow a head to the great room. when I get to my room, I immediately change into a blue simple but beautiful dress laid down on my bed probably by kyrah, I tie my hair into a messy bun and put on my footwear and head for the great hall.

As I enter the great hall I'm greeted with the aroma of food, musicians playing wonderful music and dancers all arounds dancing, I spot some of my family members and other guests dancing around. There are also servants passing out wine to the guest, there are different kinds of finger foods and sweets set out on a long table in the hall. The hall it self look so magnificent, the servants did a very great job decorating this place. 

I look around in attempt to see if I can spot Aria and her beautiful red her, I see her talking with mother and Scott with Bri in her arm playing with her lovely hair and laughing. I make my way over to them just as Aria turns and spots me walking towards them. She's as beautiful as I remember if not more, she puts Bri down and head towards me. "RONI" she squeaks and pulls me into a tight embrace, " Ria" i say and hug her back more tightly. " I have so much to tell you" "me too". 

" Sorry to break apart this reunion but your mother says you two should greet guests before you start your mischiefs" I hear Hendrix annoying voice. I move out of Aria's arm and turn to glare at him. "You're such a busybody" i say and roll my eyes, " good to see somethings never change" Aria snorts. Hendrix only winks at us, well Aria and takes a goblet from a servant nearby. " so I guess we should go greet the guest my lady" Aria says mockingly and bows, " don't start with me" I say and roll my eyes before we both started laughing. " lets get drank today" Aria says, normally I would argue but... I need it today, " deal" I say to Aria and lead her into the crowd to greet the guests.