
chapter 7

"Good morning, my lady."

"Good morning, Kyrah," I say with a yawn.

"What do you think about mythical creatures?"

"Mythical creatures...?"

"You know... vampires, faes, werewolves, and the rest. Do you think they're real or just bedtime stories?"

"Well, I think they might be real, but not in this world. Maybe in another world, they do exist."

"I didn't think of you as a superstitious person."

"Well, every superstition has some truth, so I won't be that surprised if mythical creatures are real."

"I guess you're right....hmmph."

"If I may ask, is anything bothering you, or have you come into contact with a mythical creature, my lady?" she says with terror .

"Oh, no, I've just had these dreams about mythical creatures, and I feel weird about it. Maybe it's nothing and I'm thinking too much of it"

"You're sure, my lady?"

"Yes, Kyrah, there's nothing to worry about."

"Okay, my lady," she says and heads to the bathing chamber to prepare my bath.

Since I don't have training today because brandy is being taken for some very necessary check ups that every horse must take before the race, after taking my bath and dressing up in my lovely pink dress, with my long, curly hair flowing down my back, I put on a few pieces of jewelry with Kyrah's help and head downstairs to join my family for breakfast.

On my way downstairs, I found Billvard and Milford waiting at my door, as usual.

"Good morning, my lady," they say and bow. "Good morning, Billvard, Milford. Do you two ever sleep, because you're always here when I step out of my room?"

"Yes, my lady, we do," they reply.

"We get rest when you enter your room, and there are two other guards outside your window at night, and the others are spread across the grounds and inside the manor, as you know."

"Alright..." I mutter to myself as I head downstairs, pushing thoughts of Kai into a mental box to stop myself from thinking about him.

After breakfast, I retreat to the library to research on mythical creatures, which have been bothering me since I woke up - if I'm willing to admit it. The dream I had last night keeps nagging me.

The library is one of the largest rooms in this manor, with an overwhelming number of books; I wonder if it'll be easy to find relevant material on mythical creatures. I'll need to ask the librarian for assistance. To my delight, the librarian efficiently retrieves the books I'm looking for without asking any questions and tells me he'll be in his office if I have any questions. So, I take a seat in the far Conner of the library, since for some reason I don't want to be caught, and begin reading various theories about mythical creatures, starting with the faes first.

"The faes are fascinating creatures, and according to the various theories in these books, they all seem to agree that faes are immortal and possess supernatural abilities, which vary from person to person and family to family.

The fae world is vast and has been divided into territories based on power and wealth. The most powerful families are known as the mighty faes, who often hold titles such as Lords and Ladies . The heads of these families, considered Kings and Queens, are known as High Lords and Highnesses, and their children are Princes and Princesses. The rest of the faes within a particular house are referred to as Lords and Ladies , comprising family members and influential people in the fae court.

Power is typically inherited in the fae world, but in rare cases, ordinary faes are blessed by the fae gods and goddesses to embark on challenging journeys that impact the fae realm. These established territories have houses with titles reflecting their dominant powers, such as the House of Flame, House of Ice, House of Blood, House of Water, House of Earth, and others.

As I read further, I discovered the dark history of the Dark High Lord and his three Dark Princes and a Dark Princess, who seized control of the House of Flame, one of the most powerful house in the fae realm.

"My lady it's time for lunch" Billvard calls.

I drop the book I was reading in panic….

"Oh Billvard"

"Are you alright my lady"

"Yes, I'll be out in a minute" I say and pack the books to give to the librarian to keep them .

"I be back to read them so please keep them in your office for me instead of putting them back on the shelves "

"Okay my lady"

"Thank you" I say and head out for lunch.

"Are you alright my lady" Billvard asks again as I get out of the library to find he and Milford waiting at the entrance of the library. He must have heard when I dropped the book. I was deep into the book I didn't even realize when he came in.

"I am alright Billvard, I appreciate your concern"

" okay my lady, lunch is to be eaten outside"


On our way outside, I had this creepy feeling that someone or something was watching me. Just when I decided to read books other than smuts, this is what happens.

I found only mother and Brianca at the table, the lovely smell of the food laid on the table almost makes me forget about what I just read in the library, and the creepy feeling.

The dark lord and his children makes me more uncomfortable than I'd like to admit, I haven't even read much on them and I already have a very bad feeling about them.

I give Mother and Brianca a kiss on the cheek and take my sit at the table. I pour some freshly squeezed orange into my goblet and dish some rice and meat with some vegetables onto my plate and begin to eat.



"I've been trying to get your attention for a while now"

"Sorry mother"

"What's the matter my dear"

"It's nothing mother"

"You seem to forget I'm your mother, and I know when something is bothering any of my children, and you've been poking your food and not eating , so you better start talking"

"Hmmph…I'm just worried about the horseback riding race, since I didn't train today I feel like I'm behind" I lie.

"It's for your own good my dear, you've trained so hard that I know you are not behind and you'll do just great"

"Thanks mother"

"Where father and Scott"

"Your father went to take care of business and Scott is with Hendrix"

"Why do you keep letting Scott hung out with Hendrix, you don't want his evilness rubbing off him."

"Haha very funny, Hendrix is not evil he's just competitive just like someone I know"

"I beg to differ"

"My daughter has such a sense of humor"

Mother and I talk some more as we ate lunch, and I totally forgot about the faes, which I am grateful for.

I say my goodbye to mother and head back inside the manor, on my way to the kitchen to help with dinner, as I am to do till I go off to boarding school, I feel someone tug on my dress, I look down to see Brianca looking at me with a pout.

"Can you read me a bedtime story today?" she says.

I get down to her level and pat her hair,

"How can I say no to the most cutest baby sister ever" I say with a smile.

She giggles and run off happily.

With a smile still on my face I head into the kitchen to do my duties.