
Ice Dragoness

Icelynn is the heart sister of Lucy Heartfilia, and the two put life of high society behind them to join the coolest guild in Fiore: Fairy Tail. This is Icelynn's story as the Ice Dragon slayer of Fairy Tail. And why is it that she feels drawn to the Lightning Dragon Slayer who may know more about her past then the two may realize?

Bugg18 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 2 - Our Fairy Tail


Looking around at the other party guests waiting to get on board Salamander's yacht, I tried my best to ignore the feeling of guilt that ate away at me. I may not have promised to stay away from this place like Icelynn had wanted, but I still hated going against the intuition she has that's gotten us out of trouble over the last year. Every time Icelynn has had a bad feeling about something, she was almost always proven right about it.

This time however, I just can't bring myself to abide by it.

I know that with Icelynn being a dragon slayer and all, she could smell a lie on a person a mile away, but she doesn't have all the facts. Yes, Salamander might be lying about his charm spells, but if he can get us into Fairy Tail, then I feel that we really shouldn't pass up this chance.

"Ah, there you are…" I heard Salamander's creepy voice say, as I plastered a fake smile on my face before I turned to greet him.

"Hello, again." I said, holding up a hand as I did so. "Thank you for inviting me to your party."

"Not a problem my dear." Salamander said, as that stupid smirk he wore earlier today transformed into a small frown. "Although, I must ask where your equally lovely sister might be? I did invite the both of you after all." He asked, as I gave him a fake apologetic smile.

"Oh, yeah, about that… Icelynn wasn't feeling well, so she stayed at the inn we rented for the night. I hope her absence doesn't offend you, and that you can still help her get into Fairy Tail." I said, falling back to the business training my father had Icelynn and I go through. After all, if we're going to get into this creep's good graces long enough to be able to join up, we're going to need it.

"Icelynn… That's your sister's name?" He asked, as I nodded my head once, while he took my arm and lead me onto the yacht.

"Yes, and my name is Lucy." I said, introducing myself, as Salamander took us back into a private dining area.

"Lucy and Icelynn. Both are beautiful names indeed. It's a real shame that Icelynn won't be joining us tonight." He said, as he guided me to a love seat that sat before a small, round table covered in a white cloth. Having me sit, Salamander then wandered off to the wine cabinet that sat against the wall by the door. Grabbing two glasses, only then did he bring them and the bottle of wine he had chosen back to the table.

Sitting them down, Salamander then took a seat himself on the single chair that sat across from the love seat I currently sat on by myself. Pouring a glass for each of us, he then gave me his best attempt at a charming smile. Seeing this, I was even beginning to get a bad feeling myself.

"Lucy, I'd like to toast to your beauty." Salamander said, as he snapped his fingers softly, using his magic to pull drops of the wine from the glass he had poured for me. "Now open your mouth and savor each flavorful drop as it enters your mouth." He said softly, as I felt my skin start to crawl.

'Okay, I'm strong! This will get me and Icelynn in Fairy Tail! I can do this!' I mentally chanted to myself, as the drops of wine drew closer and closer to my mouth. Not wanting to have to watch Salamander's creepy face as this happened, I went to close my eyes. However, just as I was about to, I happened to catch a good glimpse at the second charm he wore on his hand, next to the love charm he used earlier.

The face of it was a crescent moon hugging a cloud, with its eyes closed in slumber. This creep was trying to use sleep magic on me. Not having any of that, I simply stood up just as the drops reached me, and slapped them away with my hand, leveling a glare at the wizard before me.

"What do you think you're doing?" I demanded of him, as Salamander gave me a confused look. Scoffing at it, I moved my hand towards the keys that rested on the garter belt I wore beneath my red party dress as discreetly as I could. "I know what you're trying to do. You're trying to put me under a sleeping spell." I told him simply, as the confused look fell away into an impressed one that didn't look so friendly.

Once again, it seems that Icelynn was right. What's more, I really should have listened to my sister on this one.

"Look, I may have given you the wrong impression. I really do want to join the Fairy Tail guild with my sister, but I'm not willing to date you to make that happen. Neither would Icelynn, that I know for a fact." I told him, as I crossed my arms. "I'm really sorry, but I think it's best that I get back to my sister."

As I spoke, I kept my eyes on Salamander to make sure my point would hit home. However, he simply stood up and gave me a knowing look that had my stomach sinking into the floor.

"My, you're quite a handful. Maybe it's a good thing Icelynn didn't come along. If she's just as feisty as you are, we'd certainly have our hands tied." He said, as the curtain that sat behind the love seat, I'd been sitting on was drawn back.

Looking over my shoulder, I saw the crew of the ship carrying all the unconscious women who had also been invited to this creep's yacht. Meaning that Salamander's little party had been nothing but a trap. Looking from the women back to the man who would be the ringleader of our kidnappers, I began to feel disgust welling up inside me.

"Welcome aboard my ship." Salamander began, as his look darkened a bit. "It would also be wise of you to behave yourself until we make it to Bosco, because if you make me angry, I'll make the trip there a living hell for you." He warned me, as I grit my teeth.

"Bosco?" I echoed, as I clenched my fists. "You said you'd get me into Fairy Tail! Not drag me all the way to Bosco of all places!" I shouted at him, as the bastard chuckled at me.

"Oh, please. I only said that so I could lure you and your sister here in order to enslave the two of you." He said, as a slightly disappointed look crossed his face. "It really is a shame that Icelynn didn't fall into my trap as planned. Her beauty would have fetched me a high price; that is, if I didn't decide to keep her for myself. All is not lost with me getting my hands on her though. After all, if I hang on to you for a bit longer, I'll have the perfect bait for a protective sister."

As the situation I had gotten myself into became clearer, I grabbed a hold of my keys. I couldn't let them take my newfound freedom away from me like this. All that time I spent locked away in the Heartfilia's estate with my father's neglect, then the pain staking year Icelynn and I spent covering our tracks to make sure we're never forced to return to that place. I just can't let it end there. I won't let it end there…

Pulling my keys free from my garter belt, I went to grab Taurus' key, only to have them knocked out of my hands with Salamander's fire magic. It didn't burn me, but I could certainly feel a bruise beginning to form from where it had hit me. Before I could really react to it, Salamander had snatched my gate keys from the air.

"Well now, these are gate keys." Salamander said, as he held them in front of his face for further examination. "That makes you a celestial wizard then. Unfortunately for me, only the wizard who is contracted to the spirits these represent, can use them. So, since I can't use them, and you're going to be made into a slave, neither of us really needs them." He said, as he tossed my keys out the nearby open window.

"No!" I cried out in protest, as tears began to well up in my eyes. Those keys were the only thing I had left of my mother, and this creep had to take them from me, and toss them out like trash. Not only that, but he used magic to take advantage of other people, instead of using it to help others. Seeing this, feeling it, hurt.

"How could you use magic to do terrible things to other people! Your kind of wizards are the absolute worst!" I shouted at Salamander, as the tears of anger began to fall.

I didn't have to look at Salamander to tell that I had just pissed him off. Then again, two of his men grabbing each of my arms spoke volumes. At this point, I couldn't really bring myself to care, or to submit to them. After all, if Jude Heartfilia couldn't get me to submit, no one could.

Just as I was about to resign myself to my fate, the ceiling above our heads crashed in as two familiar figures landed in the wreckage. One had familiar pink hair, and the other had freezing blue eyes.

"Natsu! Icelynn!"



Looking up at the sky as Happy struggled to carry Natsu and I across the open water, I tried my best to not think on how I'll be forced to fight on a boat. Not only that, but I was also hoping that Natsu didn't get seasick like I do. If he did, then hopefully we'll be able to figure something out. Personally, I could push the feeling back in small bursts, but never for very long, or more than a couple of times.

As we were almost to the boat, I caught a quick flash as something flew out of the boat that was now below us. I barely managed to look down before it splashed into the ocean. It looked like it was the ring of gate keys that belonged to Lucy. Knowing that something was up, I felt a low growl beginning to build up.

"Happy, can you drop us through the roof over there?" I asked the flying blue cat, who barely held us up as I nodded in the direction I was meaning.

"Aye!" he said, as Natsu looked down at me, passed our interlocked hands to keep me up in the air with him and Happy.

"What's over in that spot?" Natsu asked, as I glanced back up at him.

"Someone just threw Lucy's gate keys out of the window of that room. She's a holder type, so she can't use her magic without those keys." I explained as Happy got Natsu and I into position. "I know for a fact that Lucy would never throw her keys away like that, so she and the other girls must be in trouble."

"I gotcha." Natsu said, as Happy stopped over the spot I had pointed out. "Ready, little buddy?" he asked, as Happy gave us another aye. Looking down at me, I gave him a nod of agreement.

With that, Happy let us go, as Natsu swung me over to the side a little bit so we wouldn't end up busting through the ceiling on top of one another and let go of my hands. As we fell, Natsu charged up a bit of his fire magic to punch through our spot. Doing the same, Natsu and I were able to blast a hole big enough for the two of us to pass through easily.

Our epic entrance didn't live long though, sadly. For the seasickness I usually experienced on boats kicked in almost immediately, as I felt the blood rush from my face, and my stomach tied knots. Even the palms of my hands were clammy already. Glancing over at Natsu though, I easily found my seasickness to be nothing compared to his.

Poor guy was laid out flat on his stomach, trying his best not to blow chunks.

"I knew this was a bad idea…" I heard him whimper miserably, as I looked away from him. If Natsu really was going to barf, then I didn't want to see it. We'd only be fighting over the same bucket or trash can, or whatever there was to throw up in.

"What the hell!?" I heard Lucy exclaim in shock.

'Oh, right. Lucy plus trouble equals idiots who needs an ass kicking.' I thought, as I pushed the nausea back a bit. Standing from the crouch I had landed in, I turned in time to see Lucy wiggle out of the now slackened grip of the two guys that had been holding her arms. Apparently Natsu's sudden sickened state had shocked them worse than her. Once she was free, she made a bee line for the spot behind me.

"Icelynn! I'm so happy to see you!" Lucy said, as I gave her a small glare over my shoulder. Seeing it, Lucy clammed right up, and backed up further behind me.

Yeah, she's still in big trouble…

"Natsu and I are here too!" I heard Happy say from above us, as Lucy gasped and looked up as well.

"Happy! What are you guys doing here?" Lucy asked, having forgotten about poor Natsu and his blue cat in her excitement over seeing me it seems.

"We came with Icelynn to rescue you! Natsu and I also had a bit of business to discuss with the creepy guy from before!" Happy explained, as I turned back to keep an eye on the said creepy guy and all his pals. They were just beginning to come out of their shocked states.

'It's probably best if I have Happy take Lucy and fly out of here. Her dress isn't best suited for fighting, and she's not able to call out her spirits to help her either.' I thought, as I glanced back at Happy for a moment before looking back at the enemy.

"Happy, you and Lucy go back to Hargeon and contact the rune knights. Natsu and I'll do our best to keep these guys occupied." I told him, as Lucy gave me a look of protests.

Knowing that the situation was dire, and in need of contacting the rune knights, Happy swept Lucy up before she could voice any of her arguments and flew back out of the hole Natsu and I had created. Seeing it, the guy who had claimed to be Salamander ended up being the faster one to snap out of it.

"Quick! Catch them before they get off the ship! We can't afford for them to alert the magic counsel!" The bastard said, as he threw open some doors that led to the deck outside and summoned a magic circle.

"Prominence Whip!" I heard him shout, as he cast his magic, sending out several of the red violet tendrils of flame he had used earlier in the day. Happy, lighter and faster now that he carried just one person, was able to maneuver his way through just about all of them. Right before they were about to get away, I saw as the ends of the tendrils began making a faster pace towards the two from all sides.

'Prominence? That name sounds familiar. I wonder if he's really that wizard Sorcerer Weekly wrote an article about a couple of years ago. Bora the Prominence, and if I recall it correctly, he was kicked out of his guild for continued use of illegal magics.' I thought, as I willed my legs to follow the idiots after my sister and Happy outside.

Not willing to just stand there and watch as Lucy and Happy gets captured, I sent a blast of my ice magic at the spot the tendrils would converge. Thankfully, even in my sickly state, I was able to hit the area dead on. As the fire magic collided with mine, they canceled each other out in a small explosion akin to fireworks going off.

"Damn it!" I heard the faker curse, as he turned a nasty glare my way. Returning it, I placed my hand against the door frame I currently stood beside to help me remain upright.

"Should we turn around and go after them boss?" One of the faker's cronies asked, as the crew watched as Happy and Lucy flew off.

"No, just leave them. We need to be long gone from here before they have a chance to contact the magic counsel." He said, as he turned to pin his glare on me once more. Only this time, he seemed a little smugger than before. "Besides, we have a much prettier ice mage to sell in the blonde girl's place."

At this disgusting mage's words, I didn't even try to conceal the growl that left my chest.

'So that's what this guy was up to. Using extravagant parties to lure girls onto this ship in order to haul them off to sell as slaves.' I thought angrily, as I was reminded all too well of my own captivity. To be honest, if Natsu and the other girls being held hostage weren't on this boat, then I'd freeze it and the crew on board and send it down to the bottom of the sea.

However, Natsu and other hostages are on board, so that plan was out. That alone would be their saving grace. Besides, this guy decided to put his filthy sights on my sister and I, and for that he needs to pay dearly. However, before I do that, I need to let Natsu have a talk with the guy about his supposed status as a Fairy Tail wizard.

Once Natsu is done with him though, I'm going to teach him that I'm not some ordinary ice mage he can so easily dismiss.

"Natsu, you had something to ask this pig before I kicked his teeth in. If you want him to talk, you'd better ask your questions now." I warned my fire dragon counterpart, as he crawled from where he was laying after we made our entrance to the deck outside.

"Really now? Would that be wise I wonder?" the perverted faker asked sarcastically, as he turned away to face the port. "I told your sister this before you so rudely interrupted her introduction into her new life as a slave girl, but you'd both best behave on our journey. I have no problem breaking in a new slave on the way to having her sold. There's no point in either of you fighting anyway. What can a boy that can barely stand, and a weak ice wizard girl do against a powerful fire mage like me anyway?"

At his words, I felt as the ship swayed upon the sea, causing another wave of nausea to wash through me. Biting my bottom lip to keep from throwing up and proving this guy's point, I tried my best to focus on him and the other enemies that surrounded Natsu and me.

"Would it be so wise to underestimate us so quickly, I wonder." I echoed back at the very foolish man once the nausea passed somewhat. "Because I can promise you'll regret crossing me and mine."

"Come now, even I can see how seasick you are right now. Although it seems like you can control it better than that poor sod that crashed my party with you." The faker said, as he cast a glance at Natsu that spoke of how pathetic he found him, then looked back at me. "Be as that may, I'll have to take you down a few pegs. Get them!" he ordered his goons, as they all got sinister looks on their faces.

Pushing away from the door frame, I managed to get my arms up in time to block the punch that was being thrown at me. Luckily for me, none of these guys were using magic against me, making this a little more even considering that being on this ship is throwing my focus off; therefore, making it nearly impossible to use my magic like I normally would in a situation like this.

'Too bad we can't do this on land. I sure would love to break out my dragon slaying magic on these assholes. It's been a little too long since I last got to use it, and Jude isn't around to stop me either.' I thought, as I continued to block and throw my own punches and kicks. Unfortunately, my seasickness only allowed me to keep up with this for so long. Still, I have to buy Lucy and Happy as much time as I can. Soon as they can inform the rune knights, the sooner that they can send someone after Natsu and I, and the other girls being kidnapped.

Speaking of Natsu, the poor kid's own sickness was causing him to be pummeled to the deck of the ship.

Apparently, glancing over to check on Natsu turned out to be a mistake, seeing as one of the guys I was trying to hold off got around my guard, and delivered a nasty blow to my jaw. In my weakened state, it was enough to send me down on my ass. A stinging sensation told me that my lip had even been busted. Holding the side of my fist to the small cut, I glared daggers up at the guy who threw it. He stood his ground against it, but my sharp eyes didn't miss the sweat that began to cling to the guy's brow out of fear.

However, before I could attempt to get back up, I noticed as Natsu blocked a kick that was aimed at his head. The guy I was fighting noticed it too, as he paused and looked over at his pal and my newfound friend.

"Fairy Tail." Natsu said, as I risked looking over as well.

Hearing him, the faker who was calling all the shots turned to look at Natsu as well. "You're a member?" Natsu asked him, as the faker opened his mouth to respond.

Not that he got a chance to though, seeing as this huge tidal wave just appeared out of nowhere, and was racing towards us. Upon seeing it, I kicked the guy I was fighting away from me, the panic overriding my seasickness for the moment, and made my way into the cabin where the other girls who were being kidnapped were located. Slamming the door closed behind me, I then laid a thin layer of ice over the entire room. This way, I could ensure that the girls wouldn't be hurt when that wave hits and throws us back into the port.

Unfortunately for me, doing this left me ungrounded for when it did hit us.

"SHE JUST HAD TO CALL OUT THE SEA WITCH!!!" I screamed in irritation, as I hit just about every surface there was to be had in this small private dining area or whatever the hell it's supposed to be.

Thankfully though, our flight into the port didn't last for very long. I didn't even have to shatter the ice I pinned everything down with either. Which was good, considering that as soon as everything stopped, I was throwing up into a boot of all things.

'Beggars can't be choosers, I guess.' I thought miserably, as I tossed the now offending footwear away from me.

Now that the boat ride was over, so was my seasickness; and not that I wasn't pissed off before, but that faker really is up shit creek sans the paddles now, and a big hole in the bottom of the boat. Getting to my feet, and feeling a whole lot better, I looked over at where the door was. Thankfully the side of the ship that landed in the sand had the door on the side I and the now awaking hostages ended up on. So, it was going to be easy for the girls to get out, even with their gowns on.

"Wait, what's happening?" I heard one girl ask.

"Yeah, what happened to Salamander's party?" another asked, as I turned to address them.

"You guys need to get off this boat now and find the rune knights. Salamander as you call him, was trying to kidnap you all, and ship you to Bosco to be sold as slaves." I told them, as one of the girls huffed at me.

"Wait a second, Bosco? Are you sure?" she asked, as I gave her a dark glare. Seeing it, the hussy decided that it was best to back down. I meant what I said, and I was as serious as the dead about it.

"It came from the bastard's mouth himself." I said, as I nodded towards the door. "If you don't believe me, then go outside and check it out for yourself. As for me, I've got a wizard's ass to freeze to hell and back." I told them, as I whispered to myself. "If Natsu doesn't handle him first that is." With that, I left the girls to decide what they wanted to do.

Walking over to the door frame, I simply ripped it off from the hinges in my anger and wasted no time in jumping over the small obstacle the door frame presented. When I landed in the sand outside, I caught a glimpse of Lucy running towards the beached ship. Seeing that she was safe for the moment, I looked along the boat for any signs of our current enemy, or that of our ally. I ended up spying Natsu first, seeing as he was standing way up on what was now the top of the ship. Below him stood the bastard and his goons on the sand.

Not feeling like letting Natsu have all the fun, I went to make my way towards him to help. However, before I could make it more than a couple of steps, I was caught around the middle in a hug from behind via Lucy.

"Icelynn! I'm so happy you're okay!" she exclaimed, as I turned to give her the stink eye. Seeing it, Lucy visibly gulped.

"I'm in a little bit of trouble, aren't I?" she asked me shyly, as I raised an eyebrow at her.

"Define a little." I said, as I turned to face Natsu and the guys he was facing off against. "Look, I'll yell at you later, but let's just get this shit over with first." I suggested, as Lucy and Happy followed my gaze up to where Natsu stood.

"So, I heard that you claim to be a member of the Fairy Tail guild. That right? Then let me get a good look at your face." Natsu told the faker, who looked up at him with distaste.

"What's it to you if I am or not?" the faker asked sarcastically as he glanced at the few of his men who didn't end up being injured. "Go get him." He ordered, as two of them ran forward to do as they had been told.

Watching as they ran up to him, Natsu pulled off the red jacket he had been wearing up until this point, revealing an open black and orange accented vest; and on his bare left shoulder was the mark of the guild the faker had falsely claimed to be a part of.

"Watch out Natsu!" Lucy shouted out from behind me, as she moved to stand next to me instead.

"Don't worry about him, Natsu will be alright." Happy told her, as he pulled out a fish from the small green bag he wore on his back and began munching on it.

"But he's out numbered." Lucy said, as I glanced at her for a second before turning my gaze back to Natsu.

"Happy's right Lucy. Natsu's a dragon slayer, remember?" I told her, as Lucy turned concerned eyes up at me. "I know that I haven't really used my magic in front of you, but dragon slayer magic is a lot stronger than you think. I only avoided it up until now so that Jude wouldn't recognize me by it and come looking for us." I explained to her, as Lucy gave a small oh that I would have missed if it weren't for my acute hearing.

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot that you were a dragon slayer too, Icelynn. You have the element of ice though, don't you?" Happy asked me, as I nodded my head once. "I thought so. Thanks for throwing that jerk off my tail earlier." He thanked me, as I gave him a soft smile.

"Not a problem." I told the little blue fur ball. With all of that now settled, the three of us looked up just in time to see Natsu smack the shit out of the two guys gunning for him, not even having to use a spark of his magic.

Once they were out of the way though, Natsu took a good long look at the guy who had claimed to be him.

"My name is Natsu Dragneel, Salamander of Fairy Tail; and I've never seen or smelled you before." Natsu said, as he held the guild mark on his arm up for the faker and his pals to see.

Upon seeing it, all of them, including the faker, began to sweat bullets. One of the ones who looked about ready to piss themselves turned towards their boss and pointed up at Natsu.

"Oh shit, I think he's the real deal Bora, look at the mark on his arm!" the man shouted, making Bora bristle.

"Don't call me that out here!" he shouted back at him, as I felt my eyes narrow dangerously on Bora the Prominence. Looks like this bastard was the dumbass mage I had pegged him to be times a hundred after all.

"Wait just a damn minute! Natsu's a member of Fairy Tail!?" Lucy shouted in just as much shock, as I felt a sly smirk cross my face. Seeing it, Lucy rounded on me. "You knew about this!?" she demanded, as I shrugged my shoulders.

"I pieced it together before we came to rescue you. Some girls on the side of the docks were gossiping about the party you sneaked off to, and how Salamander was a member of Fairy Tail. You really should have seen the look on Natsu's face when he overheard them say that. From that alone, I figured that only a real member of such a guild as Fairy Tail would react the way he did." I explained, as we turned back to the standoff before us once again. "It wasn't until after I blocked that bastard's spell from reaching you and Happy that I began to suspect that son of a bitch was really Bora the Prominence."

"I've heard of him too." Happy said, as he crossed his little arms from where he still sat upon Lucy's shoulder, just like when the two had shown up beside me. "From what I heard; he had been kicked out of the Titan Nose wizard guild a few years ago for bad behavior." Happy said, as Natsu began to advance towards Bora.

"I don't know what the hell you're trying to pull here pal, but your wrong if you think I'm just going to sit back and let you dirty Fairy Tail's name." Natsu told him, as Bora took on a defensive stance.

"And what do you think you're going to do about it? Barf on me?" Bora asked sarcastically, as he sent a spell at Natsu that made the section of the boat he was standing on erupt into flames.

Seeing it, Lucy took a few steps forward to try and do something about it, but I simply blocked her with my arm. She turned to say something to me, but I cut her off easily.

"He's fine Lucy, Bora's magic isn't going to work on Natsu." I told her, as Lucy became confused. "Just watch and you'll see what I mean." I told her, as she turned her attention back to the raging ball of flames that were beginning to become smaller.

Once it got small enough, we were finally able to see Natsu's outline through the flames. Bora on the other hand, had turned away to try and make his escape, thinking Natsu had been finished off. Boy was he surprised when Natsu proved him wrong.

"Oh yuck! These flames are gross, how the hell can you call yourself a fire wizard!" we all heard Natsu say, as Bora whirled back around just in time to see Natsu finish eating all of the flames that surrounded his body.

I don't know if it was the horrified look or the girlish scream that Bora let out, but it was funny enough to make me fall to my knees as I clutched my stomach as the laughter broke out of me in waves. Lucy's expression was just as bad, making my laughing fit even worse. Seeing me practically keeled over from my laughing fit, Lucy stomped her foot, making me laugh even more.


"That's why… hahahaha… I said to watch and… hahahah… You'll see… hahahah…" I said through my giggles, as a fiendishly delighted smile appeared on Happy's face, as he sprouted his wings once more to hover around us.

"What Icelynn means is that fire magic won't work on Natsu." Happy said for me, as I began getting my fit under control.

"It doesn't?" Lucy asked, as I got back on my feet.

"One of the perks of being a dragon slayer, is that if you were to eat your element you can not only replenish your magic, but you can also heal your body; and best of all, you can amplify the magic from it up to that of a dragon's power and send it right back at the idiot who cast it at you." I explained, as I began making my way over to where Natsu was heading to take on Bora. "Hey Happy, do you mind filling Lucy in the rest of the way about dragon slayer magic. I'm getting bored just standing there watching Natsu fight, so I'm going after Bora's crew." I tossed over my shoulder, as I took off in a jog.

"Aye, sir!" I heard Happy shout as I went out of eyesight of the cat and my sister.

Thankfully, by the time that I caught up with Natsu, he had already engaged Bora in a fight, leaving his goons to stare worriedly at their boss who was losing terribly. A few of them had even begun muttering about just running while Bora had his hands full of the other fire wizard. Rolling my eyes at the criminal mentality they all had, I simply cleared my throat to get their attention.

Turning around to see me, they all then began to get a bit angry. Not that I could blame them. All in one night, I had helped to crash one of their rigged parties, have a relation to the girl who had their ship thrown into port, and the reason why all of the girls they had planned on selling had run for the hills as soon as the fighting had started.

Giving them a wicked smile, I did the one spell I've been itching to do for years now…

"ICE DRAGON ROAR!" I shouted at them, as I roar a blast of ice at them, much like a dragon would have. By the end of it, all of them had some form or another of frost bite. Those who had stood at the front and center for my roar were pretty much frozen in place, while a few of the ones at the back managed to maintain their mobility. I was a little disappointed that it didn't reach all the way back, but I decided not to think too hard on it as I summoned my ice dragon claws to each of my hands and began to take out the rest who had not yet fallen.

Like I had told Lucy earlier, it's been a long time since I could last properly use my dragon slaying magic. Back before we left the Heartfilia estate, Jude had forbidden me from using my dragon slayer magic. According to him, such ancient and primitive magic was not proper for an esteemed ward of the Heartfilia family to learn and use. To be honest, this was the first time that I felt a full sense of relief since back before Storm left me behind. Just as I had also said earlier today, it's been a year since we left, and Jude hasn't done a damn thing. I'm done hiding from him and hiding my magic from the world.

Lucy and I were free to make our own choices now. I might still have my nightmares but leaving the Heartfilia estate to join a guild might be just what I need to finally let go of it fully. And if fighting alongside Natsu and asking him to take us back to Fairy Tail with him will accomplish that, then I'll gladly fight with him.

Before I knew it, all the guys I had been fighting were out for the count. Satisfied that they wouldn't be moving for quite some time, I set about freezing their hands behind their backs, and then freezing their ankles together so that they couldn't wake up between now and when the rune knights finally show up and make a break for it.

Now that my fight was finished, I began making my way back towards Lucy, only to end up having to dodge backwards as Bora and Natsu's fight came a little too close to me for comfort.

"RED SHOWER!!" I heard Bora shout in fright, as he sent a rain of discolored fire balls at Natsu. All the while, Natsu just kept coming at him without mercy.

"That's not red you idiot! It's RED VIOLET! GET YOUR FUCKING COLOR'S RIGHT!" I shouted up at him in irritation as the two moved further into town. Destroying a whole line of houses as they went. "And of course, I'm just ignored." I muttered to myself and I hurried over to Lucy and Happy before the two could have a chance to come back in my direction. Just as I made it back over to them, Happy was just finishing up explaining what he knew about dragon slayers to my sister.

Standing on the side lines together, we simply watched as Natsu batted Bora around Hargeon for a while. The longer that the fight went on, the crazier Bora became with fright. Throwing his spells around wildly as the citizens of Hargeon tried their best to evacuate the area. At one point, I even had to put up a shield of ice to help protect some people who had taken to hiding in an alley way. All of them just trying their best to avoid being hit by a stray blast of fire magic.

Eventually though, Natsu managed to catch one of the huge ass fire balls Bora was flinging around and consumed the whole thing much to the faker's horror. Once he devoured it, Natsu decked Bora right in the face with his fire dragon fist attack. From there, the fight ended with Bora being thrown so hard, he started ringing the bell of the church he crashed into. The only building in the vicinity that still stood undamaged ironically.

Watching the whole event unfold to the very end, I couldn't help but smile. Sure, I might not have been able to kick Bora the Prominence's ass for messing with my sister, but I felt better now that he's at least been taken care of. By a member of our favorite guild no less.

Seeing as the fight was now over, I used my own fist attack to shatter the ice hiding the citizens of the town. They all gave me nods of gratitude as they left the alley to go and find any others who had already gotten away or went to hide like they did. Watching them go, Lucy, Happy, and I soon heard what sounded like clinking metal. Like you would hear if someone were marching in a suit of armor.

'Great… They show up with their typical timing too…' I thought sourly, as we finally caught sight of the yellow and navy-blue uniforms and shields of the rune knights. Seeing as they showed up after everything had been settled, there was no way that they weren't going to suspect us of doing most of the damage done to the port, so I mentally began preparing myself for being caught and interrogated.

That plan was thrown out the window though, seeing as I felt someone with familiar warm hands grab my wrist, and began dragging me along behind them down the street away from the approaching army. Hearing a surprised yelp come from beside me, I knew that Lucy was being drug off to God knows where too.

"Where are you taking us!?" Lucy asked the pink haired kid dragging us at a break-neck speed out of Hargeon.

"Just come on! If we let them catch us, then it'll take longer to get you girls to Fairy Tail! You two wanted to join, didn't you?" Natsu asked, as he tossed us a toothy grin. "So, lets go!"

At this, all Lucy and I could do was look at each other in shock before matching smiles crossed our faces as well. Taking our hands from Natsu, we began trying our best to keep up with him.

"Damn right we do!" I told him, as Lucy giggled in excitement.

"Took the words out of my mouth, Icelynn!" she said, as we ran and ran.


'Dear Storm,

Lucy and I finally got the invite we always wanted to go to Fairy Tail and join up with the guild. I'm really excited and nervous, but I can't wait until we arrive in Magnolia. We couldn't get on board the train until this morning though, seeing as we ended up having to camp out in the woods last night to avoid getting Natsu caught by the Rune Knights. Once daybreak hit, Lucy and I snuck back to our Inn room to gather our bags and met Natsu back at the train station. It's a little disappointing that we can't get a refund for the room we ended up not using, but at least we're on our way now.

In just a few hours, we should be in Magnolia. Although, it's probably going to feel more like an eternity for poor Natsu.

I say that because it seems like motion sickness is a common trait among us dragon slayers. However, where mine only affects me on boats, Natsu's affects him on every mode of transportation except for flying. Oh, and Natsu is the fire dragon slayer by the way. The dragon who taught him his magic was Igneel. The friendly rival you had, if I remember it right. Apparently Igneel disappeared on Natsu, much like you did with me. Unlike me though, Natsu hasn't stopped looking for him.

Don't get me wrong, I love you like a father Storm, but I know you'll come back someday.

As for how I came to learn all of this… Well, Lucy got herself into some trouble. She ended up going to this party that turned out to be a trap to kidnap people to be sold in an underground slave ring. Natsu and his little blue talking cat named Happy helped me save her butt. In the process of that though, he ended up destroying a good portion of Hargeon.

Not to mention that Lucy kind of had the sea-witch throw a boat into port…

Thankfully though, no one got hurt except the creep who tried to kidnap Lucy and his goons. It felt so good to use my dragon slayer magic without having to hold it back. Keeping it under wraps helped me to learn good control over my magic, but it made me a bit rusty. I won't have to worry about this for very long though, seeing as Lucy and I will hopefully be joining Fairy Tail very soon. We just have to get to Magnolia, visit the guild and apply, then go and find a place for us to live.

My life is finally looking up Storm, and I can't wait…

With love,



By the time that Lucy and I finally stood before the guild hall of Fairy Tail, the two of us had our stomachs full of little nervous fairies. The building itself wasn't intimidating in the least, no it was the opposite in fact. More charming than anything else. It looked to have two floors, and high up on top of it stood a flag with the same guild emblem that was on Natsu's arm. The walls were a cream white, and the roof tiles a brick red. And the sign stood with the word Fairy Tail written in purple letters, with a fairy on each side, complete with tails. Just like its name sake.

"Oh wow! We're actually here Icelynn, we're standing right in front of the guild of our dreams!" Lucy gushed, as she looked up at the guild hall with her bright chocolate brown eyes.

"Yeah, hard to believe isn't it?" I asked her, as I couldn't help but grin up at it myself.

"Well, believe it or not, welcome to Fairy Tail." Happy chirped from where he was standing in front of Lucy, Natsu, and me.

"Just like Happy said. Now enough talking, lets get inside so you can meet everyone." Natsu said, as an evil smirk crossed his face. "Besides, I owe someone a flaming knuckle sandwich for lying to me about that Salamander we ran into." He said, as we began to head inside.

However, instead of reaching to open the door like Lucy and I thought he would, Natsu literally all but kicked the door right off its hinges.

"WE MADE IT BACK ALIVE!!" Natsu bellowed as he walked in with Happy now floating behind him. "We're home, guys!" Happy said as well, as the other guild members began throwing different kinds of greetings back at the two.

Following them inside, Lucy and I stopped just inside the doorway to take in the inside of the guild hall itself. I made sure to stay close to Lucy though. I would need her familiar scent nearby me for a while, at least until I get use to all the new smells that surrounded us. The sounds I could tune out easily enough. My time as the esteemed ward of the Heartfilia family had helped me learn how to do that easily enough, thankfully.

Still, the inside of the guild hall was just as amazing as it was outside. As were the many different types of wizards that were currently filling the hall with life.

Natsu on the other hand, already familiar with the other mages and their smells, moved through his fellow members with ease until he spotted the mage, he owed a flaming knuckle sandwich. Seeing the dragon slayer's approach, this guy sitting at a small round table turned to unexpectantly greet Natsu's… Foot?

"What's up, Natsu! I heard you went all out in Hargeon. Starting trouble like alwa-" the poor guy said, only to be sent flying into another empty table nearby before he could get his whole sentence out.

'Wait… I thought Natsu wanted to give him a knuckle sandwich. So why did he kick him instead?' I thought with an eyebrow raised, as I glanced back at Lucy, who wore a more horrified expression.

"WHAT THE HELL YOU JERK! WHY'D YOU HAVE TO GO AND LIE TO ME ABOUT THAT SALAMANDER!?" Natsu demanded, his fist held up, flames now coming off of it. Okay, I guess the guy's getting a flaming knuckle sandwich after all. I thought, as I began wondering if I would need to conjure up some of my ice for any burns or bumps the guy may have gotten.

However, before I could do more than think this passing thought, the same guy who got sent flying, flew up from the debris of the now broken table about as fast as he made the mess. Seeing this, I couldn't help but watch on in shock at the scene before me.

"I DIDN'T LIE TO YOU! I WAS JUST PASSING ON A RUMOR I KNEW YOU'D BE INTERESTED IN!" the guy shouted back, as Natsu became a bit shell shocked for about a split second before his anger came back full force.

"IT WAS JUST A RUMOR!?" Natsu freaked, as the mage finally got up from the floor and charged at Natsu. "YOU WANNA FIGHT!?" Natsu mockingly asked, as he noticed the guy coming for him.

"LET'S GO!" Natsu's new opponent said, as the two began throwing regular punches at each other. Not before Natsu put his fire out though, thankfully.

Unfortunately, though, anyone who tried to say anything to the two, ended up being pulled into the fight as well. Turning the simple one on one guild fight into a guild brawl. Seeing this, I couldn't help but feel a little bit of a whiplash from how fast things were escalating. Even Happy ended up being sent flying at some point.

Reaching beside me, I grabbed Lucy's arm and began slowly moving us away form the growing brawl. The bar looked to be a safer place to be anyway, and we could ask about joining while we wait for this to be over with. After all, Lucy and I weren't even a part of the guild yet, not to mention we had just got into town. However, we almost made it to the bar before we had to stop. Standing in our way was a pale skin guy, wearing only a necklace and black boxers. A blue guild emblem on the right side of his bare chest.

"So Natsu's back, huh!?" He demanded, as he turned to face the brawl cloud that Natsu was currently in the middle of. "Its time we settle our score for good!"

Lucy watched on with a blush on her face, while I couldn't help but watch in wonder at all of the crazy assed people Lucy and I were surrounded with at the moment. It was a breath of fresh air compared to the Heartfilia estate, which was making this place grow on me rather quickly. However, before the near naked guy could reach the brawl, this girl wearing dark capris, and blue bikini top sitting at the bar called out to him.

"Hey Grey! You're missing your clothes again." She told him, as Lucy and I both recognized the name she said.

Apparently, the near naked guy was Grey Fullbuster, the Fairy Tail wizard whose magic causes him to have a stripping problem of sorts. His magic is one of the elemental varieties, but I'd have to check Lucy's Sorcerer Weekly magazines to tell which one though.

"I don't have time to worry about it!" Gray called back to her, as he jumped into the brawl at long last. Rolling her eyes at the antics of her guild mates, the girl at the bar reached beside her for the open barrel of what smelled like Vodka.

"And that's why I don't date any kind of guy from this guild. None of you have any sort of class whatsoever." She muttered, as she turned the entire barrel up and took a deep drink from it. It was pretty impressive to watch. Being a dragon slayer, my tolerance for alcohol is much higher than that of a regular mage; but even a hundredth of what this lady was drinking would have me on my ass for days. Even Lucy was flabbergasted. We didn't get to dwell on it for long though, as another mage of the guild began making his way to the brawl.

He was a tall guy, like way over six foot and broad shouldered. He wore what looked like a navy-blue school uniform or something. He was dark tan and had white hair with a scar running down from the corner of his right eye.

"It's only just noon, and you boys are whining like spoiled brats." The big guy said, as Natsu and Gray crawled out of the brawl for just a moment to give him their undivided attention; and not in a good way I might add. "A real man would take this outside!" he shouted at them, only for Natsu and Gray to both knock his lights out, sending him across the guild as he did so.

Once he was out of their sight though, they finally began fighting each other in earnest. As for that lousy display, I really had no words to say. If the big guy wanted to get up and talk big, then he needed to be ready to be pulled in just like everyone else had been. Putting my mind back to the task of guiding my sister and I safely to the bar where no fighting was going on, I turned to do just that; only to pause as my creeper alert began going off again.

Turning around, I spotted this red headed guy wearing sunglasses in a green coat cuddling up to a long brownish blonde girl, and a short haired black girl on either side of him. What's worse, he had his gaze set on Lucy and me. Getting a good look at him though, I recognized him as Loke. One of the Fairy Tail guys Lucy had on her list of potential boyfriends.

Seeing that I was distracted, Lucy even turned to see what was going on. When she finally did, the guy watching us finally spoke.

"It's quite noisy in here, isn't it?" he asked us, only to end up having a random glass bounce off of his forehead. After that, even he got up to join the fight. As he did so, Lucy reached into her bag to pull out said list and a red marker. Flipping to the page that held his picture and bio, she simply put a red X over his entry.

After he left us, Lucy and I simply moved back a few more steps.

"This is ridiculous. There's not a single sane person here, is there?" Lucy asked me, as I shrugged my shoulders.

"Who knows, maybe someone will surprise us yet." I answered, as I heard footsteps walking up behind us. Hearing them too, Lucy turned around to see who was coming at the same time I did to find the one and only Mirajane.

"Hello. Are the two of you new here?" she asked us, as Lucy went bug eyed.

"IT'S MIRAJANE IN THE FLESH!" Lucy squealed, as she teetered over from all of the excitement she was now feeling. Catching her, I simply pushed her back to stand up right as I cast an apologetic smile at Mirajane.

"Oh, hi. Sorry about all of this. My sister is just a big fan of yours." I said, as I nodded at my still dazed sister. "My sister's name is Lucy, and I'm Icelynn. We came here hoping to join up with Fairy Tail."

"It's quite alright, and it's very nice to meet the two of you." Mirajane said, accepting my apology, as Lucy finally came back to her senses.

"Oh, it's nice to meet you too Mirajane!" Lucy said, as she waved at her. Only to end up having to snatch her hand out of the way of a flying bottle. Feeling a little worried about what I had hoped was no man's land, Lucy, Mirajane, and I all turned to face the brawl once more. Just in case we needed to dodge another stray flying object.

"Don't you think we need to stop this?" Lucy asked Mirajane, as she simply giggled at us a bit.

"I'd just leave them alone. It happens all of the time, actually." Mirajane began, as she turned to face the brawl. "Besides-"Before Mirajane could finish though, the big guy from earlier was knocked across the room for a second time, and crash landed right on top of the poor woman. "It's kind of fun, don't ya think?" Mira finished, as what appeared to be her soul began to leak out of her mouth.

"Mirajane!!" Lucy squeaked, her worry for the poor woman's health, frightfully clear on her face. "Icelynn, quick! Put her soul back in and freeze it in there!" Lucy panicked, as I rolled my eyes at the dramatics. However, before I could tell my sister off…

She gets crash landed by a very no longer near naked, but a full naked Gray Fullbuster…

Looking up and away from the piece of male anatomy on full display, I looked back in the direction Gray had come from. Sure enough, I spy Natsu flinging around Gray's pair of black boxers.

"Give me back my underwear, you asshole!" Gray shouted at him, as Lucy shoved him away and got back on her feet. Her face as red as a tomato as she tried to look anywhere but at the naked man in front of her.

'Well, at least he isn't bad on the eyes.' I thought, as the squeak of embarrassment that left Lucy's mouth drew Gray's attention. Turning around to face her, Gray then proceeded to ask Lucy and I if either of us would allow him to borrow our underwear for a bit. To which Lucy kicked the hell out of him, sending him back towards Natsu. Backing away myself, I just decided to keep myself busy on making sure no harmful objects or other naked wizards didn't fly into my sister. A good thing too, considering that Loke guy from before tried to sweep Lucy off of her feet. Only to end up being knocked back by the big guy, who then got kicked by Natsu.

After that, Lucy decided to back further away herself as the brawl now put tensions inside the guild hall at an all time high.

"So much for enjoying a nice, quiet drink." I heard the girl at the bar say, as she pulled out a card, she poured her magic into. "I suggest that you all knock it off already!" she shouted, as a few other wizards began to get their own magic or spells ready to fly. Even Natsu got his flames ready to go.

Up until this point, all the fighting had been done with fists, but now that they were about to bring magic into it, things were about to get serious. Pulling Lucy behind me, I got ready to use the ice defense spell I know to defend us. Thankfully though, before I even had to waste the magic energy to summon it, the fighting suddenly stopped as this huge giant shadow showed up.

"Holy shit…" I cursed under my breath, as I took in the sheer size of the wizard standing before us. He was so tall, that he had to stay hunched over to avoid banging his head against the roof of the building; seeing as the middle of the second floor was non-existant of course.

"WOULD YOU BRATS STOP BICKERING LIKE CHILDREN" he demanded, as all of the magic aura and circles that had been brought forth to summon up magic quickly dissipated. Mirajane, who was now free from being trapped under the big guy from earlier, simply gave the giant wizard a big smile.

"Oh, hello there, master. I'm sorry for the disturbance, I didn't realize that you were still here." Mirajane apologized, as I felt my eyes widen in shock.

'Wait, that gigantic man is the master of Fairy Tail!!' I thought in shock, as I blinked up at the man before Lucy and I. From his scent alone, I could tell that he had a lot of raw, magical power despite being an old man from what his scent was telling me. I can see why everyone fighting stopped what they were doing and went deathly still. This man is not someone you want to cross.

Well, except for Natsu…

"Man, talk about being a bunch of babies! It looks like I win!" Natsu declared, only for the giant master to step on him like a bug for not listening. At this, Lucy squeaked in fear, and though I hate to admit it; I did too. Unfortunately, this only drew the giant master's attention to us.

Looking us over, the giant man hummed in though.

"I see that we have a couple of new recruits." He said, as Lucy and I nodded our heads and gave him a yes, sir. I usually don't think to use such terms, but in this situation, it felt most appropriate. Especially if we didn't want to end up with the same squashed fate as poor Natsu Dragneel. May he rest in pieces…

After we confirmed the master's thoughts on us joining his guild, he released a good bit of magic power before he shrank to a smaller size. When the magical energy pouring out of the master stopped, he ended up being about knee high in height…

"It's nice to meet ya!" he said cheerfully, as I blinked in confusion.

"Likewise…" I muttered, still a little too shocked to form too many words at the moment.

"He's so tiny! Is he really the master?" Lucy asked Mirajane, she was still just as shocked as I was about this whole thing, but the severity of the expression she had on her face had softened at least.

"Of course, he is. Lucy, Icelynn, allow me to introduce you to Fairy Tail's guild master, Makarov." Mirajane introduced us, as the little old guy nodded his head once.

With that, he then jumped a whole lot higher than I'd thought such a small guy could possibly jump and landed on the banister of the second floor. However, due to a slight miscalculation, the master of Fairy Tail accidentally hit his head on the banister instead. Thankfully, Master Makarov was able to save himself from falling back down to the second floor, and simply pulled himself the rest of the way up.

Once on his feet, he then turned to address the guild, like it his slip up had never happened in the first place.

"You've all gone and done it again, you brats! Look at all of the complaints the magic counsel has sent me this time! It's the biggest pile they've sent me yet! I swear, all you brats are good for are getting the higher ups mad at me!!" He growled at everyone, holding up a thick stack of papers he pulled out from the little orange jacket he wore for all to see. "However, I say to heck with the magic counsel!" He then stated, as what I could only describe as a fatherly smile crossed his features. Using a bit of magic, the Master set all the complaints on fire before throwing them in Natsu's direction. Not one to pass up a free meal, Natsu jumped after it face first. Once it was a sure thing that Natsu had the burning paper, only then did the address the guild once more.

"Now listen up, you brats! Any power that surpasses reason, still comes from reason! Magic is not some kind of miraculous power! Magic is a talent that can only work that when the magic inside of us synchronizes with the energy that surrounds us in the natural world! It can only be brought about with a strong mind, and the ability to focus, so that it can take over your being and pour out of the soul! How then, can we allow our magic to progress if all we ever do is follow rules!? Don't let those dumbasses on the magic counsel scare you from following the path that you believe in! 'Cuz that's what makes the Fairy Tail Guild number one!" the master said, as he held up his hand in a fist, with his thumb sticking out, and his index finger pointed up at the ceiling.

I wasn't familiar with this sign, but I could tell that it meant a lot to this guild. And if you look at it a certain way, it kind of looks like the guild emblem. Still though, even with the unfamiliar sign Lucy and I would be sure to learn; and despite not having a guild mark yet, I couldn't help but feel like for the first time, Lucy and I were coming home.

This was finally our beginning. A fairy tale of two sisters who finally got to join the magic guild of their dreams. All different sorts of friendships and adventures await us now, and I can't wait to get started!