
Getting the egg

Yes natsu was a fire dragon slayer. Gray was an ice mage, Erza was requip magic, I was ok with those two, natsu on the other hand i couldnt. I went on quests with Erza more than anything, like now me and her where on the way to help someone with their animals.

Erza's point of view

I looked to the girl next to me taking in how beautiful she was purple eyes, gold hair, an ice necklace. She always smiled even when she was held at a swords length.

I sighed when we reached the house.

mary pov

I glanced at Erza who was staring at me. She smiled and then sighed. I went up to the door, i knocked taking a step back. Even though I was with Erza I felt sad I didnt even know why. The door open "what can i do for you lady's?" I move my hair to the side showing fairy tails symbol on my neck "we came to help with the animals." The lady nodded and let us in. "the poor animal I called about is in the backyard. Poor thing wont budge when I come out to help it." We nod heading through the house, when she opened the back door a small fuzzy body slammed into me. I glanced down seeing small white fuzzy wings on a white cat. I smile asking "do you want us to take it with us?" I look at the lady who nods. I grin and say softly "its ok your coming with us."

When we arrived back at the guild hall the small white cat flew to my head. I felt her purr smiling then quickly thought is she a girl or a boy? I then ask "are you a girl or a boy?" The cat thought for a moment and said "im a boy." I face palm, but bob my head "can i call stormy?" I feel him purr and smile. Stormy got up and flew around me, Natsu ran up to us. "Where did you get that cat?" Stormy flew into my arms shaking. I glared at natsu, "the job me and Erza just came from." I held stormy shielding him away from Natsu. Natsu nodded and said "I found an egg." I nod and lis came running over with an egg. Stormy perked up flying to it. He laid on top of it. I laughed most people in the guild looked at me in shock. Stormy curled up in a ball and fell asleep. Natsu crept over and was bout to lift him off when I slapped his hands and picked stormy off. "Keep that egg warm but not to warm.

Happy soon hatched and stormy started dressing in a suit