
Ice-Cold Vampire Princess

Before Yukito knew it he was reincarnated into another world as Eira, the Princess of the Vampire clan. 300 years after the war against Inhumans, Eira must combat the terrors that this reality holds. In this world of betrayal, monsters, and humans who want her dead... can Eira survive? Upload Schedule is 2-3 times a week.

Rokuro_ · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Battle Of Obril (Part 3)

Battle Of Obril (Part 3)

With my final attack, I managed to cut the Knight in half. While I watched his blood splatter on my face, my mind wandered to times of my past life.

"Would Haruka approve of how I'm living right now?" Shaking off the thought I fell to my knees from exhaustion.

Rina and Vasati frantically ran to my side.

"Eira..." Vasati tried to put her hand on my back, but I flicked it away.

"Both of you stay away from me. I'm... hungry" I embarrassingly muttered the last word.

It had been a long time since I drank blood from outside a blood packet. I had been provided with human blood my entire life, but I never once drank blood from someone's neck. While I would like to keep that streak going I had gone through all of my Mana and it was beginning to become hard for me to keep my eyes open.

"Eira!" Vasati hugged me and brushed aside her long black hair. Revealing the nape of her neck. She then took off her mask and smiled.

"We're best friends, r-right? So if you need to suck my blood I-I'm ok with it y'know..."

For the first time, Vasati looked genuinely embarrassed to do something.

Without any hesitation, I ripped off my mask and bit into her exposed neck. Vasati's Blood was so pure and full of Mana that I felt newfound strength flowing through my body.

"Eira, are you full?"The question broke me out of the trance I had found myself in as I sucked Vasati's blood.

Vasati's face was extremely flushed to the point I worried she might be sick. The moment I released my fangs from her neck I licked my lips satisfied with the meal.

"Thank you... Vasati" I muttered as I tried to stand, but Vasati pulled my sleeve.

"I-I don't mind letting you suck my blood from time to time y-know"

"Vasati! Don't say that with Rina right next to us." I scolded.

"What does she have to do with this?" Vasati pulled herself up using my arm.

"Never mind..." I sighed 

"Vasati, Eira is a good girl, but you shouldn't let any other vampires suck your blood. They might try to take advantage of you." Rina stated warmly.

"The only Vampire I would let suck my blood is Eira. What kind of girl do you think I am?" Vasati huffed and began to disable the void.

"Ahh, so you guys really are like that!" Rina squeaked, brimming with excitement.

""Like what?"" Vasati and I both asked.

"it's ok if you don't want to tell me. I'll wait until both of you are ready" Rina said giving me a thumbs up.

Whatever Rina is thinking right now I don't like it.


While Claire and I raced down the trail I felt an even greater magical signal coming from what looked like a shattered door.

"Claire! This way!" I pointed in the direction of the half-destroyed door.

As we entered we were greeted with a horrifying sight. Dead demon children hanging on chains all around blood splattered basement. It looked like a torture dungeon that I would see in movies in my past life.

When we walked around in the room there was a group of children who were scrunched up towards the back of the room.

"Claire. Check up on those children" I quickly stated, but I received no response from Claire who was staring at one of the corpses very intently.

"Claire, are you ok?" As I began to walk in her direction I saw a tear drop from her face.

Throughout the 3 months I have known Claire, I've never seen her cry before. No matter how she is treated by anyone she never cries. To see her shaken up so badly by someones death was enough to make me want to comfort her. Dashing forward I hugged her tightly.

"Ha...ruka" Claire's muddied voice came out so broken the words could barely be made out.

"I'm ok you know... don't worry... about me..." She tried to force out her words with a happy expression, but I could see the hurt in her face.

"It's ok to cry, Claire. Even if my own kind makes you out to be savage I understand that you have feelings too. You don't have to hide your emotions around me."

As I patted her on the back she began to cry even more. In a short amount of time, the demons who were sitting idle in the corner began to surround Claire and cry beside her.

After about 2 minutes and everyone had calmed down I began looking for any remnants of Phantom Gloom. I mean with the Paladin not being around they had to be here somewhere.

"Have any of you children seen 3 figures who came in here recently with cloaks and face masks." I looked around at all of them as I asked the question and expressions of unease surrounded the room. I'm guessing they felt I wanted to capture or kill them.

Before I even had the chance to speak up, Claire spoke up.

"You guys can trust her, she's not a bad human like the others," Claire said with a withered smile.

Before anyone could speak again. What looked like a Black Hole opened up and out it walked, a short silver-haired girl with her hair in twin-tails. She wore a silver crop top with a medium-sized white skirt. She was followed by a taller black-haired girl with her hair cut short to her shoulder length. She was wearing black Overalls. Lastly was a girl who looked both older and taller than the other two. Her short blonde hair and golden-colored dress suited her quite nicely.

"It's the Hero!" The blonde hair girl exclaimed and while the other two looked shocked they readied their magic and charged at me quickly

"Stop!" As Claire screamed she sent a shockwave through everyones mind which momentarily stopped the attack.

"We're not here to fight" I explained


As Vasati, Rina, and I were transported back to the room inside of the dungeon I felt we were forgetting something, but I couldn't get myself to remember.

That being said I never expected the first person I saw right after getting back would be the Hero and a black-haired Inhuman girl.

"She is now being accompanied by an Inhuman?" I couldn't exactly tell what species she was, but based on her magic power I could tell she wasn't human.

"It must be her slave. I'll free her from that Hero then." I thought as I charged her while drawing out all of my magic power.

"It's the Hero!" Rina's call got me right back into motion as I channeled my magic for Eternal Freeze

Suddenly I felt a huge shockwave scream at me to stop so I stopped my approach immediately and tried to cover my ears. Many others followed the same thing I did including the Hero meaning she couldn't have caused it.

My eyes turned back to the Inhuman that was with the Hero. She looked like the only one who was unharmed, so it was likely her magic.

I looked back at Vasati who seemed to have recovered from it and Rina was just staring at the Inhuman girl. Which made me start to think.

"Wasn't that too powerful for a basic Inhuman species? I don't even think it is possible to create those effects with sound magic. My mind was directly attacked and there should only be one species capable of that." I thought to myself.

Suddenly, Rina ran in the direction of the Inhuman girl.

"ELDER SISTER!" Rina screamed with tears streaming down her face and wrapped the Inhuman girl in a hug.

The Hero almost tried to step between them at first until she saw the Inhuman girl begin to start crying as well and hug her back.


Vasati and I stared at the scene deadpanned at first until I watched Vasati break into a huge smile which I followed.

The Hero surprisingly was smiling too.

"Could it be possible that those two are secretly..." My mind began to race, but I shut it off quickly.


After about 2 minutes of a heartwarming moment between Rina and her sister, it looked like things had finally calmed down to a point where everyone could talk.

I of course wanted to take command of the conversation and ask the first and most important question.

"Why are you here, Dirty Hero"