
Ice Age, I stockpiled ten billion goods

Apocalypse + Rebirth + Explosive Stocking of Supplies + Gou + Infinite Space + Blackened Revenge of Not the Virgin The world has entered the Ice Age, the Ice Apocalypse has come, and 95% of the human race on the planet has died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the people he helped because of his kindness. Reborn one month before the Ice Apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakened his space powers and started hoarding supplies crazily! Lack of supplies? He directly emptied a super shopping mall's warehouse worth tens of billions! Are you feeling uncomfortable? He built a super safe house worthy of a doomsday fortress! When the apocalypse comes, everyone will freeze like a dog, and they will give up everything just for a bite to eat. But Zhang Yi is living more comfortably than before the end of the world. Bai Lianhua: Zhang Yi, as long as you let me enter your house, I promise to be your girlfriend. Rich second generation: Zhang Yi, I am willing to use all my money to exchange for a meal in your family! Animal neighbors: Zhang Yi, you should share supplies with us, and shouldn't be so selfish! …… Looking at these people who had betrayed him in his previous life, Zhang Yi lay in the safe house and lived a life like a paradise. Zhang Yi: What does it have to do with me whether you die or not? I won’t give you my stuff to feed the dogs!

jianbing · Sci-fi
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376 Chs

Chapter 99: Ambush

Zhang Yi asked with concern, "Are you alright?"

Jiang Lei hadn't expected Zhang Yi to inquire about his well-being and hastily replied, "Just a scratch, nothing serious."

Zhang Yi immediately expressed in a tone filled with sorrow and indignation, "These days, the scoundrels from the He Alliance almost injured one of my crucial commanders!"

"Jiang Lei, you don't need to be on duty tomorrow. Take a rest first."

Later, he addressed the large group, saying, "Everyone performed admirably tonight. Tomorrow, we'll reward your merits. Those who participated in the attack on the He Alliance will receive a minimum of two portions of food!"

"Jiang Lei displayed courage despite his injuries and deserves admiration. So, let him rest tomorrow. Additionally, reward him with an extra-large serving of braised pork rice!"

Upon hearing Zhang Yi's encouraging words, the neighbors were thrilled. Despite the loss of eight neighbors, did it still matter now? They had become numb to such losses.

Most importantly, they would receive double the guaranteed rations tomorrow! The most enviable one was Jiang Lei, who would enjoy braised pork rice in these trying times!

Even with ingredients on hand, they couldn't afford to use so many seasonings, let alone light a fire. They had almost forgotten the taste of braised pork rice.

"Zhang Yi is mighty! Roar!"

"Following Zhang Yi is the way to go; we have meat to eat!"

"Damn it, didn't get any heads this time, but the next braised pork rice will surely be mine!"

Many people silently resolved to fight even harder!


The next morning, Zhang Yi donned gear covering his entire body before leaving his home with confidence. He planned to explore nearby renowned large malls and hotels to find useful items.

Climbing out from the fourth-floor window, he saw a large area in front already sunken in the snow, stained with sporadic blood.

Only now did Zhang Yi realize that numerous battles had taken place in their area recently. After a moment of reflection, he shifted his focus, retrieved a snowmobile from his concealed space, and headed outside the community.

As the sound of the snowmobile roared, the familiar sensation returned.

The feeling of being watched.

Though Zhang Yi couldn't clearly see people behind the windows, he knew many were watching him.

Raising his head, he coldly scanned one high-rise after another.

These people might become his enemies in the near future and end up dead by his hands.

His gaze shifted from afar, but as he swept past a building, he suddenly felt something was amiss.

Unit 21#.

The prominent red "21#" on the wall caught his attention. It was this reminder that triggered a strong sense of unease in Zhang Yi's heart.

"21#, Wolf Gang..."

Zhang Yi furrowed his brow slightly and, after a brief contemplation, his gaze became sharp.

"What's wrong with 21#!"

The Wolf Gang's Unit 21# wasn't far from their building.

However, until now, even though they knew Zhang Yi had a substantial amount of resources and a snowmobile, they had yet to make a move against him.

In the past, Zhang Yi believed they were being cautious and afraid of him.

But now, it seemed too strange.

Even if they were cautious, they were ultimately a group of hot-blooded youths around twenty years old. Faced with the alluring snowmobile, they couldn't possibly remain indifferent.

The weirdest thing was, the landlords of nearby buildings had approached Zhang Yi about collaboration, except for the Wolf Gang. They never contacted Zhang Yi.

This was abnormal, extremely abnormal!

In Zhang Yi's understanding, there was only one explanation for this behavior: silent dogs are the most vicious. They intended to launch a sneak attack!

Zhang Yi patted the pistol in his pocket, recalling the large guns fully loaded and chambered in the dimensional space. He felt much more secure.

Retrieving his phone, he hurriedly messaged Uncle You and Zhou Ke'er, instructing them to lock their doors at home and beware of sneak attacks from residents in other units.

Then he tucked the phone away to prevent it from freezing.

Starting the snowmobile, Zhang Yi drove forward.

As the vehicle reached the community's edge, a sudden change occurred!

Snow suddenly splashed on the ground in front, and a wooden board stood upright, blocking Zhang Yi's path.

Unable to stop the snowmobile in time, he quickly turned the vehicle around.


The motorcycle leaned against the board, and two people were thrown out from the snow. It turned out two individuals had hidden in the snow, using a rope to tie the board as a trap.

Unfortunately, the board was too thin. Instead of tripping Zhang Yi, it launched the two individuals into the air. It seemed TV dramas were not always good references!

Zhang Yi immediately realized that he had fallen into an ambush!

Without time to think, seven or eight people crawled out from the snow, brandishing weapons, and rushed towards Zhang Yi, shouting.

Zhang Yi took a deep breath, calming himself with the icy air. Swiftly pulling the gun from his pocket, he shot at the approaching group without hesitation.

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

For ordinary people being shot at such close quarters, even if they had guns, they would be in trouble. However, Zhang Yi had precise marksmanship and excellent spatial control, ensuring every bullet hit its target.

Three shots, three headshots, instantly killing the three individuals in front of him!

Before he could catch his breath, several others wielding knives approached within a meter of him.

As a knife was raised high, ready to strike, Zhang Yi adjusted his gun's aim.

The knife hadn't fallen, and Zhang Yi's gun was aimed at the person's head, almost entering his mouth.

The man's body instantly stiffened, about to say something.

"Bang!" A shot, and a hole appeared in his head.

This scene shocked the remaining people charging towards him. They stood still as they witnessed Zhang Yi, who used a gun so ruthlessly—one shot, one person, instantly dispatching four of them!

Not giving them a chance to recover, Zhang Yi quickly turned his gun towards the others.

"Bang!" "Bang!"

Two more shots took down the two remaining individuals.

At this point, the remaining four people finally lost their nerve, turned around, and ran back in a panic.

Zhang Yi aimed the gun at their backs, contemplating, and suddenly changed his mind.

He bit the gun and accelerated the snowmobile to catch up.

In the snow, they couldn't run fast; rather than saying they were running, it looked more like crawling.

At this moment, the sound of the motorcycle reached their ears, and the fear-stricken individuals turned pale, running as if pursued by malevolent spirits.

Zhang Yi caught up with the last person, and the motorcycle collided with him!

Half of his body was on the snow, and Zhang Yi's snowmobile flipped him over, then ruthlessly started crushing him.

With the combined weight of a person and a motorcycle exceeding 400 kilograms, what did it feel like to be crushed?

The man emitted a scream akin to a slaughtered pig. His spine was directly broken by the impact, the motorcycle rolling over his back and then his head.

The people ahead heard the wailing and turned even paler, gritting