
iBang Pusi: Reincarnated as The Ultra God of The Supreme God of The Su

-preme God of MANA and The Universe, I Walk Alone as The Sole Gatcha Player of Yhe Omniscient Omnipotenxe System God of Evil Waifu Dominator God for Revenge In Blood Of my Sword, as The Sword Master God Supreme Almighty King God, God.

Hazy_0832 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Ibang Pusi: More Pusi, More Bang

As I regressed a second time, I start to work out but this time it's easy because I know the future.

Mom showed up to my birth because I worked on myself in secret and she can see alongside every girl in my life (dad died, I guess) because all girls have a sixth sense and can feel that I'm a good person now who is worthy of their love.

The world is different now though, there are SUPER POWERS and Ibang Pusi is in a HIGH SCHOOL because middle school girls are MINORS and I want my virgins pure and ripe and not minors (by me, I mean ibang pusi). And not "used goods" because every woman who had sexual relationships with anyone who isnt Ibang Pusi is worthless and has no value as a human being. Therefore story is set in a high school where there is the most concentration of virgins girls, all created and made for, Ibang Pusi (in addition to the entire multiverse)

Dickbag is the strongest in school and is evil and rude and all the girls hate him, but he is a womanizer and they all hang out with him out of forced; and love Ibang Pusi because he acts like a good natured worthless weak person so they wanna bang him. (Except the bitch girl who eventually falls in love with him after he hits her because he respects women)

Childhood friend who cares about Ibang Pusi who is also class rep challenges Dickbag with her inferi-ahem I mean superior strength ranked A in the whole school so rare for her age and the other 90% of the school who are also A-Ranked because its actually a special school (Ibang is S-Ranked) and actually it's rarer for a weak bastard like Ibang who has FFFFFFFFFFFFFF×infinity Ranked Ability which is secretly the strongest he is bullied for it.

+1 Sympathy.

+1000000 He just like me.

In tournament match, Dickbag tortures childhood friend (in original timline they bang afterwards and ibang is sad) but this time ibang is calm and calculating already all analytical acting like he doesn't care and now entire crowd hates Ibang Pusi because Ibang Pusi is actually a worthless weak person who is also an underdog.

Ibang enters ring all calm, but about to murder everyone with his God powers, system alert "God Rage needs blood due to Ibangs overwhelming 10,000,000,000,000 years bloodlust rage" from his isekai magical adventure as the Ultra God but since he is calm he calms down and controls his inner demons because he is special and has superior willpower when he sees Dickbag's face.

Dickbag tells ibangpusi that this is the end and he will crush ibang pusi like he did in his childhood. Dickbag's actually full name is Richie Playboy, his former bully *gasp* from his former life who stole his wife who was also the childhood friend, kicked his balcony and bus'd him to another world with ibangs parents who also fund Richie just to spite Ibang Pusi and also adopted him as their son and disowned Ibang a second time.

Ibang pusi looks at him and says,

"I warn you i can kill you a million times in a single second, bad guy, rude guy. Apologize"

He doesn't apologize because he is bad he sticks his tongue out to mock because he is evil.

Ibang pussy kills him one million times in a single second. The entire audience gasps and wants to bang Ibang pusi. The crowd loves Ibang pusi. The crowd fears Ibang pusi. The crowd sucks ibang pusi's dick.

For like an hour.

While nerd friend explains the entire match and cites the Bible of "Why Ibang Pusi is So Brilliant And Dominated This Match and Somwhow All Matches in The Future"

And then Ibankpussy wins the fight. The villain is discouraged. And then he dies, because Ibankpussy is master.

Parents go mad and desperate, do one last ditch attempt to kill Ibang Pusi but overpowered Principal of the school protects him from the shadows with a smirk and makes his parents go bankrupt with his friends at the GOVERNMENT.

Then Ibankpussy goes off the stage, and then the childhood friend was like,

"baka, you didn't need to do that. I hate seeing you get hurt, moo yamete."

Then Ibankpussy fucks her. And then she blushes, and then they ride to the sunset using Ibang Pusi's 999KM long dick.

It was then his mom showed up all loving "Ibang I knew you always meant for greatness mommy loves you all the time." Touching moment, hot mom for fanservice scene ends, ominous character far in the shadows waiting.

It is the biological father of Dickbag, Baguvdicks, who hears the news all enraged and calm calculating his next move in the shadows.

this time I'm hungover

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