
Iam the maximum Berserker

sabit_gamers · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 1 : my struggle and my good

Motushi : ahg i have no slivers onr choppers

I have to become a adventure

Explain; an adventure is person who receives mission enter dungens etc and get paid for it

You can become an adventure if you pass a test and the test cost 4 slivers or you can get a debt and can enter the test and pay for it later

Motushi : iam not even a 1 star but i need money to buy food or i will die from staving

I can use the system i receive from the a random god

Ah again a Explain: in this world you can receive system from a god every god has a system for their contractors but motushi's can't see his gods name unlike others

Quick exp it has class stats shop etc like you know lets move on

System: Name: motushi rin



Title: none

Class: none

Strength:2 Agility:2

Mana:4 Vitality:1

Intelligence: 2

stat points:0

System: Name: motushi rin



Title: none

Class: none

Strength:2 Agility:2

Mana:4 Vitality:1

Intelligence: 2

stat points:0

Motushi: open shop

Shop: menu [class] [skills] [weapons]

Motushi: class

Shop: class [swordsman] [mage] [Archer]

[Berserker] [spearman]

Motushi: hmm which one should i pick

Ok Berserker select

System; Berserker select you will get your classes skills


To be continue