
IAM GODSPEED - The Fastest Man Alive

Izuku: To understand everything I'm about to tell you, You need to do something first. You need to believe in the impossible. Can you do that? Good. Okay, you see that red blur? That's me! That too! There I am again! My name is Izuku Midoriya. I am the fastest man alive! My story is pretty simple. My whole life I've been running. Usually from bullies. Sometimes I escaped. Sometimes I did not. Inko: Tell me what happened. Kid Izuku: Those guys were picking on kids, just cause they thought they didn't have cool Quirks. It wasn't right. Inko: I know. Kid Izuku: I guess I wasn't fast enough. Inko: You have such a good heart Izuku. And its better to have a good heart than fast legs. Hisashi: Hello? I'm home. Inko: Izuku got into a fight. Hisashi: Oh, yeah? Inko: And he won. Hishashi: Way to go slugger. (Inko looked to Hisashi Hisashi: Oh, and no more fighting. Mm mm. I was born in a society full of people filled with, the impossible, people who could fly, punch mountains, run really fast, teleport, and many more.. fully filled with Heroes and Villains. And when I was 4 I was, i waited for my turn to check my Quirk, and to my utter disbelief, I was Quirkless, that broke me, I looked at others with envy and helplessness on my behalf as my Dreamz of becoming a hero was shattered that night, i cried on to my mom the whole night, as she herself felt helpless. Then as days passed, years even, i got used to being normal, but still was fascinated with the world full of quirks and the mutations, I still tried to be one, even after being told Quirkless, by the doctor, my mom, my childhood friends Katsuki Bakugo who became my bully after knowing the truth about me. But despite all that I still believed in the impossible that one day my unordinary life will change. It all changed the Day, As a Bolt ⚡ of lightning struck me. And after being in 9 Months of coma i became THE IMPOSSIBLE! My Name is Izuku Midoriya, A support course student of UA HIGH, and this is the story of how I became a hero, against all odds. Iam GODSPEED-The FASTEST MAN ALIVE.

Pheonix_Ridone · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs


In a world where, 80% of it is filled with the impossiblties of superheroics and Villains where even a civilian has a superpower called Quirks. I was blessed with being born to be in rest of 20%. I was Quirkless, but my heart always longed to be a hero, To be The Impossible! my mom always told me that I have a good heart and mind. Since 11 years, the day I was diagnosed as Th Quirkless, my dreams have been shattered, mocked, bullied by even my best friend, or used to be. To Him and to every other person in my school life, I tried to be nice, still tried to be a hero at heart, to help people, as a hero. Things got worse, in middle school, although I haven't told my mother about anything, but the bruises on me said otherwise, she did complained, against the bullying, but as like everyother person who came before, it was ignored! as the person of interest was a model student with Quirks more fascinating and promising, and who would care about a Quirkless nobody like myself? as the torment began to take worse turns, during one of my time, as usual, I was minding my business and I heard a loud Boom, it was Kaachan, he was bullying another kid, who's quirk he thought was useless and he tried to hurt him, as there was no consequences to his actions, he grew Prideful and arrogant, opposite of what a hero should be(atleast that's what I thought) but as he was hurting the kid, my body moved on its own and i managed to step inbetween the two, warning him to not to do such a thing, as it's wrong and unheroic. But as I said this, Kaachan got enraged, he signalled his two possies to hold me over and with an evil smirk, he "Well if you're so hell bent on saving the useless extra, Deku, you can take the punishment for him," as he said this , his hands ignited with explosions, and told the previous bullied that "If you want me to leave you alone, all you have to do is, hold Deku here and make sure he suffers and learns not to mess with me, if you disagree you know the usual drill, maybe this will bring Deku here out of his delusional Hero Dreams!"

This brought the kid out of his trance, with an audible gulp he said sorry to me, and held me up as Kaachan and his goons beat me up.

That day, was 8 years ago, since then, many things have changed, one of which was my world views, my enraged mother, my father leaving us, and my mother's new resolve as she enrolled me into self defense class in martial arts, as she learned of the truth, when my entire body was riddled with explosions, and bruises, I was so frustrated, because of all the emotions, piled up, my actions due to my helplessness made my mother worry, cry, my father leaving, my Dreamz and hope shattering, and in that moment, I decided to face reality, and just give up on my hero dreams. But My mom, said something, "Accept the things you cannot change. Have the courage to change the things you can... and have the wisdom to know the difference". Then, joined the Martial arts school for normal children, to defend against the Quirked ones. As it specialises in that area. It took us weeks before we finally came to The Dojo, it had three masters. An old Brooding guy named Bruce Wayne, Ryu and Shang chi.

At first they didn't want to, teach a kid, who didn't have any resolve to do anything or to want to be anything, as they said they can see that through my eyes. As it was dulled and had no reason to fight for, as my resolve was shattered by kaachan and his goons plus the guy I helped, who selfishly helped him to beat me up, as my mind was riddled with several emotions, i buried my dream of becoming hero let alone anything, All i want is to help people and what I got was ridiculed, betrayed and beaten as i screamed my thoughts at them, panting. My mother hugged me and asked them to help us.

This made one of them to react. This was Ryu, he told "Aren't you used to losing by now... ?"

This made me tear up.. just then he told me,

"I'm sure you'll do better once you learn how to fight."

This time my mother, answered, "So you're gonna teach my son?" To which he smiled and nodded in confirmation, looking at his fellow masters, The others nodded even the old Brooding guy, smiled.

And as then, days went by, months years went by, now it's been 10 years since, I joined the Dojo, my schedule was fully swamped, I still went to school, but only 3 days a week, as somehow Bruce Wayne, made it seem possible, as he told me concentrate on learning, and not be bothered by other things. I learned to master several disciplines in martial arts, from each of them, plus as they noticed my quirk deduction techniques, this made the old man Bruce, to teach him, himself. He taught me, efficient ways in deduction, and programming, as what i had seen them, do was nothing simple to ordinary. As I asked them if this, they told me, Nothing is as it seems, learn to surpass us one day and maybe we will let you in on the secret. My mother accepted and was grateful to all of them for teaching me, and helping me grow as a strong, confident person. I was getting taller, and with a lean muscular built, over the years, my changes were noticable, especially by kaachan, as he wanted to know why I wasn't, coming to the school? I just ignored him and moved on, this pissed him off, but just as he was about to punch me, Shang chi arrived, and we moved, from there in an instance, which greatly shocked Bakugo. He swore that he'll get to the bottom of this.

And after few weeks, Katsuki confronted me, and demanded an explanation to which like the usual, I tried to ignore him, but he wouldn't budge, kept pestering me, that I'll never be strong as him, as his quirk is more powerful than any stupid training and I'll always remain to be an Useless Deku! not a Hero. As he shoved me, to which i quickly reacted and punched him and kicked him on the ribs. which greatly shocked him.

I just said, "You know Katsuki, I never knew that underneath all that power, and pride you're just a Coward, And yes, I don't want to be a Hero, I know I'll never be one without a quirk by the societies standard, but that doesn't mean I'll be helpless and useless as you claim me to be, I'll a supportive to those who need help, that's all i need to, and i surely don't need your approval for it, be the hero you want to be, but don't deter other's capabilities. my mother and masters told me, to accept the changes that can't be changed and accept those who which I can change, avoid conflicts when I can, when you know you can win" now I finally know what they meant. so Katsuki, Goodluck and Goodbye.

This stunned Katsuki, he never wanted to hear something like this, atleast not from me. As he was clenching his fist and screaming yet again, we moved and, then from that day, Katsuki just started to avoid me.

As years went by, Master Shang chi, trained me to use internal energy, which is present in all living things, he unlocked my pressure points, and nodes when I was 13 as this was his gift to me, after 3 days,I woke up energised and stronger, faster and lighter than ever, then I did notice the black goo around me, it was the impurities in me, Then after it was cleaned off, i trained with master Ryu, who taught me ki control and learned several of his techniques, but I was still beaten in our spars, no matter how stronger I've gotten, i still lost to him. I tried to fight again but he told me "The road to becoming a true martial artist is still long... This is only training!!

That was a great fight, let's do it again!!"

but i wasn't done yet, I told to not to hold back, he acknowledged my resolve and said " You have no chance of winning if you can't defeat my Shoryuken!!" as he fired it, then i punched my own Shoryuken! but it was engulfed by his, I was beaten and bruised, down on the ground, "I know you can do better! Get up and try again!"

in that moment, a surge of dark green aura surrounded me, and i compressed it into single point inti my fist, this was sensed by Bruce and Shang chi as they both came out to look, i didn't know at that time, but behind me was a dragon of green, and i launched forward with a shout "Fist of Lightning Dragon's Fury" and this broke through master Ryu, and he smirked, as his whole body was charred, They all congratulated me, it took the 3 of them to stop my attack, before loosing consciousness,

"The road to becoming a true martial artist is still long... This is only training!!


"Blind pride can only hold you back. There are fighters out there stronger than the both of us!"- RYU

"I wish you good luck!, It's not who you are underneath, but what you do that defines you."- BRUCE WAYNE.

we've all given you the tool and necessary guidance to Be the gaurdian Angel. save this world.. Be a symbol, be anything you want to be. And when the time comes we hope you will be ready! this is Goodbye Izuku, you have shown us, what it's like to have a Son, And as a last gift from us, You asked us, who we were, and now with a touch of light the particles entered Izuku, as he felt healed and just then, the entire landscape changed, the building was no were to be there, it was pouring cats and dogs, just then a bright lightning came down from the sky and hit him, as his whole body was electrified. And Izuku Midoriya, was chozen to be something, he became The Impossible!

then after a few months in hospital, with his mother by his side, and sudden disappearance of The Dojo, Her son in coma. All these was getting to her. She was distraught.

During his slumber, Midoriya found himself in what seemed to surrounded by lightning storm, he was confused and but scared, as he began to recall all that happened, then a voice called for him, he saw his masters, much younger to his surprise, then a redheaded women, a Guy in Red suit, and a silver armoured intimidating figure, both carrying lighting symbol on their chests. It was the same one he saw on his Dojo.

All of them greeted him at the same time "Welcome Izuku Midoriya, We're The SpeedForce!" This confused the hell out of Midoriya! as he awkwardly waved at them, mostly to his masters.