
Chapter: 316-320:Reverend Insanity


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Chapter 316. Absolute Victory, Demonic Heart | Reverend Insanity

Seven days passed, and the battle stage held the largest battle seen in a long time.Ju Kai Bei forcefully challenged Fang Yuan, the former was an experienced senior expert, his fame deeply entrenched in the city. The latter was a rising star in the last two years, shining like the night sky, a young expert of the newer generation.Other than the excitement of this battle, right before this, Bai Ning Bing and Yan Tu had a battle, it perfectly led up to this climax.After seven days of circulation, the entire Shang clan city was hyping over this match.Thus, at the battle stage today, it was packed with people.The battle stage had also purposely promoted this battle, making it turn into a grand event. The person in charge of the battle stage Shang Chi Wen gained a huge boost to her business revenue and was extremely happy the last few days.Before the battle started, people already started chatting among themselves."Will the more experienced expert Ju Kai Bei win, or will Fang Zheng overcome the odds?" Some people were discussing this, the fight between a veteran and rising star was a popular topic to explore."The two of them are strength path Gu Masters, this is the resurrection battle of the strength path!" Many strength path Gu Masters were proud, having strong anticipation towards this battle. In their eyes, this had great meaning for them."No matter what, Fang Zheng has to fight with all his strength. Otherwise, his all-out effort Gu will be taken by Ju Kai Bei.""Fang Zheng is only rank three middle stage, although he is very adept at fighting, his cultivation is even lower than Bai Ning Bing, not to mention in contrast to Ju Kai Bei." After tens of battles, Fang Yuan's strength could not be concealed anymore, most people did not think he could win, because the difference in cultivation was too great."Fang Zheng is here!" Someone shouted.Fang Yuan walked slowly, entering the battle stage with a peaceful look.This was a super-size battle stage, black stone forest terrain.Fang Zheng stood at the center of the stage, folding his arms and taking a look at his surroundings.The black stone pillars, thick and tough, were placed all over the forest terrain.Outside, people were crowding and completely surrounded the stage. This was the most people Fang Yuan had seen at one battle in his two years of battling.Fang Yuan knew clearly, Shang Xin Ci and Wei Yang were among the crowd, even Bai Ning Bing was here, but disguised. He even heard Shang Xin Ci say that some Shang clan young masters were here.This reminded him of his first battle.Back then, there was barely any spectators, Fang Yuan was still a nobody.But now, he was already famous, had become someone who gathered attention."This is the final battle." Fang Yuan sighed in his heart.Three kings inheritance was starting, considering the time taken to travel, there was no time left.After winning this, he still had to assist Shang Xin Ci and make her a young master. It was crucial for his future plans.The day Shang Xin Ci becomes a young master would be the day Fang Yuan leaves Shang clan city.Regarding Ju Kai Bei and Yan Tu's secret identity, others did not know it but Fang Yuan knew clearly.As long as one dominates the battle stage, they will become Shang clan external elder.Fang Yuan had never thought of dominating the battle stage. The identity of Shang clan external elder, it might be the dream of many people.The sparrow makes a nest in the house, only an eagle can build their nest beside a cliff.Not just the external clan elder of Shang clan, Fang Yuan does not have any interest even in the Shang clan leader position.All these roles, although glorious, were chains of fame and wealth.Pitiful.Among those that live in the mortal realm, who knows how many people these chains have binded.Ju Kai Bei arrived on the stage too.A tower-like body, a steel like expression. He had a large body frame and even denser muscles, it gave people a strong oppressing feeling.In Fang Yuan's previous life's memories, at the great righteous demonic battle of Yi Tian mountain, Ju Kai Bei had a great performance too. He killed many established demonic Gu Masters, and was one of the capable generals of Shang Yan Fei.In him, the aura of rank four flowed. Before the battle even began, he already exerted mental pressure on Fang Yuan.In terms of cultivation, Fang Yuan was at a disadvantage. He was rank three peak stage, but used the breath concealment Gu, thus on the surface, he was rank three middle stage.But even if he has lower cultivation, so what?Hehehe.Fang Yuan squinted, his eyes glowing with brilliance. A few days ago, he had successfully refined that Gu, and his chances of winning rose to sixty percent. Even though his opponent was strong, Fang Yuan was confident of winning.This was not overconfidence nor pride, and certainly not arrogance, but an attitude.Demonic heart!Cannot lose, cannot fall, must win, must win at all cost!Even with less than ten percent chance of winning, even without any chance of winning, he had to have an attitude of absolute victory.For a demonic Gu Master, once they fail, it leads to disaster. Thus, he has to succeed, winning every time, there is no 'if', there is no 'what if'.His five hundred years of experience allowed Fang Yuan to develop such a mindset.Winner takes all, stepping on others' corpses and climb higher, rising to the apex! Only I can let the world down, whatever justice and integrity, fame, fortune and beauty, hatred and kindness, they will not be an obstacle but merely tools to use.This was where Fang Yuan differed from Bai Ning Bing.Bai Ning Bing had a heart to pursue victory, but Fang Yuan had a heart of absolute victory!Nothing can stop me, not even demise will subdue my demonic heart.Ju Kai Bei walked towards Fang Yuan, standing still and maintaining silent.He did not like to talk.Similarly, Fang Yuan hated trash talking.The two look at each other, ignoring the outside noises, one with a firm iron gaze, while the other had dark abyss-like pupils.Ding!As the bell rang, the battle began.All-out effort Gu!In an instant, light burst from Fang Yuan's eyes, and he injected his primeval essence, causing a horse phantom to appear behind him.The horse raised its head as it charged.With the strength of a horse in him, Fang Yuan activated the vertical crash Gu.Swoosh!He charged towards Ju Kai Bei, his speed as fast as a galloping horse!But when he got to Ju Kai Bei, the horse phantom vanished, and turned into a boar phantom.The boar had scarlet red eyes, as its tusks stabbed forwards, giving off a fierce aura.Horse strength made charging faster, while boar strength made the impact of hitting stronger, Fang Yuan was already able to swap his beast phantoms at will now.Seeing Fang Yuan coming at him, Ju Kai Bei opened his mouth emotionlessly.His mouth was full of clean white teeth, at this moment, two fangs grew quickly, coming out of his mouth as two elephant tusks appeared.The tusks bent inwards, its sharp and curved tip stabbing into Ju Kai Bei's chest.But there was no blood at his wound, instead, a pure white armor formed at the area of contact.Like a milky layer of ice, the armor quickly formed on his upper body.Fang Yuan came over imposingly."Good timing." Ju Kai Bei did not dodge but instead took a step forward, bending his waist a little and taking Fang Yuan's charge head-on.Bam.A loud crashing sound, and the two's shoulders collided.Fang Yuan took five steps back, while Ju Kai Bei was sent flying.This caused many to scream out in shock."How can this be? Ju Kai Bei is not Fang Zheng's match?""The all-out effort Gu is really too powerful.""Weird, why does Fang Zheng have rank three peak stage cultivation?!"Once Fang Yuan attacked, the breath concealment Gu's effect was overwritten, and his rank three peak stage aura was exposed, as many people noticed quickly.Ju Kai Bei showed a little surprise in his eyes, but it quickly vanished.He got up from the ground, not having taken much damage. Only his shoulder armor was cracked and broken.But quickly, these cracks vanished.The armor continued to extend, after a while, his arm and waist was covered.This was the ivory armor Gu's effect that Ju Kai Bei had been using.Ivory armor Gu, a rank four Gu with strong defense. But the weakness was, it needed some time to grow, and had no malleability. After the battle ends, the Gu Master has to break it themself.Fang Yuan moved his shoulder, feeling a little ache.Earlier, he did not use the golden shield Gu, just the combination of bronze skin, iron bones and steel tendons, made his defense extraordinary.Strength affects both oneself and foe, there were great requirements in terms of defense for a strength Gu Master.The attack earlier was just a small test."This Ju Kai Bei has great physical strength, since my rebirth, he is the strongest opponent I've faced. He is an enemy with great physical strength and defense." Fang Yuan's gaze was dark and eerie as he pounced again.Bam bam bam.The two exchanged blows, landing their punches every time, as Ju Kai Bei was at a disadvantage.Fang Yuan naturally did not give him any opportunity to continue growing, as the ivory armor broke many times from Fang Yuan's iron fist, unable to reach its complete form.But Ju Kai Bei's strength was getting stronger, he was suppressed initially, but started being tied with Fang Yuan.That was not surprising, Fang Yuan knew from Ju Kai Bei's information that he had a rank four habitual strength Gu.The all-out effort Gu was extinct long ago, thus to replace it, current strength path Gu Masters created the habitual strength Gu.The lower rank of the habitual strength Gu is the rank three store strength Gu.The store strength Gu can store energy, and release it slowly attack after attack. But it needed time to do so, and during that period, the Gu Master cannot move at all, thus it is not commonly used.But at rank four, after the store strength Gu refines into the habitual strength Gu, this weakness is eliminated.The habitual strength Gu after activation, would cause Ju Kai Bei's strength to accumulate over time. At the same time, he is allowed to move freely.Bam!Fang Yuan's fists landed on Ju Kai Bei's chest, while Ju Kai Bei's palm chopped on Fang Yuan's shoulder.Both of them took six steps back, this time it was a draw.But Fang Yuan's fist was numb. In contrast, Ju Kai Bei's chest was covered by the ivory armor, and there was only some cracks on it.As time passed, Ju Kai Bei continued to move about, and the ivory armor became thicker, causing Ju Kai Bei's skin to become monstrously thick.Ju Kai Bei's strength was starting to show.Not only does he have rank four yellow gold primeval essence, he also had rank four Gu worms.Just the ivory armor could compete with Fang Yuan's steel tendons, iron bones, and bronze skin combination.

Reverend Insanity



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Chapter 317. Fang Yuan vs Ju Kai Bei (1) | Reverend Insanity

Hook, palm strike, elbow jab, kick…Fang Yuan and Ju Kai Bei fought head-on, exchanging moves after moves.Punches and kicks collided, producing intense tremors.The two moved while striking each other, any stone or tree they struck would collapse with a loud sound."Fang Zheng is falling into a disadvantage." Gradually, the spectators understood the situation."To deal with Ju Kai Bei, one needs to take him down as soon as possible and not give him any time." Someone sighed.Ju Kai Bei had habitual strength Gu; his strength grew the longer it stayed active."Easy for you to say, who can knock him down at the start? He has rank four cultivation, the ivory armor Gu and plentiful battle experience. Being able to fight him to this extent, Fang Zheng could be said to be pretty good."Bai Ning Bing watched the match quietly from within the crowd.She had experienced the pressure Fang Yuan was on right now. Only those who had personally fought against rank four Gu Masters would know the huge gap between rank three and rank four."Brother Hei Tu…" Shang Xin Ci clenched her fists tightly, her beautiful eyes followed Fang Yuan.Wei Yang's brows gradually furrowed.Howl!Suddenly, the roar of a wild beast burst out.A dragon-elephant phantom suddenly rose up behind Ju Kai Bei; showing a tremendous might.Dragon-elephant refers to a huge elephant who possesses dragon's blood. Its physique was larger than a mammoth, it was a humongous beast. If lions and tigers came across it, they would detour around it and not dare to attack.There was a great possibility of obtaining dragon-elephant huge strength Gu by killing this type of ferocious beast.Dragon-elephant huge strength Gu was a rank four Gu; while the galloping horse strength Gu, green bull labor Gu and other Gu used by Fang Yuan were only rank three.Since Ju Kai Bei became rank four Gu Master, he had used three dragon-elephant huge strength Gu and created three beast phantoms for himself.Right now, he was punching with the strength of a dragon-elephant!Fang Yuan's pupils rapidly shrunk. At this moment of crisis, he quickly put up his two arms.All-out effort Gu — Stone turtle strength!A huge turtle phantom appeared behind him.BOOM!Ju Kai Bei's bowl-size fist ruthlessly struck Fang Yuan's arms.A huge force emerged from the collision; Ju Kai Bei only took a step back while Fang Yuan was sent flying.Stone turtle phantom collapsed with a loud bang; while dragon-elephant phantom flew higher into the sky.Stone turtle strength was clearly not dragon-elephant strength's match.Fang Yuan was sent flying for almost thirty steps and crashed through two stone pillars before finally stopping.Fang Yuan got back to his stance again and shook his aching and numb arms. He might look pitiful but was not the least bit harmed. The combination of iron bone, steel tendons and bronze skin gave him a very strong defense."Ju Kai Bei punched with the strength of a dragon-elephant!" Outside the stage, many spectators cried out in surprise."He has been using habitual strength Gu since the start and now his strength has become exceedingly high. This is still only the strength of a dragon-elephant, senior Ju Kai Bei has a total of three dragon-elephant phantoms in him. I once saw him strike with the strength of three dragon-elephants, he instantly crushed his opponent's skull!""Fang Zheng can't hold back Ju Kai Bei. Ju Kai Bei striking with dragon-elephant strength is a prelude to his dominance of this match."Fang Yuan was expressionless as he charged towards Ju Kai Bei once again.The two exchanged moves again.Snow silver primeval essence continually poured into all-out effort Gu.Boar, brown bear, crocodile, green bull, horse, stone turtle, white elephant and black python; eight beast phantoms flashed by one after another.After the stone turtle strength Gu, Fang Yuan had used white elephant primeval strength Gu and black python coiling strength Gu to gain white elephant phantom and black python phantom.Eight beast phantoms were Fang Yuan's body's limit. Thus after using black python coiling strength Gu, he no longer used other strength Gu.On the stage, Fang Yuan unleashed a flurry of attacks, his punches broke through the wind and were extremely violent.Such terrifying offensive power birthed fear in the spectators.Ju Kai Bei had just burst out the strength of a dragon-phantom and his strength was now back to before, habitual strength Gu started to accumulate power once again. Seizing the opportunity, Fang Yuan started going all out, immediately taking back the initiative.His eight beast phantoms flashed continuously in the air, while the dragon-elephant phantoms appeared only occasionally.However, every time dragon-elephant phantom appeared, it would send Fang Yuan flying.As time passed, Fang Yuan's injuries accumulated; bronze skin could not resist Ju Kai Bei's enormous strength and was lacerated.Ju Kai Bei's whole body was covered with a layer of ivory armor, so although there were many scars and cracks on it, he stood straight from the start, like an iron tower standing tall on the earth.After some time.There was a chance!Ju Kai Bei made a very tiny mistake which might only appear once in a blue moon.Fang Yuan grabbed this transient opportunity and suddenly moved to Ju Kai Bei's back and smacked.Brown bear phantom.If this enormous and heavy force struck, Ju Kai Bei would definitely be spurt out large amounts of blood.Ju Kai Bei had no time to stop it so he could turn around and sweep his arms.Howl!Suddenly, there was the trumpet of an elephant; dragon-elephant phantom appeared and completely suppressed the brown bear phantom.Fang Yuan was instead sent flying. This was the eighth time.The frequency of dragon-elephant phantom's appearance became more frequent. When it did not appear, Fang Yuan held a slight initiative. But once it appeared, none of Fang Yuan's phantoms were its match.Fang Yuan's beast phantoms were all ordinary wild beasts, but dragon-elephant had a trace of dragon bloodline in it and was considered a mutated beast!After one hour since the match started….Howl! Howl!Two dragon-elephant phantoms appeared at the same time behind Ju Kai Bei.His two fists ruthless struck Fang Yuan's chest and sent the latter flying far away.Fang Yuan spurted out a mouthful of blood in the air and his vision shook.Thump thump thump thump thump… He smashed through five stone pillars before falling down on the ground; dust rose and covered his figure."So miserable!" Many Gu Masters' eyes twitched at this scene. Fang Yuan's current state was too appaling."Rank three beast phantom are not the rank four dragon-elephant phantom's match.""Fang Zheng might have all-out effort Gu, but he can only use one beast phantom at a time. On the contrary, Ju Kai Bei's habitual strength Gu is much better.""How could this be? All-out effort Gu is a legendary Gu but is actually inferior to the ordinary habitual strength Gu?" Someone shouted in surprise.Soon, someone explained: "This is not the problem of all-out effort Gu, but rather the problem lies in Fang Zheng. Fang Zheng has the strength of eight beasts in him; they are like a huge water jar but the outlet is only a small bamboo pipe. All-out effort Gu can let this small bamboo pipe discharge water in top speed; while habitual strength Gu is like a bucket that needs to draw water from the water jar. All-out effort Gu allows the continuous flow of a thin stream, while habitual strength Gu accumulates before erupting.""Brother Hei Tu…" Shang Xin Ci's heart jumped and she felt suffocated as she saw Fang Yuan's figure covered with dust.However, soon, the spectators saw a black figure slowly standing up from within the smoke."Three ribs have fractured, and there seems to be internal bleeding. Such a powerful attack…."Intense pain attacked Fang Yuan, but the corner of his lips instead rose into a smile.He had a steel willpower, what was this little bit of pain? What was this little bit of injuries?His battle intent rose with the pain like burning fire! His blood boiled like boiling water!"This type of battle is the most satisfying! It is only interesting when defeating such a strong enemy! Hehehe… hahaha!" Fang Yuan stood from within the dust with his head high and started laughing without restraint."What is Fang Zheng saying? He seems to be laughing?""Was his brain damaged by Ju Kai Bei?"Because of the barrier around the stage, the spectators could not hear clearly.Ju Kai Bei, who had an indifferent look since the start of the battle, had a change in his expression for the first time after he heard Fang Yuan's crazed laughter!"This kid…" His expression turned grim as he got a familiar as well as strange feeling from that laughter.With a little bit of thinking, he immediately realized.This was the aura of the demonic path!A killing intent as sharp as a knife, a crazed will to destroy the world, an arrogance that looked down on the world, a ruthlessness that trampled on all living things…This laughter seemed to have made Ju Kai Bei return to the past.That painful and unbearable past.He had to engage in slaughter almost every day as if walking alone in an endless darkness, with no one to talk to, an endless loneliness repressed into fear, the life of the demonic path that was worse than death…You must keep going forward and you must keep on winning. It was like walking on a steel rope between cliffs, your nerves stretched to the limits and you had no moment to relax. With just one loss, you could fall into the abyss, consigned to eternal damnation.Ju Kai Bei was fed up with such a life so he threw in his lot with Shang clan and became a hidden elder. These years, he felt like he was a person who had climbed ashore after struggling and almost drowning in the sea of bitterness.He was already standing on the shore, but Fang Yuan's laughter was like a tide making him look back at the sea of bitterness.This laughter evoked a trace of fear in Ju Kai Bei!I cannot go back to my past…I don't want to think about the past…I have turned over a new leaf, I have already begun a new life, I am already a member of the righteous path!Righteous could not coexist with demonic!Ju Kai Bei's face shook to reveal a sinister expression, he felt an extreme hatred towards Fang Yuan from the depths of his heart.Dragon travel tiger steps Gu!Ju Kai Bei took the initiative to attack, he took large strides like a tiger or dragon and charged into the dust.His every step was accompanied by the dragon's cry and tiger's roar.This was the rank four dragon travel tiger steps Gu and it allowed Ju Kai Bei to move rapidly. It was also similar to charging crash Gu and used the charging and crashing force to bring out Ju Kai Bei's stored strength.Ju Kai Bei charged fiercely into the dust, straight towards Fang Yuan.Howl!Dragon-elephant phantom appeared again.It was only one phantom and not two phantoms.However, this was enough to suppress Fang Yuan.Fang Yuan did not avoid it and took it head-on; stone turtle phantom soared behind him.The two fiercely collided.The collision created a fierce wind wave, blowing away the dust.Ju Kai Bei had a flabbergasted look as he retreated five steps; while Fang Yuan did not budge even a bit.There were only bewilderment outside the stage."What in the world is going on?" This scene was beyond almost everyone's expectations.It was the same stone turtle strength against dragon-elephant strength, but why was the result completely different?Ju Kai Bei gritted his teeth as he pounced forward again.Bang!A loud sound. He was sent flying by Fang Yuan like a sandbag before crashing onto the ground.He got up with difficulty and stared deadly at the space above Fang Yuan.In the air, brown bear phantom and boar phantom slowly disappeared."Using two beast phantom at once!""How is this possible?""This goes against common sense!"There were cries of surprise and alarm from the spectators.

Reverend Insanity


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Chapter 318. Fang Yuan vs Ju Kai Bei (2) | Reverend Insanity

"Two beast phantoms… my eyes did not deceive me, right?" Yan Tu's eyes were wide open."What Gu is he using to bring out two beast phantoms at the same time?" Ju Kai Bei's expression turned grave as he looked fixed at Fang Yuan. His pupils suddenly shrunk: "Come!"Vertical crash Gu!Fang Yuan's expression was emotionless and his eyes as dyed in a deep miasma. He charged towards Ju Kai Bei.At the same time, a horse and boar phantom appeared above his head.Boar strength increased the force of his charge while horse strength increased his speed instantaneously, making his charging speed even quicker.With the empowerment of two strengths, Fang Yuan seemed to have turned into a fierce boar charging with the speed of a raging horse; his figure quickly enlarged in Ju Kai Bei's eyes.Dragon travel tiger steps Gu!Facing Fang Yuan's powerful attack, Ju Kai Bei jumped along with the cry of a dragon and the roar of a tiger.This time, he dodged of his own accord and brushed past Fang Yuan.Vertical crash Gu's weakness was exposed, it could only charge in a straight line; the opponent could easily determine the direction and dodge, causing the attack to fail."Ju Kai Bei has taken the initiative to dodge!""He had always been attacking head-on and rarely dodged. Since the battle started, this is the first time he has dodged without tanking the hit.""Fang Zheng is able to bring out two beast phantoms at the same time while Ju Kai Bei's habitual strength Gu has to accumulate strength again, dodging is a sensible move.""Fang Zheng is still too inexperienced, although he has high quality Gu worms, his battle experience is far inferior to Ju Kai Bei. This attack was a wasted attempt… ugh."This spectator were still commenting when there was a sudden change in the stage.After Fang Yuan brushed past Ju Kai Bei, he suddenly stopped using all-out effort Gu. The two beast phantoms disappeared, his charging force immediately diminished as he smashed into a black stone pillar.As the black stone pillar collapsed, Fang Yuan's momentum stopped.Horizontal charge Gu!Fang Yuan turned his body and charged horizontally, his two arms attacking straight. Two large phantoms of brown bear and white elephant suddenly rose up.The distance was too close and Ju Kai Bei was caught unprepared; the attack hit him violently and sent his tall body flying!The person who had just evaluated Fang Yuan as 'too inexperienced' was tongue-tied.Many spectators' eyes brightened.Fang Yuan's attack seemed ordinary, but it involved many factors and was an exceptionally brilliant move.All-out effort Gu could unleash formidable offensive power when activated, it could also be revoked.The constant switch between activation and revoking let Fang Yuan move smoothly with great flexibility.At the same time, he used the terrain to stop his momentum.Ju Kai Bei was struck by Fang Yuan, not because he was not intelligent but because he was used to habitual strength Gu and his plentiful experiences instead created a blind spot in his thoughts.Fang Yuan charged again!Ju Kai Bei rose to resist, but Fang Yuan's two beast phantoms burst out like a crazed lion, the ferocious roar even caused the spectators' hearts to palpitate.Ju Kai Bei became a sandbag, left with no way to retaliate, he held his breath as he defended desperately."Heavens, Fang Zheng is merely rank three peak stage but is actually suppressing Ju Kai Bei!""Such an unimaginable scene is actually happening in front of my eyes.""All-out effort Gu is after all a legendary Gu, it is powerful and has marvelous uses, even rank four habitual strength Gu cannot compare to it!"Fang Zheng has already perfected the use of all-out effort Gu. He might not have plentiful experience, but his innate battle talent is enough to make up for everything else."The spectators were clamoring.Bam!Dust rose up, Ju Kai Bei's tower-like body was like a sack as he smashed through several thick black stone pillars.Cough!He again spurted out a mouthful of blood. He struggled to get up but Fang Yuan was already upon him and did not give him any chance to take a breather.He stomped on the ground; horse and green bull beast phantoms appeared at the same time.Ju Kai Bei rolled on the ground, dodging the attack in a sorry state.Fang Yuan's right leg stamped on the ground fiercely; a dull sound echoed, soil and stones split and flew, the whole battle stage seemed to be slightly shaking.A clear concaved depression appeared immediately below his legs.Vertical crash Gu!Fang Yuan charged, brown bear and white elephant phantoms simultaneously appeared."Damn it!" This time, Ju Kai Bei did not have enough time to dodge, he could only grit his teeth and raise his huge arms to resist.Howl! Howl!Behind him, two dragon-elephant phantoms suddenly appeared and rose to the air; Fang Yuan's brown bear and white elephant phantoms immediately paled in comparison.Fang Yuan strongly collided into Ju Kai Bei; Ju Kai Bei was only pushed back a little, while Fang Yuan himself was sent flying away.Two beast phantoms could suppress one dragon-elephant strength. However, Fang Yuan would lose against two dragon-elephant strength."Finally, two dragon-elephant strength came out…" Ju Kai Bei let out a breath of turbid air, he was shocked by Fang Yuan's violent strength. Only when two dragon-elephant strength burst out, did he reclaim his footing.Habitual strength Gu might be rank four but it was indeed inferior to all-out effort Gu.Ju Kai Bei had to continuously accumulate and increase his strength by activating habitual strength Gu, then summon the beast phantom. However, even he did not know when it would appear. If he attacked, and one dragon-elephant strength appeared, he would have to accumulate strength all over again which caused his battle strength to temporarily fall.Ju Kai Bei's strength was like a water jar and his habitual strength Gu was like a bucket, he needed to draw the water from it every time.In contrast, all-out effort Gu was a stream and could be used anytime, able to be unleashed whenever Fang Yuan willed. In fact, if Fang Yuan did not want to use it, he could even turn it off. With such a flexible use, Fang Yuan could advance or retreat, he could use to attack or move away quickly."If I was the one with all-out effort Gu… sigh ! Unfortunately, even if I win, Shang Yan Fei would not allow me to claim it." Ju Kai Bei felt regret.He had complete freedom when he was a demonic Gu Master and could do whatever he wanted. By submitting to the righteous path, he gained safety and stability, had enough resources, but he felt his hands and legs bound when doing things."If I choose the all-out effort Gu disregarding his orders, what would happen?"This thought was immediately dispelled the moment it appeared.If he really did that, it was no doubt offending Shang Yan Fei. Shang Yan Fei was not only a rank five expert, he also controlled Shang clan. If Ju Kai Bei disobeyed him, even if he escaped, his future would never be peaceful."Wait a moment! What am I thinking about, the crucial thing now is to defeat Fang Zheng!" Ju Kai Bei's gaze concentrated, activating dragon travel tiger steps Gu and attacking Fang Yuan.Fang Yuan spurted a mouthful of blood from the attack, his iron-like arm bones were fractured.The intense pain struck him, but Fang Yuan instead grinned and laughed.All-out effort Gu!Brown bear, white elephant and green bull; three phantoms burst out together!Even Ju Kai Bei could not help but stare with wide eyes, revealing a stupefied expression.What had just happened to Fang Yuan, happened to himself immediately after.Ju Kai Bei had thought of taking the chance to attack quickly and had taken the initiative to attack, but he was instead sent flying. There was a huge hole in the thick and solid ivory armor on his chest. He spurted out a huge amount of blood and smashed through the black stone pillars before collapsing on the ground, as a dust cloud appeared. Ju Kai Bei clenched his teeth as he hurriedly got up."Three beast phantoms!" The spectators were stupefied.The scene was extremely clear. Fang Yuan struck with three beast phantoms!"How did he do it?" Many spectators looked at each other."He had just attacked with two beast phantoms, but now there's three…" Many were speechless.But even more people already had guesses: "Could it be…"Ju Kai Bei stared at Fang Yuan fixedly as he squeezed out a name from his teeth: "Bitter strength Gu!"That's right, it was bitter strength Gu.Bitter strength Gu was a rank four Gu and was the perfect companion for strength path Gu Masters; the more injuries the Gu Master suffered, the greater the pain he felt, the more strength they could bring out.Naturally, there was a limit to the strength the Gu Master could display and it depended on the Gu Master's foundation.Fang Yuan possessed eight beast strength phantoms, the strength he contained was like a large water vat. All-out effort Gu was like a bamboo pipe that could be opened and closed at will and could continually draw water from the vat.Right now, as Fang Yuan suffered injuries and used bitter strength Gu, it was as if many holes appeared on the water vat. All-out effort Gu added in bamboo pipes to all these holes and allowed Fang Yuan to use them as he wished.Just with all-out effort Gu, Fang Yuan only had a single bamboo pipe to draw the water and thus could only use one beast phantom. But now, under the effects of his injuries and the bitter strength Gu, it was like adding two new outlets to the water vat.Thus, when Fang Yuan used all-out effort Gu now, he could simultaneously use three beast phantoms."To think he has a bitter strength Gu! Didn't Shang Ya Zi buy this Gu in the auction? Is this bitter strength Gu the one Shang Ya Zi owned?" Yan Tu guessed the answer.His eyes narrowed and his expression was unprecedentedly solemn."If the bitter strength in Fang Zheng's hand is not Shang Ya Zi's, then he no doubt toyed with Shang Ya Zi in the auction. But if this bitter strength Gu was the one Shang Ya Zi bought, then the situation is terrifying! Shang Ya Zi had been ousted from his young master position not long ago because of false accounting with Fang Zheng. Maybe this bitter strength Gu is the fruit of Fang Zheng's victory! This kid is not simple. Brother Ju, you have to be careful…"Yan Tu could not help but worry about Ju Kai Bei's situation.Ju Kai Bei only felt bitterness in his mouth.First, the all-out effort Gu, now the bitter strength Gu… these two Gu were both what he, Ju Kai Bei, yearned for everyday and had bitterly searched for them fruitlessly.However, Fang Yuan who was so young was holding both Gu, such luck caused this senior to become green with envy.With bitter strength Gu, the heavier the injuries Fang Yuan suffered, the more holes there would be on his water vat and he would also become stronger.In another words, every time Ju Kai Bei inflicted damage, he would instead be increasing Fang Yuan's battle strength.It was an unpleasant feeling. His mental endurance also took a hit, not wanting to fight with Fang Yuan anymore. The more Fang Yuan fought, the stronger he got; the heavier the injuries he suffered, the higher his strength. The most important thing was he possessed eight beast phantoms, if they all burst out together, even if Ju Kai Bei's three dragon-elephant appeared together, it would be useless.What lowered Ju Kai Bei's morale even more was that he knew Fang Yuan possessed a self-reliance Gu.Self-reliance Gu's healing effects was extremely potent towards Fang Yuan.Fang Yuan was being healed while suffering injuries, maintaining his strength at a terrifying level.All-out effort Gu, bitter strength Gu and self-reliance Gu; these three formed a tight combination, creating a secure and solid foundation.Reaching this step, the Gu set that Fang Yuan planned earlier had already reached initial success, forming the skeleton. Their effects were outstanding and even the rank four Ju Kai Bei was suffering from this combination.Fang Yuan had been in Shang clan city for over two years now, already accomplishing something most Gu Masters would not be able to accumulate even after spending most of their lives. Even a veteran like Ju Kai Bei was jealous and green-eyed.

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Chapter 319. Fang Yuan vs Ju Kai Bei (3) | Reverend Insanity

"Even if Fang Zheng has bitter strength Gu, the strength he can release is at most eight beast phantoms. Bitter strength Gu cannot raise his strength limitlessly.""Shang clan leader ordered me to not take all-out effort Gu, I can only choose this bitter strength Gu!" Ju Kai Bei's eyes brightened as he thought of this.Whether it was all-out effort Gu or bitter strength Gu, they were both extremely attractive to strength path Gu Masters."I still haven't lost! I am at rank four initial stage, I am superior in terms of primeval essence, and I also have my killer move."Ju Kai Bei possessed plentiful experience and was able to put his disorganized mind in order after pondering for a short period. He was invigorated and his low morale rose up.The two began exchanging moves again.The battle could not longer be described as intense; desperate was more suitable.The two punched and kicked one after another, attacking and defending.Ju Kai Bei's ivory armor was being broken continuously and while repairing itself. From time to time, he would spurt out mouthfuls of blood.Fang Yuan was also not much better, he was restraining self-reliance Gu which caused his whole body to be full of injuries and blood seeped out continuously, his bones fractured and endless pain continued to assault his mind like tides.The heavier the injuries he suffered, the stronger he got. Not long later, he could bring out five beast phantoms.Ju Kai Bei fell into a much more dangerous situation and was almost suppressed to the state where he could not even lift his head.This was something he had never experienced at the battle stage.Even Yan Tu was only his equal."Junior, you are too arrogant!" Ju Kai Bei furiously swept his arms.Three dragon-elephants!He suddenly erupted, as the enormous dragon-elephant phantom appeared behind him.Fang Yuan was sent flying.Three dragon-elephants could suppress five beast phantoms.Fang Yuan's arms were twisted due to the attack, they were completely fractured. His left arm was even folded into a right angle and the fractured bones were exposed with fresh blood flowing down.Fang Yuan clenched his teeth and endured the pain as he activated self-reliance Gu.Such injuries already affected his combat capability and he had to heal it.He first healed his right arm before twisting his left arm back to its proper state, forcefully joining the broken parts as he activated the self-reliance Gu.The broken bones began to grow again and join together. Then it was the pieces of flesh and finally the skin.During the healing process, Fang Yuan constantly evaded Ju Kai Bei's attacks using horizontal charge Gu and vertical crash Gu, contending with Ju Kai Bei by doing three tasks at once.When he attacked, he attacked fiercely with a domineering might. But when he dodged, it was a completely different style; he was calm and not flustered in the face of danger, like a slippery loach.He used the black stone forest terrain to his maximum advantage, so although Ju Kai Bei's dragon travel tiger steps Gu was faster than Fang Yuan, he could not catch Fang Yuan.After the healing was finished, Fang Yuan turned around and started attacking again.Time passed by, the battle situation became more desperate. Fang Yuan's phantoms gradually rose from five to six then seven until there were eight phantoms!At the start of the battle, there were spectators who commented and shouted from time to time, but as the match progressed, the audience had gotten silent.Fang Yuan and Ju Kai Bei's terrifying strength caused their hearts to feel cold and astonished."Too terrifying!""Such power, one can only imagine how flourishing the ancient strength path must have been.""If it was me, I would have already turned into meat paste no matter which one I fought among them."…The spectators were speechless but even more secretly felt admiration towards the unyielding spirit of Fang Yuan and Ju Kai Bei. These two were true warriors of steel.No one had predicted such a result.Fang Yuan was strong and after he brought out eight phantoms, he was suppressing Ju Kai Bei most of the time.However, Ju Kai Bei was not weak, his healing Gu was also quite outstanding. The combination of dragon guts Gu, dragon travel tiger steps Gu, and dragon-elephant Gu formed a resonance of Dao marks due to their similar law fragments; this greatly raised the probability of bringing out his dragon-elephant phantom.Sweat formed in Shang Xin Ci's clenched hands.Wei Yang's frown became deeper and was turning into a knot.He could see Fang Yuan was getting exhausted.Even Fang Yuan's iron body could not endure unleashing the strength of eight beast phantoms; sweat fell down his body like rain and his muscles were already aching and turning numb.There was another even greater danger.Being able to simultaneously summon eight phantoms signified his injuries were extremely severe and he was in danger.Fang Yuan was walking on a steel wire, if he was struck by Ju Kai Bei's three dragon-elephant phantoms, he might die from the attack!He was risking his life in battle!This was a battle of extremes.From start till now, it had already been over two hours.The match gradually reached the climax, the two had reached their limits; their attacks were clearly starting to slow down.However, the match was instead becoming more thrilling and even Bai Ning Bing's expression was solemn.The whole scene was silent, all the spectators were concentrating on the match.Ju Kai Bei finally lost his patience.He might be able to strike with three dragon-elephant strength, but it all depended on luck and there was no assurance.Sometimes, the phantoms came out at the wrong timing and Fang Yuan would easily dodge or resist it."Why has his primeval essence not been exhausted?"Even the rank four strength path Gu Master Ju Kai Bei did not have much primeval essence left at this stage.However, Fang Yuan, a rank three Gu Master, actually appeared to have abundant primeval essence and was very energetic."Could it be, he really has a heavenly essence treasure lotus?" Ju Kai Bei could not help but recall that secret letter sent by Shang Yan Fei."If Fang Zheng really has it, his luck is simply too heaven defying!" Ju Kai Bei gritted his teeth, the expected superiority in primeval essence did not exist, causing his fighting spirit to dampen.But the truth was, Fang Yuan not only had heavenly essence treasure lotus, but also blood skull Gu and four flavor liquor worm. If Ju Kai Bei knew this, his expression would definitely be spectacular."I can't lose! It seems I can only use my killer move!!" Ju Kai Bei made his decision.Dragon travel tiger steps Gu!He suddenly retreated and this unusual movement immediately attracted Fang Yuan's attention.However, Fang Yuan could not catch him.Dragon travel tiger steps was really fast, far surpassing horizontal charge Gu and vertical crash Gu. Even considering this terrain, it was disadvantageous to pursue him.Almost instantly, all the spectators gazed at Ju Kai Bei, many realizing something."This is bad…" Wei Yang's expression suddenly changed at this scene and he could not help but cry out in surprise."What is it?" Shang Xin Ci immediately looked at him."Ju Kai Bei is about to use his killer move! This match has finally reached the climax." Wei Yang's voice was deep and sweat seeped out of his forehead.He was extremely nervous as he explained hurriedly: "Ju Kai Bei's killer move has a flaw. If Fang Zheng can grasp this flaw, he could clinch victory! If not, I am afraid Ju Kai Bei will be the winner."Wei Yang had just finished speaking, when there was a change in the stage.Djinn heart Gu!Djinn body Gu!Djinn mind Gu!Three rank four Gu were simultaneously activated.Body, heart, and mind combined; essence, qi, and spirit merged!Ju Kai Bei's physique suddenly enlarged by three times, a white aura appeared around his body as if signifying the descent of a deity. Along with it, his domineering presence increased greatly.This was his killer move — Djinn transformation! It increased the Gu Master's strength by three times and even his mental energy was raised by three times.Gu Master consumed their mental energy to control Gu worms. If they overused it, their mind would feel sluggishness.But Ju Kai Bei's mental energy was raised now and he became energetic again.At the same time, his strength was increased by three times; three dragon-elephant strength became nine dragon-elephant strength!Once the nine dragon-elephant phantoms burst out, the eight beast phantoms would be crushed and Fang Yuan would certainly lose.Ju Kai Bei reached his strongest state.However, right at this moment, the ivory armor covering his whole body broke due to his size.Many defensive Gu could not be stretched with the user and ivory armor was one of them."At this moment, he is completely defenseless. His strongest moment is also his weakest! Quick, grab this single opportunity for victory!" Wei Yang's eyes widened as he mumbled with clenched fists.At another corner of the room, Bai Ning Bing's eyes also suddenly brightened.As if he heard Wei Yang's suggestion, Fang Yuan adopted a posture of attacking, but suddenly his movement stopped.The excited and happy look that had just appeared on Wei Yang's face froze."Strike!" He could not help but shout, his heart pulsed rapidly. Unfortunately, the barrier around the stage isolated sound; the spectators nearby casted strange glances at him.Fang Yuan did not move but calmly observed.The broken ivory armor was starting to grow, the new armor covered tightly around Ju Kai Bei's whole body.Fang Yuan's chance at victory was slipping and becoming indistinct.Wei Yang stomped his feet with anxiety but it was no use.He raised his head and heaved a long sigh: " Sigh , Fang Zheng lost, he lost his only chance…"Fang Yuan did not attack and that was quite a surprise to Ju Kai Bei. He had expected Fang Yuan to attack him, and had already made preparations for that, but Fang Yuan, however, made no such attempt.It was a real pity!Because, just earlier, he had activated hard qi Gu.Hard qi Gu turned into a ball of formless air covering his whole body. At that moment, he looked like he had no defense, but in truth his defense was extremely tight and solid like a boulder.He had covered up his greatest weakness with the hard qi Gu.If Fang Yuan had attacked, he was certain to meet with Ju Kai Bei's frontal assault and was likely going to lose.However, Fang Yuan did not move.Ju Kai Bei had even slowed down the regeneration speed of the ivory armor to entice Fang Yuan, but he did not move and quietly watched like a spectator."Did he detect it? Impossible. Hard qi Gu is formless. I got it just recently and have never used it before.""Hmph, since you are not attacking, then let me make the move." Bright rays exploded and flashed in Ju Kai Bei's eyes.Djinn transformation was a killer move created from using three rank four Gu; whether it was his yellow gold primeval essence or mental energy, they were both decreasing rapidly.Physical strength and mental energy were both increased by three times. But at the same time, the consumption was also increased by three times.Ju Kai Bei's djinn transformation could not be maintained for long.Dragon travel tiger steps!Ju Kai Bei charged at Fang Yuan.Horizontal charge, vertical crash!Fang Yuan retreated and avoided the attack.Ju Kai Bei was bewildered.Fang Yuan changed his style and suddenly retreated, was it to stall for time?Pointless!"My body is three times larger now and every step I take is three times as far. With dragon travel tiger steps Gu, my speed is even faster!" Ju Kai Bei scoffed inwardly.It was pointless even if Fang Yuan used the black stone forest terrain.By now, almost all the black stone pillars were destroyed. Moreover, djinn transformation could completely crush everything in its path; to the current Ju Kai Bei, the terrain was as flat as a pancake!

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Chapter 320. Tear through the sky | Reverend Insanity

Seeing that Fang Yuan about to be caught, Shang Xin Ci's heart tightened.Fang Yuan had severe injuries on him, if he was hit by Ju Kai Bei's nine dragon-elephant strength, it meant death! Right now, Ju Kai Bei was the oppressing one, if Fang Yuan was caught up in close combat, his situation would be dire.But unfortunately, Fang Yuan's movement speed was inferior to Ju Kai Bei. The only way out was if he had a strong long range attack to restrict Ju Kai Bei."Fang Zheng, you lost." Ju Kai Bei took big strides and approached, he knew Fang Yuan had a blood moon Gu, but such a weak attack could not stop him.An ordinary long range attack could not stop him at all. Even in the entire battle stage, only Yan Tu's Fire Sea Twin Dragon Kill could stop the assault of his Djinn Transformation."Fang Zheng is about to lose!""In the end, Ju Kai Bei is the victor of this battle.""Experience is still the deciding factor…"The people discussed outside the stage, the situation was extremely clear now."Sigh…" Wei Yang sighed deeply.Shang Xin Ci shut her eyes in pain.Even Bai Ning Bing's gaze dimmed."Hehehe." Yan Tu laughed lightly, once Fang Yuan lost, Shang Yan Fei's mission would be completed!Unless, Fang Yuan had a strong long range attack that could stop Ju Kai Bei's advancement.But…Strength path Gu Masters are mostly close range fighters, they had little to no long range methods, it was mostly situational techniques. This was a common weakness of strength path Gu Masters these days, a weakness easily exploited.Yan Tu and Ju Kai Bei had many intense battles, a portion of their battles relied on Yan Tu using long range attacks to restrict Ju Kai Bei, then winning by an extremely small margin.All other situations where Yan Tu failed to restrict Ju Kai Bei resulted in a loss after he got close.Close range, long range, it was the crux of battling a strength path Gu Master, in fact, it was the deciding factor in a battle!"It's over." Ju Kai Bei was already extremely close to Fang Yuan, as many people sighed.But at this moment, Fang Yuan's lips curled into a faint smile.His dark eerie eyes burst forth with a cold glare, it was time!Eight phantoms instantly appeared behind him.Next, he activated his Gu worm, and pointed with his finger.The snow silver primeval essence in his aperture fell drastically, over forty percent was expended in an instant!Some mystical change had occurred, the beast phantoms originally manifested from the Dao marks, had become more solid, turning from hollow to real.From a hollow phantom, they became solid phantoms!Boar, brown bear, crocodile, green bull, horse, stone turtle, white elephant, black python, with a loud roar, they descended from the sky, charging towards Ju Kai Bei.At this moment, everyone was stunned.Change had occurred so quickly, Ju Kai Bei could almost see Fang Yuan losing under the might of his fist. Yet at the next moment, the eight phantoms charged towards him, from all directions, encircling him!Wild boar charged, brown bear smacked, crocodile bit, green bull attacked with its horn, horse stomped, stone turtle suppressed, white elephant attacked with its tusks, and black python coiled!Bam, bam, bam…Howl, howl howl…Boom, boom, boom…The eight beast phantoms went into a frenzy, assaulting Ju Kai Bei ferociously.Smoke rose and rocks flew, Ju Kai Bei was pummelled by the eight great phantoms while being surrounded in the middle!Being attacked from all directions, Ju Kai Bei's giant body that was three times the original size, became a giant punching bag.His ivory armor could not take it anymore, breaking as the white fragments flew, at areas where it did not break, cracks appeared.Many people stared at this scene in shock, opening their eyes and mouths wide, speechless.There was almost a thousand Gu Masters watching this, yet no one said a word, as they observed the eight ferocious phantoms engulfing Ju Kai Bei.A moment later, the eight phantoms turned hollow again, as they vanished without a trace.The smoke dispersed, and Ju Kai Bei half kneeled on the ground, hugging his head as he breathed roughly."It's finally over?" He slowly lowered his arms, staring at Fang Yuan.Fang Yuan was holding two primeval stones, recovering his primeval essence as much as he could.He had A grade aptitude and the heavenly essence treasure lotus, now he multitasked, absorbing the essence from both primeval stones, his primeval essence had already recovered to seventy percent.Seeing this, Ju Kai Bei's eyes twitched.He loosened his tightly clenched teeth, throwing up blood and broken teeth fragments.Intense pain assaulted him from all parts of his body, causing him to feel dizzy as his ears buzzed.He was thrashed really badly."If I had not activated the ivory armor Gu so desperately, I might've fainted already…" Ju Kai Bei felt some afterfear, but because he did this, he did not have much yellow gold primeval essence left.He did not expect this change of event, when he thought of using the dragon travel tiger steps Gu to retreat, it was too late.The eight beast phantoms surrounded him and prevented him from getting away.Ju Kai Bei assessed, there was more than ten areas in his body where bones were broken. With such injuries, he could only choose to heal the important areas, as his primeval essence was running low.He had primeval stones on him as well, but he could not absorb the natural essence during battle.Fang Yuan would not give him the chance.To do so, he needed a good opportunity. Like earlier, when Ju Kai Bei was beaten till he was helpless, Fang Yuan had free time to use his primeval stones.Even so, Fang Yuan was taking a risk. He was doing two tasks at once, absorbing the essence from his primeval stones while controlling his beast phantoms, his control of his Gu was lowered during the period."What did I see earlier?""Unbelievable, the beast phantoms turned into solid attackers?""Since when did strength path Gu Masters become so strong? They had such a strong attack!"After a while, the spectators finally reacted, asking out in shock.Outside the battle stage, chaos ensued again.Shang Xin Ci stared with her eyes wide-open, shocked and overjoyed, brilliant light shone in her eyes."Good lad!" Wei Yang punched his fists, shouting excitedly.Although Bai Ning Bing was quiet, her eyes were shining with an eerie blue light."Able to turn the hollow beast phantoms into solid figures. Such a Gu worm, could it be?!" Yan Tu's expression was solemn, as he thought about the Gu that Ju Kai Bei desired for such a long time, and had constantly told him."What you used earlier, is it… strength qi Gu?" Ju Kai Bei slowly stood up, his voice was hoarse as a hint of bitterness could be heard.He did not attack, and Fang Yuan was happy about that as he absorbed the natural essence, saying: "You guessed right, it is the strength qi Gu."Ju Kai Bei blanked out for a bit before showing a complicated expression, containing envy, jealousy, helplessness, and bitterness."Strength qi Gu, strength qi Gu… hehe." He sighed as he raised his head.Ancient strength path Gu worms were nearly extinct. Whenever any news of them appeared, it would make Ju Kai Bei extremely interested. He had searched for many years, but to think that he would experience the strength of the strength qi Gu from this young Fang Yuan.Beast phantoms were the traces of Great Dao, hollow and immaterial, they could not attack directly.But, once a Gu Master had the strength qi Gu, the Gu Master can activate it and create the formless Qi of Strength.The beast phantoms leave Fang Yuan's bodies, and attach themselves to the qi of strength, gaining the ability to attack directly.After that qi vanishes, the beast phantoms would lose their host, and dissipate, returning to Fang Yuan's body.Fang Yuan's strength qi Gu, was the product of his closed door refinement.The main ingredient to create the strength qi Gu, was the rank four atmosphere Gu.When Fang Yuan saw it at the auction, he got the idea of buying it immediately.Atmosphere Gu, strength qi Gu, they were both qi path Gu. The laws in them were similar, thus, they could be converted to one another using refinement.This conversion recipe was extremely complex. Using more than twenty ingredients, to carry out reverse refinement, there were more than thirty steps in this. The heat and timing have to be controlled precisely, and there cannot be any errors. The success rate was not low though, it was more than eighty percent.Strength qi Gu, was only a rank three Gu.Fang Yuan spent many days and nights, staying in the secret room without any rest, using his rich experience and calm attitude to successfully refine the strength qi Gu.In his previous life, only after two hundred years did this recipe become popular among recipe masters, and become publicly known.As for now, the recipe master that created this was not even born yet. Of course nobody knew about it."There is no need to continue. I surrender." Knowing that Fang Yuan had the strength qi Gu, Ju Kai Bei lost his will to fight, surrendering.With this Gu, Fang Yuan had a strong long range attacking method.Close range, long range, being extremely strong at both. This was the way of the true ancient strength path!Ju Kai Bei could no longer get close to Fang Yuan, even if he used djinn transformation.In contrast, Fang Yuan had many ways to finish him. The attack of the eight phantoms, Ju Kai Bei did not want to experience it again.Of course, Ju Kai Bei knew the weakness of the strength qi Gu very clearly.It expended a lot of primeval essence, five percent of snow silver primeval essence was needed to contain one beast phantom.Eight beast phantoms would amount to forty percent.Even in Fang Yuan's peak state, having ninety percent primeval essence, he could only use this move twice.And this was only in theory.In a real battle, Fang Yuan needed to use his movement Gu, defense Gu, all-out effort Gu, and others, his primeval essence would be expended in more ways, and the number of times he could use the eight phantoms would only be once.Such a move could not be used easily, because of the great consumption, if it bore no results, the Gu Master would be weakening himself.Thus, Fang Yuan left it to the end.After Ju Kai Bei used djinn transformation, he relaxed his mind. Such an attitude was captured by Fang Yuan, thus he managed to injure him heavily.When Gu Masters battle, they use Gu worms, but the person himself was still the key.Once a person reveals a flaw, that would be the greatest loophole.At this time, the hosting Gu Master came up and announced the result."Ju Kai Bei admitted defeat?" Many people could not accept this."Fang Zheng really shot through the sky!""The world is changing, the world is changing!"Ju Kai Bei was called 'half the sky of the battle stage', but now this 'sky' could not contain Fang Yuan anymore.After this battle, Fang Yuan's reputation tore through the sky!

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